

Study on Subjectivity of "ba" in Modern Chinese

【作者】 李青

【导师】 柳英绿;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文共分七章。第一章绪论。主要论述把字句主观性研究现状、选题依据、研究方法、研究思路及语料来源等。第二章本文的理论框架。首先介绍主观性和主观化理论。认为“语言的主观性”是指言语主体在说出一段话的同时表达他的评价、态度和情感,主要表现在“情感”“视角”“认识”上。而“主观化”则是表达主观性的手段。主观性的表现手段可以分为:隐型手段和显形手段,其中词汇手段是重要的表现手段。其次,探讨和把字句主观性有关的问题。主要探讨三个问题:①把字句主观性的论证。通过把字句和一般动宾句、“使”字句、“被”字句比较、把字句常出现的语体及修辞格来论证把字句的主观性。②把字句主观性的鉴别。通过对出现助词“给”的把字句的意义及“给”后动词的语义特点的考察,来论证“给”的主观标记性。③把字句的主观表现。把字句的主观性主要体现在“情感”、“视角”“认识”上。其中,“情感”体现在对处置对象的“移情”;“视角”主要体现在对主观量的判定上;“认识”主要体现在对把字句语法意义的认识和因果关系的判别上。第三章主要探讨把字句中,谓语动词和补语所体现的主观性。谓语动词主要探讨非自主动词(少数自主动词)、心理动词、认定类动词所体现的主观性。因其自身蕴涵着动作的遭受性、心理感受性以及主观认定性,这些动词都是强主观性动词,自身蕴涵着说话人的情感。补语主要探讨结果补语、程度补语所体现的主观性。动作的结果有的和说话人心理预期是一致的,有的是不一致的。那些和人的预期结果一致的现实结果,人们习以为常,不会感到意外;那些和人的预期结果不一致的现实结果,人们就会感到意外。程度补语也是一样,当程度量大大超过心理预期的时候,人们就会感到意外。第四章主要从状语的角度探讨把字句的主观性。首先根据刘月华的分类,把状语分为限制性状语和描写性状语,并分别探讨它们在把字句中所体现的主观性。限制性状语主要探讨时间状语、程度状语和范围状语。限定性状语的主观性主要和主观量有关,在时间上,表现为主观时间量;在程度上,表现为主观程度量;在范围上,表现为主观范围量。描写性状语可分为描写动作本身和描写施事者。描写动作本身主要指表动作的量、动作的程度、动作的方式、动作的情态、动作的评价。它们分别表现为主观量和主观情态。一般由重叠形式、对称结构充任。描写施事者主要从施事者态度、心情、表情、状态、心理意识等方面进行描写。这些状语可以从积极的角度,也可以是消极的角度。因而,由这些语言形式作状语的把字句具有强烈的主观性。第五章主要从语气副词的角度探讨把字句的主观性。首先回顾了人们对语气词的认识过程,语气和情态的关系,语气的界定标准以及本文对语气的界定。接着按时贤对语气副词的分类,选出九类语气副词,分别描写其对把字句主观性的影响。这九个类别分别是:“诧异”类、“侥幸”类、“意愿”类、“逆转”类、“巧合”类、“强调”类、“婉转”类、“料定”类、“领悟”类。语气副词是表达主观性的重要手段,能够进入把字句的语气副词,可以表达①说话人的主观期待;②说话人的主观意愿;③说话人的主观态度。这些语气副词之所以能进入到把字句,是和把字句的强主观性相一致的。第六章主要探讨特殊把字句的主观性。首先简单回顾特殊把字句的研究。然后根据时贤的分类,把特殊把字句分为:“我把你这个NP!”类和“把+个+NP+VC”类。接着,分别探讨两类特殊把字句的主观性。对于“我把你这个NP!”的主观性研究,主要从以下几方面来进行:①从语用意义看“我把你这个NP!”的主观性。②从对“NP”的要求看“我把你这个NP!”的主观性。③“我把你这个NP!”句产生的原因。认为:委婉和避讳是它产生的动因;简洁、含蓄是它的特点;责备是它意义的核心。对于“把+个+NP+VC”的主观性研究,首先探讨其语用意义。认为:意外、突然性是“把+个+NP+VC”主要的语用意义。“把+个+NP+VC”主观性的成因,主要在于:①补语C的自身“损害”义。②NP与C之间的扭曲关系。也就是现实结果和预期结果的扭曲。③“个”的主观性彰显作用。通过“个”使“把”后宾语,由具体事物变成类化属性,使其变成了一个类别。进而成为说话人心中的一个预期标准。第七章对全篇作一个总结。总结在前人的基础上作了哪些工作,有哪些突破、哪些不足。主要突破:①第一次运用主观性和主观化理论全面、深入、系统的研究把字句。过去对把字句的主观性也有涉及但只是介绍性的,不够系统。②探讨了把字句的主观性的鉴别标准,并从谓语动词、补语、状语、语气副词等角度探讨把字句主观性的体现手段。同时指出现实和预期的扭曲关系是把字句产生主观性的原因。③佐证把字句是一个强主观性句式。本文的不足:本文的不足在于在面上不够全面,缺乏和其他句式的比较;事实描写多,理论阐述较少;形成概括性原则少,所以显得不系统。对把字句主观性的次分类、把字句主观性的成因研究不足;对把字句主观性量度系统涉猎不多。对把字句主观性研究对其它句式的借鉴作用以及在对外汉语教学中的运用思考不多。

