

A Study on the Effect of Economic Transformation of the Resource-exhausted Cities in Northeast Region of China

【作者】 邱松

【导师】 衣保中;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 资源枯竭型城市作为一种特殊的城市类型,在发展过程中有着自身独特的发展规律,在发展过程中阶段性特征明显,资源枯竭型城市的诸多共性特征使其可以作为一个城市类型进行整体研究。资源枯竭型城市在发展过程中为国家的建设贡献了重要力量,但资源枯竭型城市也积累了大量的问题,在城市主体资源濒临枯竭时,这些问题集中爆发给城市发展带来了巨大的压力。东北地区是我国传统的老工业基地和能源供应基地,该地区的资源枯竭型城市密集,发展时间长、发展规律相似、对地区经济影响大。对该地区资源枯竭型城市的转型进展进行研究,既是东北地区资源枯竭型城市实现可持续发展的要求,也是东北老工业基地振兴目标顺利实现的要求。2001年12月,辽宁省阜新市被国务院确定为全国第一个资源型城市经济转型试点市,从此中国资源枯竭型城市开始了摸索城市经济转型方式的探索之路。资源枯竭型城市的经济转型就是要在支柱性产业资源枯竭后,保持城市社会的稳定和经济的发展,实现城市居民生活水平的稳步提高。因此,资源枯竭型城市的经济转型措施通常为发展接续产业延长产业链,或者发展替代产业形成新的城市支柱产业。就近年来各资源枯竭型城市的经济转型效果而言,大多数城市采取了积极措施,取得了良好的转型效果,城市经济稳步发展,人民生活逐步提高。在资源枯竭型城市,资源型产业往往是城市的主导产业,容纳着大量的劳动力就业。在资源濒临枯竭后,各资源枯竭型城市的均采取了转型措施,但采矿业依然在城市中担当重要角色,依然容纳着大量的劳动力。资源枯竭型城市往往地处偏远,城市缘矿而建,城市布局缺乏总体规划,城市的基础设施也不够完善。从近几年转型效果看,各资源枯竭型城市都注重了基础设施的完善和城市公共服务系统的发展,但与经济发达地区相比,基础设施依然落后,进一步完善城市基础设施,使城市生活更便捷、城市布局更合理是下一步转型工作中的重点。资源型城市在发展过程中,长期以来对生态环境的破坏没有给予足够的重视,在资源濒临枯竭的时候,这些环境生态问题往往已经积重难返。随着资源型城市转型措施的逐步实施,各项环境治理技术也得到发展,转型成果的初见成效。经过多年的治理,资源枯竭型城市的环境得到一定程度改善,循环经济得到发展,废弃物处理技术越来越成熟,城市生态环境问题得到一定程度的缓解,但由于资源型城市的环境问题不是一朝一夕造成的,也不是短期内可以解决的,在未来的城市转型工作中环境治理任务依然很重。东北地区作为中国传统的老工业基地和能源供应基地,资源枯竭型城市数量多、分布广,通常城市规模较大,资源枯竭型城市发展对地区经济总体发展水平的影响举足轻重。东北地区的资源枯竭型城市以森工、石油和煤炭类城市为主,其他矿产为主的资源型城市较少,由于地理位置分布上较为接近,资源型城市之间往往在生产环节上有合作。区域内移民文化特征明显,人口密度相对较低,1995-2008年统计数据显示,东北资源枯竭型城市中除辽宁省盘锦市人口密度高于全国地级市平均水平外,其他所有资源枯竭型城市均低于全国地级市平均水平,人口密度最低的城市为黑龙江省伊春市。东北地区的资源枯竭型城市,是我国第一批兴建的资源型城市,开发早、开发期长,特殊的发展历程造成资源枯竭问题更为严重,各种社会经济问题相对于其他地区更为集中和明显。经过多年开发开采,这批资源型城市也第一批进入枯竭期,成为资源枯竭型城市,由于作为第一批资源枯竭型城市进行转型,没有经验可以参考借鉴,一切转型措施都要靠自身试探摸索,在转型中不断总结经验教训,因此转型困难更多,转型成本更高。也正因为东北地区资源枯竭型城市的这一特点,国务院确立的首批试点城市大多数在东北地区,因此获得国家政策的扶持力度更大。相对于国内其他区域而言,东北地区的交通干线尚待进一步完善。东北地区,由于特殊的地理位置和气候条件造成很多需要户外作业的行业发展受限,保温、耐寒的建筑要求提高了厂区建设成本,采暖供热提高了厂区的运行维护成本,而成本预算的提高阻碍了外资的注入和新行业的发展。东北地区大型国有企业密集,中小企业较少,第二产业一枝独秀,第三产业发展缓慢。金融业一直不够发达,存在着如金融业总体规模偏小、金融供给不足、金融效率低下、区域金融深化程度相对较低、金融对区域经济总量的直接贡献率低等一系列问题。区域自然地理条件、经济结构与金融环境不利于转型的顺利实施。为进一步分析东北地区资源枯竭型城市转型效果,本文采取定量研究与实证研究相结合的方法,在东北三省各选择一个典型的资源枯竭型城市进行实证研究。结合资源枯竭型城市的实践分析,城市转型的效果评价也应该包括社会、经济和环境三个子系统。环境系统的自然属性赋予评价指标基础性,是构建评价指标的根本;经济、社会系统的社会属性赋予评价指标发展性,为构建评价指标体系提供了可能。在指标体系构建的基础上,进行数据的收集整理和实际调研。通过建立经济转型评价指标体系,对资源枯竭型城市经济转型效果进行评价。通过实地调研和数据搜集整理,分析辽宁省阜新市的经济转型基础、经济转型重点,并通过模型运算评价阜新市经济转型效果。定量与实证分析相结合,认为辽宁省阜新市经济发展过程中经济增长速度、产业结构优化调整以及对外经贸方面相对较差,经济发展水平有待进一步加强,社会事业发展较好,人民生活水平及城市建设等各项指标增长较快。环境质量虽然有所波动,但整体趋势向好,而资源条件波动并下降明显。阜新市整体社会、经济、环境系统尚不够协调,部分指标有所波动,阜新市经济近几年发展相对较慢,经济规模、经济结构、经济外向度、环境质量和资源条件等诸多分指标,在一些年份中有所波动,在以后发展过程中需要给予一定的关注。用同样的方式对吉林省辽源市进行研究,分析辽源市的经济转型基础、经济转型重点,并通过数据分析和模型运算评价辽源市经济转型效果,认为吉林省辽源市经济发展过程中产业结构优化调整相对较差,社会发展基础相对薄弱,因此,在发展经济同时,应该密切关注社会各项事业的发展,以保障人民的生活水平及其他城市建设。近年来,辽源市环境指标下降较为明显,环境指标中的环境质量一项,相对较好,但资源条件指标,下降较为明显。从总体趋势来看,辽源市经济转型效果较好,尤其在近几年城市整体发展较快。应该注意的是,辽源市局部指标出现回落,从指标层看,经济结构、城市建设、社会稳定、资源条件等诸多分指标,在一些年份中有所波动,需要关注薄弱环节的发展。用同样的方式对黑龙江省伊春市进行研究,认为伊春市经济发展水平有待进一步加强,经济发展过程中产业结构优化调整以及对外经贸方面相对较差。伊春市社会基础建设较好,人民生活水平及城市建设等各项指标增长较快。环境指标进步明显,基本达到了预期目标,尽管从局部来看,伊春市有些年份社会、经济、环境系统尚不够协调,但从总体趋势来看,整体是逐步提高的。伊春市转型后总系统的各子系统及各要素之间,即社会、经济、资源与环境系统相对比较协调。从指标层看,经济外向度、生活质量、社会稳定等诸多分指标,在一些年份中有所波动,这说明伊春市转型后的发展尚处于不稳定阶段,其主体发展还是有潜力的。在一系列定性、定量和实证研究的基础上,总结东北地区资源枯竭型城市面临的主要问题,分析下一步转型工作的重点,并在此基础上提出促进东北地区资源枯竭型城市经济转型目标的顺利实现的对策建议,主要采取的措施应包括:解决好历史遗留问题;调整产业结构,大力发展接续产业;多渠道扩大就业;拓宽招商引资渠道,以招商增强转型的外在推力;大力发展民营经济,放手发展中小企业;进一步修复城市生态环境,发展循环经济;资源型城市之间加强合作,积极参与东北亚区域国际合作等。

【Abstract】 As a special type of cities, a resource-exhausted city has its own unique developmental rules in the development process, and features of its period is significant in the development process, resource-exhausted cities can be integrally studied as a type of cities because there are many common features among them. Resource-exhausted cities make great contributions to the nation-building in the development process, but the resource-exhausted cities also has accumulated a lot of problems which may break out intently to make great pressures on the cities’development when the main parts of city resources