

The Study of People’s Interests Outlook on Local Governance of the Chinese Communist Party During Yan’an Period

【作者】 李奕霏

【导师】 梁星亮;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 马克思主义中国化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 延安时期之所以成为中国共产党发展史上极为关键的时期,是因为这一时期是中国共产党革命力量由弱到强、革命事业由挫折走向胜利的辉煌发展时期,中国共产党在延安局部执政时期,由于树立了符合绝大多数人利益的人民利益观,从而团结了广大人民,积聚了一切可能的力量,为中国共产党由局部执政向全国范围内执政的地位转变奠定了基础。本文从史学、哲学、社会学和法学等多种研究视角,运用文献研究、历史分析与逻辑分析相结合、比较研究的方法,对中国共产党延安时期局部执政的人民利益观进行了系统、深入的研究,认为延安时期,中国共产党立足于中国深刻的阶级矛盾和尖锐的民族矛盾的现实基础之上,借鉴吸收了中国传统的“民本思想”、孙中山的“三民主义”和马克思主义人民利益观,形成了以“全心全意为人民谋利益”为核心内容的人民利益观。中国共产党延安时期局部执政的人民利益观之所以成为中国共产党革命成功的关键,是因为中国共产党立足于中国具体的革命实践之中,运用马克思主义的基本原理和方法,在不同的革命时期准确地把握了人民利益的时代内涵,并在此基础上探索了人民利益的实现途径和方法,不但丰富和发展了马克思主义理论,并对当今中国共产党实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益,巩固社会主义政权具有十分重要的现实启示。本文分为七章:第一章“绪论”,本章介绍了本文选题的背景和意义,国内外的研究现状和综述,研究的方法,研究重点、难点与创新,相关概念和相关问题的说明。第二章“延安时期中国共产党人民利益观的构建”,本章从中国近代以来苦难的民生状况入手,考察了延安时期中国共产党人民利益观的现实基础和思想渊源,认为鸦片战争以来的民族苦难、军阀混战和国民党的反动统治是中国共产党人民利益观形成的现实基础,同时苏联革命成功的经验和中国的革命实践为中国共产党人民利益观的形成提供了借鉴。在延安时期中国共产党人民利益观的思想渊源上,认为中国传统的“民本思想”以及孙中山的“三民主义”是中国共产党人民利益观最直接的思想渊源,马克思主义人民利益观是中国共产党人民利益观最重要的思想渊源,中国共产党对以上思想进行了继承和超越,并形成了同中国具体国情和革命形势紧密结合的中国共产党的人民利益观。第三章“保障人权是人民利益观的实现前提”,本章以延安时期中国共产党保障人权的理论与实践是人民利益的实现前提为视角,从人权的基本内涵入手,分析了马克思主义人权理论的基本内涵和中国共产党保障人权思想的形成及发展,认为马克思主义人权理论是中国共产党人权思想的理论渊源,辛亥革命以后的军阀混战、中日的民族矛盾、国民党的专制统治是中国共产党人权理论的现实基础,并对延安时期中国共产党保障人权的理论在主体上、客体上、性质上、获得方式上、保障方式上、以及人权与国权的关系上的特点进行了分析,认为延安时期中国共产党保障人权实践的主要途径是通过武装斗争保障人民的生存权,通过立法保障人民的人身自由权、民主政治权利、财产权利、受教育的权利、妇女解放的权利、少数民族的平等权和自治权。第四章“全心全意为人民谋利益是人民利益观的核心内容”,本章对延安时期中国共产党人民利益观的核心内容进行了分析,认为“全心全意为人民谋利益”是中国共产党人民利益观的核心内容。“全心全意为人民谋利益”主要体现在三个方面,即通过保障农民的土地权利、发展经济以保障人民的生活水平等途径保障人民的经济利益;通过推行普遍而真实的民主选举、实行参议会制度等途径保障人民的政治利益;通过制定新民主主义的文化方针和普及边区的国民教育、发展民众教育、重视干部教育等途径保障人民的文化利益。第五章“相信群众和依靠群众是人民利益观的实现途径”,本章从人民群众是历史发展的主体入手,认为延安时期,中国共产党凭借廉洁自律的高尚品质和“只见公仆不见官”的政府形象获得了广大人民群众的支持和信任;通过深入群众和关心群众的工作方法同人民群众建立了深厚的鱼水深情;通过正确的领导充分调动起了人民群众的革命热情,最终依靠人民群众的智慧和力量,实现了人民群众的自身解放。第六章“统筹兼顾是人民利益观的实现方法”,本章对延安时期中国共产党人民利益观的实现方法进行了分析,认为中国共产党通过处理好“给”人民福利和向人民“要”东西的关系,较好的统筹了党的利益和人民利益的关系;通过实行“三三制”的政权模式,使各阶级阶层人民享有平等的参政议政权利;通过“减租减息”政策调节地主和农民的利益关系,通过劳资两利的政策调节了资本家和工人的利益关系,通过实行合理的税制协调了贫富负担。由于中国共产党实行了合理的政策,较好的统筹兼顾了各阶级阶层人民群众的利益,从而团结了一切可能团结的力量,最终取得了革命的成功。第七章“延安时期中国共产党人民利益观的历史价值和当代启示”,本章在前六章的基础上分析总结了延安时期中国共产党人民利益观的历史价值和当代启示。认为其历史价值主要体现在为中国共产党由局部执政转变为全国执政奠定了基础,丰富和发展了马克思主义中国化成果这两个方面。本章重点论述了延安时期中国共产党人民利益观的当代启示,指出现阶段中国共产党在执政过程中要实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民群众的根本利益,必须巩固群众基础以增强执政的合法性,以发展的眼光不断探求人民的利益诉求,把实现农民的利益作为建设社会主义和谐社会的重点,不断提高统筹协调利益关系的能力。

【Abstract】 The local governance of Communist Party of China during Yan’an period has become the most important practice among its three local governance, because it is a brilliant developing period that the revolutionary power of the Chinese Communist Party develops from weak to strong, and the revolutionary business move towards victory from setbacks. Because of establishing the people’s interests outlook according with the most people’s interests during the Chinese Communist Party’s local governance at Yan’an, thus unite the masses of people and accumulate all possible power to lay a foundation for the Chinese Communist Party’s local governance transform ting to a national one. With different perspectives from history, philosophy, sociology and law, this dissertation employs various methods such as literature research, historical analysis combined with logical analysis and comparative analysis to do a systematic and deep research on the people’s interest outlook on local governance of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an period. It holds the view that during Yan’an period, based on the reality of China’s deep class contradictions and sharp nationality contradictions and used for reference and absorbed the traditional Chinese culture "People-oriented Thoughts", "Three People’s Principles (Nationalism, Democracy and the People’s Livelihood) put forward by Sun Yat-sen," and Marxism, the Chinese Communist Party has formed a view of people’s interests with its core content is "dedication to people’s interests wholeheartedly". Because of the Chinese Communist Party sets a foothold in the concrete revolutionary practice, applies Marxism as