【Abstract】 The paper has seven chapters.The first chapter is introduction, which survey、significance and methods for the subjectivity of“ba”are concerned.The second chapter is about the subjectivity of“ba”,which is theoretical frame of this paper.Firstly, the subjectivity is introduced ,which thinks that the comments、attitude and feeling is conveyed while he expresses something. it is mainly showed by means of“feeling”、“viewpoints”and“recognition”.the means of subjectivity is called as Subjectification,,which is divided into two kinds: recessive means and dominant means, of which vocabulary is important.Secondly, subjectivity of“ba”is explored which three issues are concerned:①the proof for the subjectivity of“ba. the strong the subjectivity of“ba”is proofed by comparing with sentence structure and its surroundings;②the recognition for the subjectivity of“ba.“gei”as a mark of the subjectivity of“ba”is proofed by pragmatic meaning of“ba”with“gei”and verbs meaning behind it.Lastly, the embodiment of the subjectivity of“ba”is concerned. the subjectivity of“ba”is mainly showed by means of“feeling”、“viewpoints”and“recognition”.of which“feeling”is showed as“empathy”to object;“viewpoints”is showed as judgment for subjective amount and“recognition”is showed as the recognition for the grammar meaning and the relations between the cause and result of“ba”.The third chapter is on the subjectivity of“ba”embodied by unself-controlling verbs、psychological verbs and subjective recognizing Verbs, which is strong subjective for its sufferance、mood and subjective recognition. The subjectivity of “ba”is explored from the view points of resultant complements and degree complements. Some practical results conform to predicting results, while some practical results don’t conform to the predicting results, which make speaker surprising. the subjectivity of degree complements in“ba”is on its subjective amounts ,which is far above expectation from speaker.The forth chapter is on the subjectivity of“ba”embodied by adverbials. Firstly adverbials is divided into two parts: restrictive adverbial and descriptive adverbial according to classification of liuyuehua and describe their subjectivity in“ba”. The time、degree and scope is concerned in restrictive adverbial, which is related to subjective amount in subjectivity: subjective time- amount in time、subjective degree- amount in degree and subjective scope- amount in scope. Descriptive adverbial is divided into two parts: act-description and agent- description. act-description is refereed to amount of action、ways、mood、attitude、feeling of doer. subjectivity of“ba”is on one hand embodied as subjective amounts, on the other hand as subjective state, which is conveyed by reiterative and symmetry. Agent- description is conveyed from the attitude、feeling、mood、state .The subjectivity conveyed by Agent- descriptive adverbial can be either from the positive and negative.The fifth chapter is on the subjectivity of“ba”embodied by mood adverbs. Firstly, the mood adverbs、the relation between mood and modality、refinement of mood is reviewed ; Mood adverbs is divided into nine categories : amazing、lucky、willing、adversative、coincidence、emphasis、tactful、predicting and comprehension. Mood adverbs is important means to convey subjectivity. The mood adverbs which can be used in“ba”can express three means: subjective prediction、subjective willing、subjective attitude.The subjectivity of special“ba”is concerned in the sixth chapter. and the special“ba”is divided into two categories according to its structure:“我把你这个NP!”and“把+个+NP+VC”and then its subjectivity for two special“ba”is researched. Several aspects are concerned for the subjectivity of“我把你这个NP!”:①pragmatic meaning of“我把你这个NP!②the characteristics of NP. ③the cause for producing this sentence. We think: the reason for the special“ba”is its tactful ;the characters of this sentence is brief ;reproach is its focus of meaning.The subjectivity of“把+个+NP+VC”is explored as follows:①pragmatic meaning; I think amazement and suddenness is focus of meaning②the cause for producing subjectivity in special“ba”is its sufferance of complements、great difference between expectation and reality and lofty from“ge”.The object behind“ba”is transformed from Concrete matter to quality by“ge”The seventh chapter is a summary of whole paper. The contributions is that:①“ba”is explored thoroughly with subjectivity for the first time .The subjectivity of“ba”is a little concerned in the past, but it is only introduction.②The subjective mark for“ba”is put forward and subjectivity of“ba”are described from all the viewpoints.③The strong subjectivity is proofedThe weakness of this paper is not comprehensive and explained with theories. The sub-classification、degree of subjectivity for“ba”is less concerned and reference for other sentence is less considered.

【关键词】 主观性主观化把字句主观标记
【Key words】 SubjectivitySubjectification“ba”Subjective mark
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