are on the verge of exhaustion.The northeast region is an old industrial and the energy supplied base of China, Resource-exhausted cities are so intensive, long-time developed and with similar developing regulation, that resource-exhausted cities have greatly affected economy in those regions. Studying on the effect of economic transformation of the resource-exhausted cities meets not only the needs of the development of resource-exhausted cities ,but also the demands for revitalizing the northeast old industrial base.In December 2001, Fuxin city of Liaoning Province was confirmed the first economic transformation test city of the resource-exhausted cities by the State Council in China, and then china began to find the way of economic transformation of the resource-exhausted cities. The purpose of economic transformation of the resource-exhausted cities is to maintain the social stability, the economical development and the steady improvement of living level of residents after pillar industries’resource exhausted. So the measures to economic transformation are always to extend industry chain and develop alternative industries., or develop pillar industries that formed from alternative industries. From the effect of economic transformation of the resource-exhausted cities these years, we can know that most cities have took affirmative action, acquired nice effects, so that the level of economic development are steadily strengthen, and the living level of residents are improved.In resource-exhausted cities, resources industries always hold the massive labor force is always the pillar industry. With the resource exhausted, every resource-exhausted city takes transformation measures, but mining industry still plays an important role, and holds the massive labor force. Resource-exhausted cities are often located far away of the city and near to ore, and cities’distribution lacks integrated planning, whose infrastructures are also insufficient. These years, resource-exhausted cities have focused on the infrastructures and public service system. However, compared with the economically developed areas, infrastructures are still out of date. Further improving infrastructures and making the cities’distribution more reasonable are the focal point of the future work.Due to ignoring environment protection and ecological balance maintenance, resource-dependent cities have turned into resources-exhausted during their development, accompanying with the environmental deteriorations and ecological destructions, which could be deeply interactive and hardly solved immediately subject to the accumulation effects. In fact, environment pollution and ecological crisis could be improved by cities development transition and new technology implement. Some resource-dependent cities have acquired parts of experience and positive effects after years of working, especially in circular economy, waste disposal, and cities ecology balance. However, we should stick on it until the environment issues were solved completely and the cities grow healthily, which would be still big challenges in the future.The northeast region is an old industrial and the energy supply base of China, where the resource-exhausted cities are abundant and wide-located, generally with a large scale, resource-exhausted cities’development are important to economic developmental level of the region. Forest-based, oil-based and coal-based cities are main types of resource-exhausted cities in northeast China, and other mineral based resources cities are few. Resources cities have cooperation in production with each other because they are relatively closed. Migration culture is obvious, and the density of the population is relatively low, and statistics from 1995 to 2008 show that but for the Panjin City in Liaoning Province, population density is lower than the national average level in Northeast China, and Yichun City in