

Spectrophotometric and Electrochemical Analysis of the Interaction between Host with Guest and Predicting the Interaction by ANN

【作者】 尚永辉

【导师】 李华;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 分析化学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 主客体识别是指主体(受体)对客体(底物)选择性的结合并产生某种特定功能的过程。发展到今天,主-客体化学的研究内容已不再仅仅局限于以研究冠醚,环糊精等为基础的包合物化学,只要研究的内容涉及两个或者多个化学物种通过分子间的弱相互作用力形成的实体或聚集体的化学,均可看成主-客体化学研究的范畴。主-客体化学现已成为化学中发展迅速、极富挑战性的新领域之一,主-客体化学为我们展示了一个丰富多彩的世界,它在催化,分子或离子的分离,环境科学,生命科学以及材料科学等方面的应用及研究对人类的发展具有极其深远的意义。药物小分子与生物大分子之间的相互作用主要依靠范德华力、静电力、疏水作用和氢键等非共价键力相结合,隶属于主-客体化学研究的范畴。研究药物小分子与生物大分子之间的相互作用,对于阐明生物反应的机理,揭示生命现象的本质,以及在药物体外筛选、先导化合物的合成优化等相关领域具有非常重要的意义。目前,研究药物小分子与生物大分子之间相互作用的方法主要有光谱分析法,电化学分析法,核磁共振分析法,质谱分析法以及色谱分析法等。其中以光谱分析及其电学分析法最为普遍。论文对主-客体相互作用的研究现状,发展,以及各种研究方法等方面进行了综述,特别是对近年来各种药物分子与蛋白及其核糖核酸两种生物大分子间相互作用的研究工作进行了较为详细的介绍。在此基础上,主要开展的工作如下:1.应用光谱技术研究药物分子与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用论文采用荧光光谱技术,紫外-可见吸收光谱技术等在模拟人体生理条件下研究了水飞蓟素,刺芒柄花素,橙皮素,染料木素,白杨素,大豆甙元,木犀草素,芹菜素等8种黄酮药物分子;芦丁、橙皮甙、柚皮苷、葛根素和黄芩苷等5种黄酮苷药物分子以及新合成的2种白杨素磺化衍生物------白杨素-8-磺酸钠,白杨素-8-磺酸钙和十多种非黄酮类药物双嘧达莫,大黄酸,吲哚美辛,羟基喜树碱等共计30余种药物小分子分别与牛血清白蛋白之间的相互作用。获得了在相同实验条件下这30余种药物分子与BSA相互作用过程中的荧光猝灭类型,相互作用力方式,结合位点数,结合距离等信息。此外,实验采用△λ=15 nm和△λ=60 nm的同步荧光光谱技术研究了这些药物小分子的加入对牛血清白蛋白微观构象的影响。在此基础上对结构相似或相近的药物小分子与牛血清白蛋白相互作用信息的差异进行了对比与分析,探索了不同官能团以及官能团位置对相互作用信息的影响;对药物分子与牛血清白蛋白相互作用的机理进行了简单的探讨与分析。2.应用电化学方法研究药物分子与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用论文采用线性扫描伏安法等电化学分析技术研究了白杨素,大豆甙元两种药物小分子分别与牛血清白蛋白之间的相互作用信息。实验探讨了不同缓冲体系,pH值,反应时间,反应温度,扫描速率,离子强度等实验条件分别对两个相互作用体系的影响。在此基础之上分别对白杨素与牛血清白蛋白,大豆甙元与牛血清白蛋白相互作用的机理进行了简单的探讨与分析,求算了白杨素,大豆甙元分别与牛血清白蛋白相互作用过程中的结合常数,结合数等信息。3.应用光谱技术研究药物分子与DNA的相互作用论文在pH值为7.40的Tris-HCl缓冲溶液中,采用紫外-可见吸收光谱法和荧光光谱法并辅以粘度法等技术,以吖啶橙(AO)作为探针试剂研究了芹菜素,羟基喜树碱两种药物分子分别与核糖核酸DNA之间的相互作用信息。并分别对芹菜素和羟基喜树碱这两种药物分子与DNA相互作用过程的主要作用力类型,结合模式,不同温度下的结合力常数,结合比等进行了研究与分析。4.应用电化学方法研究药物分子与DNA的相互作用以玻碳电极为工作电极采用线性扫描伏安法分别研究了美托拉宗,白杨素,大豆甙元三种药物分子分别与核糖核酸DNA之间的相互作用。实验考察了不同缓冲体系,pH值,反应时间,反应温度,扫描速率,离子强度等条件对美托拉宗,白杨素以及大豆甙元分别与DNA相互作用的影响。在此基础之上对美托拉宗,白杨素以及大豆甙元分别与DNA相互作用的机理进行了简单的探讨与分析,求算了各自相互作用过程的结合常数,结合数等参量。5.主成分分析结合人工神经网络法预测主客体分子间的相互作用在相同实验条件下采用光谱学方法研究多种药物分子与牛血清白蛋白相互作用的基础之上,选择以25种药物分子微观结构描述符数据为参数,应用主成分分析结合人工神经网络方法分别建立了药物分子结构和药物小分子对牛血清白蛋白荧光猝灭类型,药物分子结构和药物小分子与牛血清白蛋白主要结合力方式等相互作用信息之间的预测模型。分别通过对5种药物分子与牛血清白蛋白相互作用过程中的荧光猝灭方式,主要结合力等信息的预测,发现预测结果与光谱实验数据完全吻合。表明采用主成分分析结合人工神经网络所建立的分子结构描述符预测药物分子与牛血清白蛋白主-客体相互作用模型,预测精度较好,可为研究各种药物分子在人体内的储存、传输和药理作用提供参考信息,为研究药物分子与生物大分子相互作用的信息提供了一条新的思路。