basic principles and methods accurately, grasps the people’s interests in different revolution times and explores ways and methods on that basis to realize the people’s interests, which not only enriches and develops the Marxism theory, but also contributes important realistic enlightenment on how to realize, maintain and develop the most people’s fundamental interests and consolidate the socialist regime for the present governance of the Chinese Communist Party, the people’s interests outlook on local governance of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an period become the key point to the success of the revolution of the Chinese Communist Party. This dissertation is divided into seven chapters:Chapter 1 "Introduction" This chapter introduces this paper’s background and significance, current research status and reviews both at home and abroad, the research ideas and methods, key points, difficulties and innovation and descriptions of related concepts and problems.Chapter 2 "The construction of people’s interests outlook by the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an Period" Starting from the sufferings of the Chinese people’s livelihood in modern times. This chapter studies the realistic basic and ideological origins of the people’s interests outlook and considers that the national suffering since the Opium War, war among warlords and the Kuomintang’s autocratic ruling are the realistic basis of the people’s interests formation, meanwhile the successful experience of the Soviet revolution and the Chinese people’s revolutionary practice provides a reference view for it. On the ideological origins of the people’s interests outlook of Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an period, it considers that the traditional Chinese culture "People-oriented Thoughts" and "Three People’s Principles (Nationalism, Democracy and the People’s Livelihood) put forward by Sun Yat-sen" are the most direct ideological origin, while the people’s interests outlook of Marxism is the most important ideological origin of the people’s interests outlook of Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist Party inherits and surpasses the above thoughts and formed people’s interests outlook of the Chinese Communist Party which were closely related to the China’s specific national conditions and the revolutionary situation.Chapter 3 "Human rights protection is the realization precondition of the people’s interests outlook of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an period" From the perspective of the precondition which the human rights protection theory and practice taken by the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an period is the realization of the people’s interests, this chapter starting from the basic connotation of human rights, analyzes the basic connotation of Marxist human rights theory and the formation and the development of the human rights protection thought by Chinese Communist Party. It considers that Marxist human rights theory is the theoretical origin of the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights thought; war among warlords after 1911 revolution, national contradiction between Chinese and Japanese and Kuomintang’s autocratic ruling are the realistic basis of the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights theory. And analyze the characteristics of the human rights protection theory of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an period from subject, object, property, obtaining means, protection means and the relationships between human rights and national rights. And it holds that the main approach of human rights protection practice taken by the Communist Party of China during Yan’an period is guarantee people’s survival rights through armed struggle; guarantee people’s personal liberty, democratic politics rights, property rights, education rights, women’s liberation rights, ethnic equal rights and autonomy rights.Chapter 4 "Seeking interests for people wholeheartedly is the core content of the people’s interests outlook of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an Period " This chapter analyzes the