

【作者】 杨航

【导师】 李利安;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 《大智度论》是印度大乘佛教高僧龙树的一部百科全书式的著作,它详尽全面地表述了大乘佛教的基本理论,无论对印度佛教,还是对中国佛教,都产生了重大影响。“菩萨”是大乘佛教的核心理念。《大智度论》通过解释《大品般若经》,为这一概念作出全面的论议和阐释。学界对《大智度论》的研究涉及版本、思想及外在影响等各个层面,但对其核心理念菩萨思想的研究进行的相对较少,这一现状和“菩萨”这一概念在《大智度论》和整个大乘佛教中的地位是很不相称的。有鉴于此,笔者着意展开对《大智度论》菩萨思想的研究,考察核心限定在《大智度论》中菩萨思想的各个层面,诸如:菩萨的性格、人本内涵等基本特征;菩萨实相智慧观中的“我空”观、法印观、语言观、涅槃观、“法空”观,及时空观与中道观;菩萨出世理想中的“波罗蜜”思想,主要包括福德门的“施、戒、忍”和智慧门的“勤、定、慧”,还有菩萨的发心、行愿与功德回向;几种菩萨地阶思想的关系;菩萨的佛陀观、“佛法”观,菩萨的诸佛观、三世佛恩观、佛寿观、佛身观,菩萨的成佛观念及成佛信念等等。试图揭示《大智度论》菩萨思想的基本体系与特征,以考查《大智度论》菩萨思想在中印佛教中所处的重要作用及其影响力的来源。笔者主要采用宗教学、历史学、哲学的方法,从其佛学的哲学概念自陈,到其经验论的禅观方法解释,以及其有待考量的终极宗教价值观介绍,从概念的分析入手,尽可能使用现代人熟识的概念术语,来阐释《大智度论》中相关的范畴,从概念的内涵,到概念的外延,按照《智论》菩萨概念相关联的几个重要方面,展开阐释。本文认为:1.空性观、佛崇拜,以及菩萨六度等宗教实践,在《大智度论》的学说中,呈现出一种“空——有”兼顾的姿态,与此同时,这部长篇大论对文字语言效用本身的自我审慎甚至价值否认,都使得《智论》的空性观达到-种横扫一切、毫不留情的程度。2.空性思想虽然是《大智度论》的根本思想,但是,《大智度论》中释迦如来崇拜的立场非常鲜明,这种崇拜和空性思想完美地结合在一切,体现了菩萨思想体系中哲学性和宗教性的圆融会通。3.《智论》关于“菩萨六度”的宗教实践,即施舍、善戒、忍让、努力、禅修和般若之智,被表述为五而一、六而一的关系,彰显了对般若与成佛解脱的重视,体现了终极超越的价值。4.《智论》建立了大小乘佛教之间有条不紊的有机关系,在纯理论的层面,小乘的学说被全面接受而重新阐释,这种调和的精神是龙树面对当时大小乘之间的冲突而选择的一个高明的对治,具有强烈的时代特色。5.对大乘独有的宗教“慈悲”精神,《智论》进行了远远超乎《中论》等的不遗余力的渲染,大乘近乎极致的慈悲教义,成为《智论》菩萨理论的基本内涵。6.方便智成为大乘般若道的第二属性和境界,从理论的意义上说,这是《智论》哲学自陈和宗教表述的两种最基本的需要。7.《智论》得益于论体的开放体例和与小乘交锋的需要,大菩萨摩诃萨诸如弥勒等的智慧和法力,都在和佛果的比较中获得荣耀的彰显,为“菩萨思想”与声闻佛教的抗衡提供了一种崇拜性的素材。8.《智论》学说对以后大乘的发展,无论从认识论,特别是以破为立的方法论,以及佛菩萨信仰、菩提思想,还是实践观等各方面,都产生了深刻的影响。9.鸠摩罗什引进之龙树论典与思想,修正了格义的缺失,其弟子僧肇的造论,一扫汉传佛教格义的偏失,是龙树学传入汉地的第一项成果。无论是三论宗、天台宗、禅宗、律宗,还是华严宗,都受到《智论》理论的深刻影响。《大智度论》为中国佛教界树立大乘意识,开宗立派,都提供了丰富的思想资源,终于在南朝佛教中促成了四论学派的形成。

