

The Study on the Problems of Economic Cooperation and Development among Arab Gulf Countries

【作者】 艾哈迈德·沙里门

【导师】 吴宇晖;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 西方经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文从经济学角度研究了海湾合作委员会的重要性及其对海湾国家经济的促进作用,通过分析海湾地区和海湾六国的经济概况以及海湾合作委员会的概况,研究了海和会成立前海湾国家经济发展的历史与海和会成立后海湾国家的经济发展现状、海湾国家同其他国家的贸易往来关系以及海和会对海湾国家经济的促进作用和实施的具体措施,并在此基础之上,提出了海湾合作委员会应对未来机遇与挑战的具体对策与建议。全文一共分为七章。第一章是导论部分,主要介绍了论文的选题背景、研究意义以及国内外研究现状、论文的创新与不足以及论文的写作思路和结构。在这一章里主要介绍了外国研究综述:英国经济学家对2020年GCC经济发展的研究综述以及当代阿拉伯研究中心客座副教授费朗索瓦·塞内克对海湾国家自由市场和自由选举制度的研究综述。另外介绍了相关的中国研究综述,主要有江西财经大学国际经贸学院副教授吴朝阳的《区域经济一体化的组织经济学分析》,对发达国家间区域经济一体化以及欠发达国家间区域经济一体化进行的实证研究等。第二章开始进入论文的本论部分,第二章主要是对区域经济一体化理论的研究,分别研究了区域经济发展理论、区域产业结构理论以及区域分工理论和区域经济联系理论。其中,区域经济发展理论包括积累因果关系理论、区域可持续发展理论、梯度推移理论以及区域经济不平衡发展理论;区域产业结构理论包括区域经济专业化理论、主、辅产业及基础产业协调发展理论、雁行理论以及二元经济模型理论;在区域分工理论里主要研究了斯密与李嘉图的区域分工理论、动态比较费用论以及俄林的价格差异学说;在区域经济联系理论中研究了地区经济一体化循环理论、区域经济系统论以及区域发展和相互依赖理论。这四个区域经济一体化的理论都非常重要,每个理论都对区域经济组织产生重要的作用,同时,这些理论的研究也为下文海湾国家合作委员会的作用以及海外合作委员会面对未来挑战应该实施的对策的研究提供了一定的基础和铺垫。第三章对海湾国家经济以及海湾合作委员会进行了简单的介绍,分别介绍了海湾地区状况以及海湾国家阿联酋、沙特、阿曼、卡塔尔、巴林和科威特六国概要及其经济的发展特点和总体状况,海湾六国的经济发展各有特色,但也有形同之处,主要是海湾六国都已发展能源为主要经济增长方式,除此之外还有旅游服务业以及餐饮业和银行夜灯。另外,在这一章里介绍了海湾合作委员会的状况,海湾合作委员会简称海合会,英文简称GCC,全称海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会,1981年5月成立于阿联酋阿布扎比。同时,还研究了海湾合作委员会的重要机构组织由最高理事会、部长理事会、总秘书处、各专门委员会和海湾合作委员会咨询机构构成。并介绍了其主要职能。除此之外,还介绍了海湾合作委员会自成立以来分别在经济方面、政治方面、外交方面以及安全方面取得的重要成果。第四章里按照时间的先后顺序分为三个阶段,分析了海湾国家经济发展的历史与现状,分别研究了海湾合作委员会成立前的经济发展状况、海合会成立到海湾危机发生时的经济发展状况以及海湾战争时海湾国家经济的发展状况。海湾合作委员会成立前海湾六国的经济十分落后,经济模式单一,后来海湾国家经济起步从石油开采开始,六国经济逐渐有所发展。海湾合作委员会成立到海湾危机发生时的经济发展有了一定的提高,在政治外交方面也开始逐渐开放,实现了与一些国家的政治、经济往来,但是世界经济局势动荡不定,各地区经济一体化向纵深推进,这也更加体现出了海湾合作委员会的意义。海湾战争时海湾国家经济的发展一度受到严重的打击,但在海湾合作委员会的重大决策之下,以及由于海湾地区丰富的石油资源,使得海湾国家经济状况不断得到了提高,并且开始了迅速地发展。在这一章里还分析了海湾战争后的海湾合作委员会与经济发展及其存在的安全问题以及经济模式单一等问题,并且探讨了经济一体化以及统一货币等解决对策。第五章主要研究了海湾合作委员会与其他经济合作组织及国家、地区的合作状况,主要分析了海湾合作委员会6国与美国的经贸关系,长期以来,海湾国家与世界上唯一的超级大国美国关系颇为密切,是美国在中东和阿拉伯国家中难得的“铁哥们”,也一直在国际事务中对美国“惟马首是瞻”。另外,还分析了海湾合作委员会6国与欧盟的经贸关系,中东是欧盟的“大周边”,而海湾合作委员会在整个中东地区占据极其重要的战屡地位。欧盟对海湾合作委员会的政策一直是欧盟对外关系中一个重要的组成部分。欧盟与美国在海湾合作委员会各国的各个领域既合作,又竞争,且争夺日趋激烈。同时,这一章节还分析了海湾合作委员会6国与埃及的经贸关系关系、海湾合作委员会6国与中国的经贸关系以及海湾6国与其他阿拉伯国家的经贸关系。海湾合作委员会6国与埃及的经贸关系关系都是根据双方签订的经济贸易协议进行的。在阿拉伯世界,埃及是一个最主要的国家,具有突出的重要地位,在促进阿拉伯国家的团结事业上,曾经发挥过有力的作用。海湾合作委员会6国与中国的经贸关系主要是近年来发展较快,近几年,中国与海湾合作委员会6国的进出口贸易增长较快,是6国继欧盟、日本、美国之后的第四大贸易伙伴。第六章里主要研究了海湾合作委员会对海湾国家经济发展的促进作用,海湾合作委员会自成立以来主要作用是加速了经济一体化以及建立了自由贸易区,这帮助了海湾国家中小企业从海湾国家经济的丰富资金中获益,同时这也有助于国内生产的多元化,创造更多的国内就业机会。同时,海湾合作委员会还发展了自由经济模式、制定多项规章制度以及成立了多个经济技术合作联合机构,包括海湾投资机构;海湾合作委员会国家规格标准署;商业仲裁中心等。这些贡献的作出使海湾合作委员会各国的GDP迅速增长,同时,也扩大了对外贸易市场、提高了产品的科学技术。但海湾国家依然缺乏高新技术产品的出口,在这一章里还对高新技术产品出口的制约因素进行了探讨,主要问题在于自主创新能力欠缺、融资渠道不完善以及国际营销能力欠缺。同时,本章还提出了促进高新技术产品出口的政策及策略,主要有培育资本市场,改善融资环境、鼓励高新技术企业积极吸引外资和从国际资本市场上融资、创新国际营销理念、加强合作,提高企业自主创新能力以及利用主权基金参与国际金融市场等措施。第七章分析了海湾合作委员会面对未来挑战的战略与对策,首先应该着眼全球,实施积极政策,这主要体现在实施统一的对外经济发展策略,对外投资出现东移势头,推动经济体制转型,加强能源方面合作以及积极开展多边对外经贸合作关系。其次,海湾国家进一步引进了先进科学技术,发展先进科学生产力以及先进的炼油技术,其次制定各自的核能和其他新兴能源的开发计划,海湾合作委员会国家还应该实行开发新能源计划,海湾合作委员会国家应该为节省不可再生能源而未雨绸缪,这主要体现在海湾合作委员会应该为能源计划拨出预算专款,用于设计、建造并管理和运行能源项目的实施。除此之外,核能开发要公开透明且需要引进雄厚的资金支持,这就要求海湾国家大力提高引资力度,从各方面改善投资环境。另外,还要引进优秀的复合型人才,各海湾国家石油项目需要的人员不仅要有一定的外语水平,还要懂得石油专业知识及国际贸易知识,这样才能准确地和外方沟通,将不同文字资料翻译成阿拉伯语或者是英语。除此之外,海湾国家还应该注重资源开发以及加强国际间的合作,国际和区域组织保持着密切的联系。最后是论文的结论部分,对整篇论文的内容进行了概括总结。

【Abstract】 This thesis studied the importance of Gulf Cooperation Council and its role in promoting the economic development of Gulf countries from the perspective of economics. By analyzing the Gulf region and the GCC countries Economy, the history of the Gulf country’s economic development before the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation Council, status of economic development in the Gulf States after the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation Council, trade relations among Gulf States and other countries and Gulf Cooperation Council’s role and the implementation of specific measures of promoting the economic development of Gulf countries were studied. After that, some specific measures and suggestions of how to respond to future opportunities and challenges for Gulf Cooperation Council were proposed. The thesis was divided into seven chapters.The first chapter was the