core content of the people’s interests outlook of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an Period, and concludes that "Dedication to the people’s interests wholeheartedly" is the core content of the people’s interests outlook of Chinese Communist Party. It is embodied in three aspects, namely through the protection of farmers’land rights and economic development to safeguard the people’s living standard and economic interests; through the implementation of the democratic politic power forms:general and real democratic elections, council system to protect people’s political interests; through the establishment of New Democratic cultural policy, the dissemination of the border region’s national education, the development of mass education and the attention to cadre education to protect people’s cultural interests.Chapter 5 "Trusting the masses and depending on the masses are the realization method of the people’s interests outlook of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an Period" This chapter starting with that the main body of the development of history is the masses, considers that during Yan’an period, the Chinese Communist Party obtains the masses’trust and support through relying on uncorrected and self-disciplined respectable quality and the "only civil servant but the official" government image; establishes a close relationship with the masses through going deep into and caring about them; arouses the masses’revolutionary enthusiasm thoroughly through leading properly and depending on the masses’intelligence and power to realize the masses’ self-emancipation.Chapter 6 "Overall consideration is the realization method of the people’s interests outlook of the Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an Period" This chapter analyzes the realization method of the people’s interests outlook of Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an Period, and considers that the Chinese Communist Party manage a better relationship between Party’s interests and people’s interests through dealing with the relationship between "give" people welfare and "take" things from people; make people of all classes and social strata having a equal right to participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs through carrying out the three-third system of politics; adjust the interests relationship between landlords and farmers through the policy of reduction of rent and interest; adjust the interests relationship between capitalists and workers through benefiting both labor and capital; coordinate the burden of poor and rich through carrying out a reasonable tax system. As the Chinese Communist Party carried out reasonable policies and well considerated the masses’ interests of all classes and strata, she unites all possible forces to achieve success of the revolution at last. Chapter 7 "The historical value and contemporary enlightenment of the people’s interests outlook of Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an Period" This chapter analyzes and summarizes the historical value and contemporary enlightenment of people’s interests outlook of Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an Period. The analysis and summarization based on the former six chapters. And this chapter also shows that the historical value mainly reflects in those two aspects:the foundation of Chinese Communist Party’s changing from local governance into national one and the enrichment and development of the Marxism in China. This chapter mainly discusses the contemporary enlightenment of the people’s interests outlook of Chinese Communist Party during Yan’an Period. And points that in order to realize, maintain and develop the masses’ interests better during the governance of Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese Communist Party must consolidate the mass basis to enhance the legitimacy of governance, seek the people’s interests demand with the developing foresight, make the realization of peasant interests as the key to construct the Harmonious Society and improve the capability to co-ordinate the interests relations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

