

Russian Financial Industry and National Economic Development in 1860—1917

【作者】 刘玮

【导师】 张广翔;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 俄国金融史,既是世界金融史的有机组成部分,同时又有别于欧、美国家金融业的发展历程,具有自己十分独特的特点。19世纪,是世界金融业发展的黄金时代,对于俄国来说,同样经历了新旧金融体系的历史变迁,战争、改革与国家现代化进程加速了俄国金融业的演变。1860—1917年是俄国金融业史上最重要的发展阶段,这期间的俄国社会与经济生活发生了许多重大的历史事件。本文以金融体系变迁为主线,并置于俄国资本主义发展大的历史背景下,进一步探索了金融业各阶段相关要素及环节的发展与演变情况,对1860年前俄国的信用关系、1860年国家银行的成立与金融体系的重建、货币制度及改革、圣彼得堡交易所的诞生与发展等做了历史性回顾,并对1861年农奴制废除后,以国家银行为核心的新金融体系为实现国家工业现代化而充分发挥职能作用加以分析和总结。可以说,俄国实现工业化的步伐伴随着国家银行及其他信贷机构的蓬勃发展,它们不仅数量多,而且提供的金融服务种类也日趋多样化。大改革后,俄国的金融体系实现了历史性跨越,金融体系日趋完善,资金配置和使用效率稳步提高。俄国政府不断加强银行、交易所法制建设的力度,一方面确保其合法权益,另一方面试图通过一定的法律框架对其实施有效的监管,根据经济运行状况适时调整货币信贷政策,稳定物价,为实现工业化和改革创造良好的环境,充分体现了政府对国家经济生活的积极干预以及对信贷机构的严加控制。本文共分六个部分:绪论简要论述了本选题的历史意义及现实意义,并对国内外研究现状进行了综述,阐明了本文的研究方法、研究思路以及创新与不足之处。第一章追溯了1860年前俄国信用关系与早期官办银行体系的形成过程。俄国银行体系的形成大大晚于欧洲。最早的信贷机构产生于18世纪中期,1754年成立了贵族贷款银行和商人贷款银行,1769年,在莫斯科和彼得堡分别开设了银行以兑换纸币,1786年,上述两家银行合并成立了国家纸币发行银行,同年,还成立了专门向贵族提供长期贷款的国家贷款银行,1817年创办了国家商业银行,为工商业、贸易融资以推动其发展。此外,还有宫廷银行家以及一些与国际金融界往来密切的私人银行为商业贸易提供信贷服务并负责涉外金融交易。这一时期的银行大有“朝廷御用”的意味,俄国经济史专家称之为“官办银行”。在近一个世纪的发展历程中,国内经济生活不断地发展变化,因而金融业也在不断地做出相应调整,以适应国内外新经济形势的需求。第二章涉及国家银行与金融体系重建的问题。19世纪50年代末至60年代初是俄国大刀阔斧的改革时期,它给国家的金融体系带来了巨大变化。应运而生的国家银行承载着振兴民族经济、提升商业贸易流通额,调整、确立并巩固货币流通和金融体系的历史使命,是政府和财政部经济政策、金融政策的贯彻者和执行者,由全国最大一家商业银行、发行银行到20世纪初成长为俄国真正的“银行之母”。可以说,俄国资本主义的发展历程伴随着国家新金融体系的建立与蓬勃发展,信贷机构不仅数量多,而且呈阶梯、网络式分布,为国家经济建设、为社会不同阶层的人士提供多样化的融资信贷服务。第三章题为货币制度的演变。本章简要回顾了16世纪以来俄国历次重要的币制改革史,对历史上的货币制度及其改革特点做了分析,对不同时期俄国的货币政策以及各位财政大臣为之付出的努力进行总结性的论述。频繁的对外战争,大肆扩张领土是俄国历史演进的显著特点之一。战争消耗了大量的财力,国家预算经常处于赤字状态,货币严重贬值,政府根据经济运行状况不断调整货币信贷政策,实施战时通货膨胀后的货币改革,稳定币值和物价,以便为国家经济发展创造良好环境。第四章着重论述银行资本投资与国家经济建设的相关问题。革命前的50余年时间里,俄国金融业随着国内经济的增长而不断地向前发展壮大,银行网络建设已成规模,各级各类银行和信贷机构积极融入国家经济现代化的浪潮中,为国民经济各部门提供融资信贷服务,充分发挥职能作用。国家银行与不动产抵押贷款银行为地主、农民以及城市居民提供低息优惠的长期贷款,满足了他们对资金的需求。国家银行还大力扶持农需工业以及粮食贸易,对此给予了一定倾斜政策。此外,依靠不断注入的国库资金以及自有资金,国家银行直接为工业现代化大规模地融通资金,拓宽信贷渠道,并大力提供资金扶持股份商业银行等开展业务,进入20世纪,国家银行已作为俄国的中央银行而发挥职能作用。在铁路建设方面,股份商业银行功不可没。它们积极参与铁路债券的发行配售工作,向私人铁路公司提供周转资金。俄国政府和西方大银行家以及银行的密切联系可以追溯到18世纪。19世纪下半期以来,随着俄国工业化的推进,这种联系愈加紧密,历任财政大臣不懈努力,外国资本以贷款等形式源源不断地流入俄国,其中股份商业银行起到了重要的桥梁作用。第五章是关于俄国交易所的建立与发展问题。俄国交易所的发展史源于彼得大帝在1703年颁布的一项命令,即仿照当时欧洲最为著名的阿姆斯特丹交易所在俄国新都开立第一家俄国交易所。从1703年到1913年2个多世纪的时间里,俄国共成立了大约90家的商品交易所,这些交易所主要从事商品贸易。有别于欧洲国家,圣彼得堡交易所的期货交易尚不够发达。除商品交易外,圣彼得堡、莫斯科、敖德萨等交易所还从事有价证券业务,但是这一点仍然与西欧有着很大差别。实际上,俄国并不存在专业的证券交易所,只是在1900年,国家重新立法,对圣彼得堡交易所进行改革,拥有了开放式的有价证券部并处在财政部的严格监管下。不过,从19世纪中期开始,私人股份公司和银行有价证券的投机交易在俄国获得相当规模的发展,19世纪末开始的经济大增长年代使俄国交易所具有了投机的性质。鉴于俄国政府在过去与今天的国家经济生活中所起的重要作用,笔者认为,本论文从事的研究工作顺应时代要求。对1860—1917年这一历史时期俄国银行制度渐进演化的回顾有助于我们理解俄罗斯今天金融领域的变革,这也是本文研究的现实意义所在。本文的创新之处:到目前为止,国内多数人都停留在解体后俄罗斯的金融改革和信贷政策、金融体系的重组与变革、资本市场的建立与发展、银行立法以及对经济增长的作用等问题的研究上,对于帝俄时期金融业的发展状况及对国家经济的影响少有关注,考虑到历史的沿革,笔者认为,本论文不仅具有一定现实意义,更是对国内这一学术领域做出的有益补充。

【Abstract】 The history of the Russian Finance is an integral part of the history of the World Finance, it has its own characteristics that are different from the development process of European and American Finance. The 19th century was the golden age of the World Finance Development. Equally, Russia had undergone historic transition of its finance system. War, reform and modernization had accelerated the evolution of the Russian Finance Industry。In the history of the Russian Finance Industry ,the most important stage of development is from 1860 to 1917, during which Russia had experienced many significant historical events in social and economic life. The Russian banking transition is regarded the cardinal line of this paper. The paper explores the development and evolution of the banking sector in various historical stages in the context in which Russian capitalism was developing fast.The credit relationship in Russian before 1860, the establishment of the National Bank and the Reconstruction of financial system in 1860, the monetary system and its reformation, the birth and development of St. Petersburg Stock Exchange are surveyed historically in this paper. After the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the functions for the national industrialization played by the new national bank—centered financial system are carefully analyzed. It can be said that the Russian industrialization nourished by diversified financial services provided by national banks