introduction which presented the research background, significance, current research status of this subject and the innovation, deficiency, structure of this thesis. In this chapter, we introduced the review of GCC economic development by British economists and the review of Gulf countries’system of free markets and free elections. As for the reviews by Chinese scholars, we introduced Professor Wu Zhaoyang’s work, Analysis on regional economic integration in the perspective of organization economics, and the empirical study of regional economic integration among developed countries and less developed countries.The second chapter began to discuss the theory of regional economic integration. The theory of regional economic development, regional industrial structure, regional division of labor and regional economic linkage were studied. The theory of regional economic development included cumulative causation model, regional sustainable development theory, gradient theory and the theory of imbalance development of regional economy. The theory of regional industrial structure included the theory of regional economic specialization, the theory of coordinated development of primary, secondary and basic industries, flying geese theory and dual economy model. Adam Smith and David Ricardo’s regional division of labor theory, dynamic theory of comparative costs and Bertil Ohlin’s theory of price differences were discussed in the section of the theory of regional division of labor. And the theory of regional economic linkage included cycle theory of regional economic integration, the theory of regional economic system and the regional development and interdependence theory. All these four kind of regional economic integration theories are very important, since each of them has a major impact on regional economic organizations. At the same time, the study of these theories provided a foundation for the following research of Gulf Cooperation Council’s role and the suggestions of how to respond to future opportunities and challenges for Gulf Cooperation Council.The third chapter was a brief introduction of Gulf economies and Gulf Cooperation Council, which introduced the characteristics and overall conditions of economic development of the Gulf States, namely United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. The economic development of these GCC Countries has their own characteristics as well as some similarities. They have all developed a major economic growth pattern based on energy industry, tourism and hospitality industry, banking and so on. In addition, this chapter introduced the status of GCC, namely Gulf Cooperation Council that was established in Abu Dhabi in May 1981. The institutions and organizations as well as the main functions of Gulf Cooperation Council were studied too. Important achievements of aspects of economic, political, diplomatic, and security after the establishment of GCC were also discussed in this chapter.The fourth chapter was arranged in three parts in chronological order to study the past and present of GCC Countries’economic development. The economic developments before the establishment of GCC, between the establishment of GCC and the Gulf crisis, and during the Gulf War were studied respectively. Before the establishment of GCC, the economies of GCC Countries were lagging behind with a single economic development pattern. Between the establishment of GCC and the Gulf crisis, GCC Countries’economies improved to some extent, meanwhile their political and diplomatic situations were gradually opening up. With the instability of the world economy and the promotion of regional economic integration, the importance of GCC was reflected increasingly. GCC Countries’economies were once seriously affected during the Gulf War. But with the informed decisions of GCC and the rich oil resources, GCC Countries’economies recovered rapidly. The GCC Countries’economic development and the problems of security and single economic development pattern after the Gulf War were also discussed in this chapter, as well as the solution of economic integration and single currency.Chapter five studied the cooperation of Gulf