

The Path Effect Analysis of the Foreign Investment and International Trade in Pushing Economic Growing in China

【作者】 王欣昱

【导师】 杨惠昶;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 西方经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,拉美国家的经济危机、东南亚的金融危机和俄罗斯“休克疗法”的失败,都与各个国家采用的“新自由主义”的经济政策直接相关,它表明建立在“华盛顿共识”基础上的“拉美模式”、“东亚模式”的局限性。尽管有关自由贸易益处的著述颇丰,但均未明确指出资本在国家间充分流动会带来何种好处。紧随其后的次级贷款危机和欧洲主权债务危机又再一次让人们确信,现代货币存在的基础早已不再是黄金或其他储备资产,而是信用——即对货币发行者的信任。美国财政部公布最新的《国际资本流动报告》显示,2010年年底,中国持有的美国国债高达1.16万亿美元,再加上中国持有3万亿美元的外汇储备,这意味着,美元的信用已经跟人民币紧紧连在了一起。从“华盛顿共识”到“后华盛顿共识”再到所谓的“北京共识”,中国正创造着一种新的发展道路,这种道路转变了人们对私有化和自由贸易等传统观念的看法。中国一直以来奉行自己独特的现代化战略和改革开放的政策,创造了经济持续高速增长的奇迹。因此,众多发展中国家会加倍关注我国的成功经验,希望从中找到适合自己的发展道路。与此同时,作为一个发展中大国,我国的强大和崛起,势必会对全球的政治经济格局产生深远的影响。因此,我国的发展模式和发展战略也必然引起西方发达国家的深切关注。西方的国际经济学中关于对外贸易的理论有不少著名之说,诸如斯密的绝对优势理论、李嘉图的比较优势理论、赫克歇-俄林的自然禀赋理论和萨缪尔森的要素价格均等化原理等等。这些理论在我国发展经济的过程中,起到了一定的指导作用,但不可否认的是我们现在走的这条有中国特色的“中国模式”之路,是无法用西方经济学的理论来完全阐述清楚的。究其原因,其一是这些理论尽管研究的侧重点各不相同,但都有一个共同的前提条件,那就是他们都首先假设资本在国与国之间是完全不流动的。在这个假定条件下,他们得出了一个结论就是只要有商品的流动,只要通过自由贸易,参与贸易的两国都会实现互利互惠。但这与现实世界完全不符。现今的世界是一个经济全球化、一体化的世界,资本天然的“逐利”本性使得资本必然在国与国之间流动,流向能够获得更高利润的地区。而我国的经济发展速度如此之快,引进外资所发挥的作用是一个无法忽略的主要因素。其二,既然是西方的著名经济学理论,那么或多或少的都要为西方发达国家服务。那么,发达国家将永远保持发达地位,发展中国家只能依靠发展加工贸易中的“加工”和“组装”这类相对而言毫无技术含量、层次较低的产品,就永远无法追赶上发达国家。因此,尽管这些经典的经济学理论世人皆知,但在发展中国家的实践中却屡屡受挫。中国的发展,似乎还是应该选择适合中国国情的理论作依托为上策。要想在经济较不发达的基础上建设和发展社会主义,就必须吸取资本主义的一切既定成果,这是马克思主义创始人马克思的论证。推动生产力发展的三要素中,我国的土地资源和劳动力资源相对都非常充裕,相对于改革开放初期的中国社会而言,经济发展所必需的先进技术、先进设备和资金都是很匮乏的,都是我们发展经济所急需的。由于资本短缺,导致我们的劳动和土地这两个生产要素因没有足够的、有效率的资本配合,无法形成强大的生产力,也就不能生产出足够的商品和劳务。既然在我国国内,无法获得所需的物质资本和金融资产,那么我们只好把目光转向国外,需求国外的帮助,“资本的输入”就成了改革开放初期不得不采取的必要手段之一了。我们所说的引进外资,完整的讲就是要引进外国的资本;再进一步具体详细地说,就是引进外国的先进机器设备、或者直接借入美元、欧元、日元这些国际化了的硬通货、或者是外国人用美元、欧元和日元购买我国发行的股票和债券等等一切对我国经济发展有利的要素。1985年,我国引进外资额为47.6亿美元,到2010年达到1057亿美元。由于我国大量引进外资,我国国内的生产结构发生了巨大的变化。1960年我国第一产业的产值为343.76亿元人民币,占国内总产值的24%,第二产业的产值为465.51为国内总产值的44%。由于外资大量流入我国,我国的生产结构发生了变化。到2010年第一产业的产值为40497亿元,占总产值的10%,而第二产业的产值为186481,为总产值的47%。如果按西方贸易理论发展我国的经济,不引进外资,我国只能大量出口农产品,进口工业品,其结果只能是越来越依赖西方国家的工业,永远是西方国家原料市场、劳动力市场,并最终成为他们经济上的附庸国。由于引进外资引起了我国生产结构的变化,而生产结构的变化又引起我国贸易结构的变化。1996年我国初级产品的出口额为219亿美元,工业制成品出口额为1291亿美元,分别占总出口额的15%和85%。到2009年初级产品的出口额仅占总出口额的5%,而工业制成品的出口额则占总出口额的95%。工业的发展表明社会的进步,试想若是按西方贸易理论发展,不引进外资、不改变生产结构,我国的贸易结构能改变吗?贸易结构不改变,我国就不可能成世界第二大贸易国,我国的GDP也不可能世界排名第二。1996年我国货物总出口额为1511亿美元,其中,外商投资企业出口额占总出口额的41%,2009年我国货物总出口额为12016亿美元,其中,外商投资企业出口额货物总出口额的56%。这充分说明外资企业在我国经济发展中的推动作用不可忽视。中国有句成语叫做“事实胜于雄辩”。这些真实的数字足以说明毛泽东和邓小平通过引进外资,改变我国的生产结构,进而引起贸易结构的变化,工业制成品的出口大幅增加。贸易结构改变,反过来又推动了我国引资的步伐,改变了我国的经济结构。有中国特色的外资外贸理论的科学性、正确性以及在中国的适用性已经得到不容质疑的检验。而西方的贸易理论在中国的适用与否也不说自明了。