Heilongjiang Province has the lowest population density.Resource-exhausted cities in Northeast China are the first batch of cities which are resource-based founded. Due to the earlier and longer development , the special procession of development history lead to the resource depletion problem more seriously, a variety of social and economic problems are more concentrated and obvious compared to the other regions in China. After years of development of mining, these cities first has entered into the depletion phase, however, as resource-exhausted cities, there is no experience can be a reference for the first transition for those resource-exhausted cities, and all restructuring measures are tempted to rely on their own explore, experience and lessons which have to be summed up in transition constantly. Therefore, there are more difficulties and higher costs during this transition period. Because of this feature in resource-exhausted cities in Northeast China, the State Council established the majority of the first pilot city in the northeast region, so that these cities achieved greater efforts from the national policy.Relative to other domestic regions, the trunk roads in Northeast region need to be further improved. Northeast region, due to special geographical position and climatic conditions, whose development of many outdoor trades are limited, heat preserved and cold-resistant buildings have increased construction costs, and heating has increased operation and maintenance costs, so that the cost and the budget raising have prevented the injection of foreign capital and development of new industries. In the northeast China large-scale state-owned enterprises are intensive but small-and-medium-sized enterprises are less. The secondary industry is particularly thriving but tertiary industry develops slowly. The financial industry has not developed enough, there are several problems with financial industry , such as whole scale is small, financial supply is not enough, financial efficiency is low, level of regional financial depth is low relatively , rate of finance’s direct contribution to regional economic aggregate is low. Regional natural and geographical conditions, economic structure and financial environment go against implement of the transformation.In order to further analyzed resources-exhausted cities in northeast China, the paper adopted the combination methods of quantitative research and empirical research and chose each typical resource-exhausted city from the three provinces in northeast China for empirical research. Combined with the empirical anglicizing of resources-exhausted cities, transformation effect analysis evaluation should also include social, economic and environmental systems. The environmental system natural attribute gives evaluation index baseness, which is the fundamental of constructing evaluation index. Social attribute of Economic and social system gives evaluation index development, and provide the possibility for constructing evaluation index system. The paper carries on the data collection and actual research on the basis of construction of the index system in order to evaluate the effect of resource-exhausted cities through establishment of index system of economic transformation.By field research and data analysis, the paper analyzed the bases and the key points of economic transition of Fuxin city in Liaoning and also evaluated the results of economic transition of Fuxin through model computing. Combined qualitative analysis with positive analysis, the paper found that the economic growth, the industry structure transformation, and international trading are less-developed. The level of economic development need further strengthen. The fast-growing indictors are civil affairs, the living level of residents, and the city’s construction. The overall environment quality is becoming better with some exceptions and the