and its credit institutions was flourishing. After the abolition of serfdom Russia’s financial system achieved a historic leap, the financial system was improved; the efficiency of capital allocation and use had improved steadily. Russian government constantly adjusted its credit policy according to the economic situation, stabilized prices, and adjusted its policy context in which its industrialization and reform were executed. This fully reflects the government’s active intervention in national economic life and the strict control of credit institutions.The paper is divided into six parts:The introduction gives a brief discussion on the historic and practical significance of the selected topic, introduces the study situation at home and abroad, and elaborates the research methods and thoughts, innovation and deficiencies of the paper.The first chapter discusses the forming process of Russian credit relations before 1860 and early official bank system. Russian bank system formed greatly later than European. The earliest credit system appeared in mid—18th century. In 1754, noble loading bank and merchant loading bank were established. In 1769,banks were opened in Moscow and Petersburg separately to exchange paper bank. In 1786, these banks were merged into national bank of circulation, and at the same year, a national loan bank was specially established to offer long—term loan to the noble. In 1817, national commercial bank was found to promote the development of industry and commerce, and trade finance. Also, palace bankers and private bankers who had close contact with the international financial community were in charged of financial transaction concerning foreign affairs, and they also offered credit services for commercial trade. Banks during this period might be used as“Queen’s Court”, and the Russian experts in economic history call it as“official bank”.In the developing process of nearly one century, with the development and change of domestic economic life, there were many changes in the bank sector to meet the requirements of new economic situation at home and abroad.The second chapter concerns the rebuilding of national banks and the financial system. The period from the end of 1950s to the beginning of 1960s was a time for great reform in Russian, which brought dramatic change to the national financial system. In such histical background, national bank came into being, which undertook the histical mission of revitalizing natioanl economics, increasing the amount of circulation in commerce and trade, regulating, establishing and strengthening the currency circulation and bank sector. The national bank also was the executor of economic policy and financial policy of the government and ministry of finance. It was the biggest nationwide bank of circulation and commercial bank and grew to the real“mother of banks”in Russian till early 20th century. So to speak, capitalistic development history in Russian was accompanied by the flourishing development of new national financial system. Not only the number of credit institution increased, but the distribution of credit institution became presented in a form of ladder and network. So the credit institution could offer diversified credit services for people in different social strata and for the national economic construction. The third chapter is under the title of the evolution of the monetary system. This chapter gives a brief observation of the most important reforms of the monetary system in Russian history since 16th century, an analysis to the historical monetary system and reform features, a summative discussion on Russian monetary system and the efforts made by every Chancellor of the Exchequers during different periods. One of the outstanding features in the historical evolution of Russia is the frequent external wars aimed to expand territory wantonly. These wars consumed vast amounts of money, which generated the constant deficit in national budget and serious devaluation. So the government had to adjust monetary and credit policy according to the economic situation, to implement monetary reform after inflation during war time, to stabilize currency value and price of commodities, so as to