【Abstract】 Since the 20th century, the world crisis outbreaks frequently, which shows the limitations of "Washington consensus". Although the books about the benefits of free trade are quite abundant, but none explicitly point out the benefits of capital flows. The Sub-prime mortgage crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis make people know that the basis of modern monetary was no longer gold or other reserve assets but credit——the trust of monetary issuer.It lighted the brightly contrail of China’s reform and opening to the outside world that China began to go in the way of powerful nation since 80s 20th century. China won the worldwide recognition.There are many famous theories about Foreign Trade in Western international economics, such as the Theory of Absolute advantage of Adam Smith the Theory of Comparative advantage of David Richardo、the Factor endowment theory, and the Factor price equalization theorem of Paul Samuelson. They all play a certain guiding role in our country’s economic development process, but can not explain absolutely the "China model"——which is set up on the unique national conditions of China. Since they all regard "capital can not flow between two countries" as pre-condition. Since up until today, China’s political and economic system has yet to be perfected, and the "China Model" is evolving based on world and Chinese experiences.According to all these Western economic theories, the developing countries will always produce labor-intensive production and export of low value-added products, until the developed countries upgrade their industry structure, it will be impossible to transfer the backward industries from developed countries to developing countries.For a long time, in the strategy of international trade, China has mainly taken the comparative advantages to develop labor-intensive industries. In the early stages of economic development, international trade has developed rather rapidly. Meanwhile, the international competitiveness of technology and capital-intensive products is still low. The export of foreign-invested enterprises is high in China’s total export. With time goes by, the main purpose of international trade is to meet each other’s needs according to the comparative advantage. An important feature of modern international competition is that each country enters the international market to obtain greater international trade interests. As the status of high-tech industries structure is rising rapidly, industrial structure is rapidly knowledgeable, and gradually becomes competitive signs and the main source.It is remarkable sign of practicing reform and opening to the outside world in China that merchant promotion and investment attraction. Depending on the merchant promotion and investment attraction, it promoted opening to the domestic and abroad and economic development. Merchant promotion and investment attraction is accompanied with and promoted China’s reform and opening to the outside world, it devoted a great contribution to China’s modernization: Merchant promotion and investment attraction brought about scarcely capital, technology and widely markets for us in the early development.The author in this paper thinks that as the research of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping’s theories on capitalism, objecting to research the two essential problems about "what is capitalism" and "how to deal with the relationship between socialism and capitalism in the developmental period". They are all familiar with the basic national conditions of China, the unique cultural background is helpful in forming "China Model". For China in the early period, we were short of "Capital" despite the resource of land and the resource of labor. Since we can not get the capital we need domestic, we should get the help in abroad——introduced advanced machinery and equipment、or directly borrow any international hard currency、or issued stocks or bonds to other country.Since reform and opening up, the strategy of China’s international trade has based on the comparative advantage theory. The implementation of this strategy has greatly promoted the economic of china. According to statistics, the volume of China’s international trade was only S 20.6 billion, but in 2010 this figure reached $ 2.97 trillion. And in the same year, China ranked the second from 32nd in 1978 in international trade, only after the United States, Stimulated by the development of foreign trade, China’s economy showed a rapid growth:the GDP increased to RMB 3.97 trillion in 2010 from RMB 3645.2 billion in 1978. High output growth, sustained returns on capital investments, extensive reallocation within the manufacturing sector, falling labor share and accumulation of a large foreign surplus.Comparing with the developed countries, China’s per capital GDP is still low. The problem we are facing is that the traditional comparative advantages are being weakened, the trade friction is increasing, and the overall profit is declining.Therefore, in order to make China to participate in international division of labor and trade more efficiently, and play a more role in the international trade in the future, it is necessary to On one hand we should continue to speed up the pace of industrial restructuring, vigorously promote technological innovation, and let market fully play the role of its efficiency in resource allocation. On the other hand, as a large developing country, China should speed up institutional innovation, innovate the government system, build a systemic stability system, enable the country’s overall competitive advantage with a historic undertaking in conjunction with the strategy of national sustainable development, transform the comparative advantages into competitive advantages through multi-angle and systematic institutional arrangements, enhance the country’s overall competitiveness, improve the negotiation ability in foreign trade, and control the words power and initiative rights in the international trade to protect the national interest and benefit.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】F832.6;F752.6;F124
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1011
  • 攻读期成果