Cooperation Council and other economic cooperation organization, countries and regions. As for the trade relationship between GCC Countries and United States, for a long time, Gulf States were quite close with the world’s only superpower, were the rare‘good buddy’of the United States among the Middle East and Arab countries, and always followed the lead of USA in dealing the international affairs. As for the trade relationship between GCC Countries and European Union, Middle East were the periphery of EU, and GCC holds an extremely important strategic position in the entire Middle East region, the EU’s policy of GCC is an important part of EU external relations. In a word, the relationship between EU, USA and the GCC Countries were both cooperation and competition in all fields. This chapter also discussed the trade relations between GCC countries and Egypt, GCC countries and China, GCC countries and other Arab countries and so on. The trade relations between GCC countries and Egypt were carried on under the economic and trade agreements signed by both sides. The trade relations between GCC countries and China developed rapidly in recent years, especially the import and export trade. China has become the fourth largest trading partner of GCC countries following the European Union, Japan, and United States.GCC’s role in promoting the economic development of the Gulf States was studied in chapter six. Since its establishment, the major role of GCC was to accelerate the economic integration process and establish the free trade zone, which help the SMEs in the Gulf States to benefit from funds of rich Gulf countries, meanwhile contribute to the diversification of domestic production and create more domestic employment opportunities. GCC also developed a liberal economic model, lay down a number of rules and regulations and established several economic and technical cooperation agencies, including Gulf investment agencies, the department of specifications of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, commercial arbitration center and so on. These contributions lead to the rapid growth of GDP of GCC Countries, the expansion of foreign trade market and the improvement of the technological content of products. But Gulf States still lack high-tech exports, and the reason of which was discussed in this chapter too. The policies and strategies for promoting high-tech exports, such as improving the capital market and the financing environment, encouraging high-tech enterprises to attract foreign investment actively, finance from international capital markets and so on were later proposed.The last chapter discussed the specific measures and suggestions of how to respond to future opportunities and challenges for Gulf Cooperation Council. The author proposed some suggestions as follows. First of all, GCC should focus on the whole world, implement some active policies, such as implementation of unified economic development strategy, eastward shift of foreign investment, carrying forward the economic system transformation, strengthen energy cooperation and carrying out multilateral foreign economic and trade cooperation actively. Secondly, GCC Countries should introduce advanced science and technology further, develop advanced refining technology and their own nuclear and other emerging energy development plan, plan ahead to save non-renewable energy, allocate special funds as the budget of energy development plan to design, build and manage the implementation and operation of energy projects. In addition, GCC Countries should introduce outstanding compound talent, since the personnel needed by the energy and oil projects not only must acquire a certain amount of foreign language skills, but also master the oil expertise and knowledge of international trade so as to communicate and translate accurately. Other than that, international co-operation should be strengthened and the close contact among international and regional organizations should be kept. The last part was the conclusion that summarized the whole thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F114.46
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】653