decline of resources is obvious. The overall social, economic and ecological systems are not well co-developed. Some indictors are not coherent. Recent years, the speed of its economic development of Fuxin is relatively slow. The incoherent indictors, such as economic scale, economic structure, the international degree of economy, the environmental and resource quality ,need to be stressed in the later development.With the same methods, the paper took Liaoyuan City in Jilin Province as a studying object, to analysis the bases and the key points of economic transition of Liaoyuan city in Liaoning. The paper also evaluated the results of economic transition of Fuxin through model computing and concerned that optimization and adjustment of industrial structure are relatively at a poor level and weaken in basis of social development in the process of economic developing. Therefore, while developing the economy the government should pay close attention to the development of social undertakings in order to protect the people’s living standards and other urban construction. In recent years, Liaoyuan City environmental indicators are showing an obviously decline. An environmental indicator of environmental quality is relatively better, but the indicators of resource conditions decrease more significantly. In a view of general trend Liaoyuan’s effects in economic transformation is better, and especially in recent years, the development of the overall city is showing a rapidly trend. It is noteworthy that some parts of index in Liaoyuan came out a fall-back tender after the rising. From the index level, economic structure, urban construction, social stability, and resource conditions fluctuated in the number of years. It is necessary to focus on those weak links during the city developing.The paper also took Yichun City in Heilongjiang Province as a studying object, and concerned that Yichun’s economic development level need further strengthen, whose optimization and adjustment of industrial structure were relatively at a poor level and weaken in foreign trade in the process of economic developing. Yichun has a better social infrastructure, and its people’s living standards, the urban construction and other indicators are rapidly increasing. Environmental indicators are obviously in an increasing tender, and basically reached the expected goal. However from the local point of view, Yichun’s society, economy, and environmental systems are still not coordinated, gradually improving in all over. After transformation, all subsystems which conclude social, economic, resources and environment system are relatively coordination. From the index level, the economic export-oriented degree, quality of life, social stability, and many other sub-indices are fluctuated in some years. This annotates after transformation Yichun’s development is still in an unstable phase and its main part has potential developing power.Based on a series of qualitative investigation, quantitative investigation and empirical investigation, the paper concerns that in order to further promote the realization of the goal which is resource-exhausted cities’economic transformation in Northeast China, we should take the following seven measures. Firstly, we should solve the problems left by history and adjust the industrial structure and vigorously develop alternative industries secondly. Thirdly, we should enlarge the employment by all kinds of means. And then, broaden the investment channels in order to enhance the transformation. Moreover, developing the private economy and giving more chance to the minor enterprises are needed. Furthermore, we may restore the urban ecological environment and develop the circular economy. Finally, we strengthen the cooperation between resources cities and actively participate in international cooperation in Northeast Asia.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