【Abstract】 Mahaprajna-shastra is the first basic shastra which discuss Weltanschauung and the view of practicing Buddhist conduct overall in the history of Buddhism. It takes its places in the history of the civilisation of mankind. Mahaprajna-shastra is the first writing of Mahayana Buddhism encyclopedia written by Najarjuna who is Mahayana Buddhism Eminent monk of ancient of India. The work fills in the gap which hither to existed in the Mahayana Buddhism shastra. It is regarded as first genre of theory of Mahayana Buddhism. The work firstly stated the activity of basic Mahayana Buddhism theory of the nature of logic in the round. Mahaprajna-shastra had a tremendous effect on the Buddhism of China and India.Although Bodhisattva appears mainly in the sutra-pitaka of the Mahayana Buddhism, there are a few sutras to define the connotation of ideas of Bodhisattva’s basic thought. Mahaprajna-shastra firstly made academic positioning to the concept of the Bodhisattva by explaining the Mahaprajna-paramita-sutra. Now it not enough to the study of the Mahaprajna-shastra in the academic circles. You have seldom see a reatise which has got its minds from an overall point of view. It was out of keeping for the status of the Mahaprajna-shastra in the documents of Buddhism. In order to enrich the study of the domain, I am fussy about the mind of Bodhisattva’s thought of Mahaprajna-shastra.This thesis try to study the kernel of the Bodhisattva connotation and the other things, for the research of Bodhisattva thought in the Mahaprajna-shastra lacks comparatively. The research of the thesis limit the basic aspect of Bodhisattva thought in the Mahaprajna-shastra, such as the Weltanschauung of Bodhisattva, the view of universal salvation and Buddha’s body, compassion of Bodhisattva and Bodhichitta, Prajnaparamita and Upaya, Major contents of Bodhisattva behavior, and the 10 stages of Mahayana bodhisattva development. The thesis try to reveal the basic features of Bodhisattva thought, seeing about the important role in Buddhism history of China and India. Considering the specific properties of Buddhism, I will use the method of philosophy and interpretation (plus the historiography). I will make use of the modern term to analyze the concept of Buddhism from philosophy and explanation of Dhyana-contemplation method from empiricism to the ultimate religious value which was to be weigh in the mind with thoroughness and care. In my explanation, there are the definition of connotation and denotation. In term of several important points related the concept of Bodhisattva, I will deal with the follow contents.In the thesis,I deem that (1) there is the coexistence of unreal and real in this doctrine of prajna, the religious beliefs and practices of the Meditation on the true venerating Buddha and the way or discipline of the Bodhisattva. That emphasis on the Shunyata in the Shastra on Prajna-paramita Sutra is inconceivable. Meanwhile,that self-checking the avail of language used in the Shastra even denial make the veriest Meditation on the true and view of language to reach to some extent extremely;(2)although the Shunyata is the basic mind in the Mahaprajna-shastra, the position of adoring Sakyamuni Buddha and Arhat is very distinct.(3)the religion view of social practice of Mahaprajna-shastra with the six things that ferry one beyond the sea of mortality to nirvana, i,e, dana, shila, ksanti, virya, dhyana, prajna, which are expressed that five must be integrated or the six integrated. (4) Mahaprajna-shastra explains and erects the ruly relationship between the Hinayana and Mahayana. In pure theory, the Hinayana lysenkoisms are accepted overall and explained anew the relation of the Hinayana and Mahayana. Najarjuna attemper the Hinayana and Mahayana,which is a prominent feature in the Mahaprajna-shastra.(5) Mahaprajna-shastra play up the unique Maitri-karuna of Mahayana far beyond the Madhynmaka-karika. The Maitri-karuna of Mahayana which comes next to criaziness is the basic concept of Bodhiattva theory of Mahaprajna-shastra.(6) Upayakaushalya is the second property and bourn of Mahaprajna Prajna, for academic meaning, which is the most basic demand to expression of philosophical and religion of Mahaprajna-shastra, that build up a setoff for Buddhaphala. (7) in order to contest with Hinayana, Mahaprajna-shastra adopt the open form; the great bodhi’s wisdom and the power of Buddha-truth to get rid of calamity and subdue evil, such as Maitreya, are made a comparison of Buddha and add glory for itself, which provide with an adoring material to compete against the Hinayana. (8) Mahaprajna-shastra have had a profound impact on the development of Mahayana from epistemological, mentalism, methodology that putting destruction first and construction will follow automatically, to the practice point of view. (9) in the Buddhism theory of the India and the Western Regions, Najarjuna, whose masterpiece------Mahaprajna-shastra, has completed denomination of the Mahayana Buddhism and has finally come to the top in the Mahayana Movement though interpretation of Mahaprajna-shastra, either of the Three Shastras school, or The Tiantai school, they are all being influenced profoundly by the Mahaprajna-shastra.

【关键词】 龙树大智度论菩萨大乘佛教中观学派
【Key words】 NajarjunaMahaprajna-shastraBodhisattvaMahayana Buddhism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

