

Study on the Taxonomy and Zoogeography of Family Porcellanidae (Crustacea:Decapoda: Anomura: Galatheoidea) from Chinese Waters

【作者】 董栋

【导师】 李新正;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋生物学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 瓷蟹科在世界的地理分布非常广泛,除南北极以外的所有海域都有分布,尤其热带和亚热带海域中生物量大,物种丰富度高,共生共栖种多,是海洋物种多样性评估的重点研究类群之一。瓷蟹主要生活在200米以浅的浅海沿岸区,栖息环境多样,如潮间带岩石缝隙、泥沙质海底、珊瑚礁中以及与其它海洋物种共生等。我国沿海各海区都有瓷蟹分布,之前有过零散的地方性种属研究报道,但尚没有针对中国整个海域的完整而系统的形态学和动物地理学研究。因此,进行相关的总结性研究显得十分有必要。中国科学院海洋生物标本馆中收藏了1000余号瓷蟹科标本,这些标本来自建国以来的多次全国性海洋普查、专题性海洋生物资源调查以及个人采集等,采集地点遍布全国沿海各地,而采自南海的西沙群岛、南沙群岛和海南岛等地的瓷蟹标本数量尤为丰富。本文采用传统的形态分类学方法,整理了海洋生物标本馆内馆藏的所有瓷蟹科标本、后续补充采集的标本以及部分国际交流标本,共鉴定出了12属62种,其中7个新种,9个中国海域新纪录种,确定了1个种的属的转移,恢复了1个种的有效分类学地位,确定了3个种的同物异名。文中描述了各属各种的形态特征,列出了中国属、种检索表,绘制了各物种的形态线条图,总结了其生活环境特点和分布,讨论了各种属之间的形态区别,研究概况等。同时对比周边地区的瓷蟹科分类与分布,初步分析了中国、印度-西太平洋以及世界范围内瓷蟹科的种属的迁徙、演化过程及其影响因素。本论文不仅补充和增添了中国海洋生物多样性的内容,而且纠正和修订了中国近海及周边海域瓷蟹科形态分类中存在的错误,为动物志的编写以及后续瓷蟹科甚至整个十足目的形态学、系统发育、生态学、生物资源保护和海洋环境评价等研究提供了基础资料。

【Abstract】 The Anomuran crustacean family Porcellanidae, known as porcelain crabs, is widely distributed in the world, except the Polar Regions. It is reported with remarkably high biomass, diversity, and abundant in symbiotic species in the tropical and subtropical seas, and regarded as one of ideal fauna to research for marine biodiversity appraisal. Porcelain crabs are generally living in shallow waters less than 200 meters, with various habitats, such as intertidal rocky shore, coral reefs, muddy and sandy bottoms and live in association with other marine living organisms such as sponges, sea anemones, etc. The occurrence of porcelain crabs is reported everywhere in China seas, with a few taxonomic reports from some regions. However, it is necessary for an integrated research on the taxonomy and biogeography of Porcellanidae from whole Chinese waters.The Marine Biological Museum (MBM) of Chinese Academy of Sciences has more than 1000 porcelain crab specimens, which are from numbers of national or regional marine surveys and several individual collections, since 1950’s from all the Chinese waters, especially on the islands of South China Sea, such as Hainan Island, Xisha Islands and Nansha Islands.The present thesis was carried out with traditional taxonomic methods, examining all the porcelain samples deposited in MBM, as well as the samples from recent collections and loaned from international institutions or museums. Up to 62 species of 12 genera are reported here, including 7 new species, 9 species being first records from Chinese waters, 1 new combination in nomenclature, 1 synonymic name being revived into valid, and 3 species being put into junior synonymies. For each genus and species involved, detailed morphological description and drawing figures, distinguishable characters from their related taxa, as well as keys to distinguish genera and species, are provided. The habitats and geographic distributions for each species are also listed. Subsequently, the character of Chinese porcelain faunal is compared with those from adjacent waters, to provide features of biogeographic distribution, immigration and the influence facters of Porcellanidae in Chinese waters, Indo-West Pacific and the entire world.This study enriches the Chinese marine biodiversity knowledge, reviewes the porcelain reports from Chinese waters, provides basic data for subsequent research of phylogeny, ecology, marine environmental evaluation and biological resource proservation.

【关键词】 瓷蟹科中国海域分类学动物地理学
【Key words】 PorcellanidaeChina seasTaxonomyBiogeoraphy