【Abstract】 Host guest recognition is the process that host molecule form binding with guest molecule selectively and product some special function. Up to today, the study category of Host-guest chemistry no longer limited to study inclusion chemistry that mainly studies crown ether, cyclodextrin and other molecules. All are the study category of host-guest chemistry if the research content involves two or more chemical species forming the aggregate chemical or entity chemical by the molecular weak interactions. Host-guest chemistry has become one of the quickest and most challenging fields in chemistry, which shows us a colorful world and put forward a new challenge to the traditional chemistry. Its applications to catalysis, separation of molecules or ions, environmental science, life science and material science have a profound significance to the development of human beings.The binding of drug molecules to biomacromolecule, which belongs to the study category of Host-guest chemistry, occurs mostly through weak non-covalent interactions which include Van’der Waals interaction, hydrophobic force, electrostatic interaction and hydrogen bond respectively. Studies on Interaction of drug molecules with biomacromolecule have very important meaning in the fields of elucidate the mechanism of biological reaction, revealing the essence of life phenomenon, and screening the drugs in vitro, synthesis or optimization of leading compounds.Some techniques are commonly used to detect interaction between drug and Biomacromolecule, including the spectrophotometry, electrochemical, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry and chromatography, and spectrophotometry, electrochemical are the most common methods.The paper reviews the development and various methods of host-guest interaction, and has a detailed description for the interaction between drugs with protein and drugs with deoxyribonucleic acid in recent years. Main efforts devoted to this paper are shown as follows:1. Studies of the interaction between drugs and bovine serum albumin by spectroscopic methods Fluorescence spectrum technique, UV-Vis absorption spectrum are adopted to study interaction of more than thirty kinds of drugs with BSA, respectively. Thirty kinds of drugs include eight kinds of Flavonoids (Silmyarin, Formononetin, Hesperetin, Genistein, Chrysin, Daidzein, Luteolin, Apigenin), five Flavonoid glycosides (Rutin, Hesperidin, Naringin, Puerarin, Baicalin), two Chrysin-8-sulfonate derivates (Sodium chrysin-8-sulfonate and Calcium chrysin-8-sulfonate), and more than ten drugs (Rhein, Indometacin, Dipyridamole, and so on). Mechanisms of fluorescence quenching, main type of binding force, the numbers of binding sites and bind distance of these drugs to BSA are acquired under the same experimental condition. The paper studies the influences of conformation investigation of BSA by synchronous fluorescence spectra when drugs are added, and makes a simple analysis to its interaction mechanism.2. Studies of the interaction between drugs and bovine serum albumin by electrochemical methodThe paper studies the interaction of two kinds of drugs incluing Chrysin, Daidzein with BSA by linear sweep voltammetry, respectively, and studies the influences of buffer system, pH Value, reaction time, temperature, scanning rate, ionic strength to the results of interaction. Then the paper makes a simple analysis toward mechanism of the interaction, and calculates the binding constant and the numbers of binding sites in the process of the interaction.3. Studies of the interaction between drugs and DNA by spectroscopic MethodsThe paper studies the interaction of two kinds of drugs incluing Apigenin, Hydroxycamptothecine with DNA using Acridine Orange (AO) as a probe by Fluorescence spectrum, UV-Vis absorption spectrum and methods of viscosity. Then the paper makes an analysis to the interaction of the Apigenin and Hydroxycamptothecine with DNA, respectively, the interaction includes main type of binding force, action mode, the binding constant at the different temperature and the numbers of binding sites. 4. Studies of the interaction between drugs with DNA by electrochemical methodThe paper studies the interaction of three kinds of drugs incluing Metolazone, Chrysin and Daidzein with DNA, respectively, by Linear Sweep Voltammetry. The effect of the buffer system, pH Value, reaction time, reaction temperature, scanning rate, ionic strength to the interaction are investigated. Then the paper makes a simple analysis toward mechanism of the interaction, and calculates the binding constant and the numbers of binding sites in the process of the interaction.5. Predicting the interaction of drugs with BSA by PCA-ANNOn the base of results of fluorescence analysis, the paper applies Principal Component Analysis and Artificial Neural Network (PCA-ANN) with molecular structure descriptors to establish the two prediction models:structure descriptors of drugs to fluorescence quenching mechanisms of drugs with BSA and structure descriptors of drugs to main type of binding force of drugs with BSA. The interactions between the five kinds of drugs with bovine serum albumin are predicted by the two models. There are no significant difference between the prediction results and the spectral experimental results. This shows Host-guest interaction type between molecular structure and BSA is with high predicting accuracy, which supplies some references to the storage, transfer and pharmacological effects of various drugs in the body, and offers a new idea to study the interaction between drug molecules to biomacromolecule.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】TP183;O561.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】223
  • 攻读期成果