create a favorable environment for national economic development.The fourth chapter focuses on related issues about bank capital investment and national economic construction. Over 50 years before the October Revolution broke out, Russian Finance Industry constantly grew and moved forward with domestic economic growth. The construction of the bank network had taken shape, and various types of banks and credit institutions actively joined in the wave of national economic modernization to offer financing and credit service to each national economic department, with full play of their functions. National bank and the real estate mortgage bank offered long—term loan with favorable low interest to landlord, peasants and citizens, which met their needs for capital. The national bank also spent great efforts to support agriculture needs, industry and grain trade with certain preferential policies. Besides, relying on continuous inflow of treasury fund and own funds, the national bank directly circulated necessary funds for industry modernization in large scale, broadened access to credit, and vigorously provided capital to support stock commercial bank and others to do business. Entering the 20th century, the national bank had played its function as a central bank. Stock commercial banks also contribute a lot in railway construction. They actively took part in the issue and ration of railroadbond to provide working capital to private railway companies. The close contact among Russian government, western Big bankers and banks can be traced back to 18th century. From the second half of 19th century, this contact became more close as the advance of Russian industrialization. Under the unremitting endeavor of successive chancellor of the exchequers, foreign capital continually inflowed in Russian in the form of loan and other forms. During these processes, stock commercial banks played an important role as a bridge.The fifth chapter is about the establishment and development of Russian financial market. As has been pointed out, the history of Russian exchange originated from an order issued by Peter the Great in 1703, the content of which was to open the first Russian exchange modeled after the most famous Amsterdam exchange at that time in Europe. Up to 1913, there were about 90 commodity exchanges in Russia which were mainly engaged in merchandise trade. Different from the European countries, futures exchange in Petersburg exchange was less developed. There were also securities businesses in Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa, which was also different from the European countries. In fact, in Russia there was no professional securities exchange at that time. Only in 1900, the national legislation was renewed to reform the Petersburg Exchange, so securities business of open type came into being which was under strict supervision of ministry of finance. And from mid—19th century, speculation in securities in private companies and banks gained great development in large scale in Russia. Big economic growth which began at the end of 19th century gave speculative property to Russian exchange.Taking into account the important parts played by the Russian government, it can be assumed that the research work in this paper comply with requirements of the times. It will help us understand today’s financial reform in Russia by retrospect of the historical evolution of 1860—1917 in the Russian banking system, which is also the practical significance of this study.Innovation of this paper: So far, most studies are on Russia’s financial reform and credit policy, banking system restructuring and reform, the establishment and development of capital markets, banking legislation and the role of economic growth after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The development of the banking sector during the period of imperialist Russia is rarely paid attention to. Taking into account the history issue, it can be said that this paper not only has a practical significance, but make a useful complement to the domestic academic field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F535.12;K512.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】464
  • 攻读期成果

