

【作者】 张卫莉

【导师】 何炼成;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 经济思想史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以孙中山的经济思想及其实践为研究对象,主要结合他在《建国方略之二(物质建设)》,即《实业计划》中做出的以经济现代化振兴中华的战略构想进行研究。但是为了获得关于孙中山国家社会经济建设的全景而不至于将其战略构想碎片化地就事论事,尊重其思想体系的完整性,也会适当援引其他必要资料在相关思想主题上做相应延伸。本论文力求探求孙中山经济思想的全貌并揭示其经济思想中的规律性认识,但是同时,考虑到孙中山经济思想内容的丰富庞杂,限于篇幅和能力,本论文不可能做到穷尽其所有主题和观点、理论与实践。本论文选定了孙中山经济思想的基本问题中的几个方面作为主要研究内容:如孙中山经济思想的渊源,孙中山经济思想的理论体系。孙中山的国民经济建设思想,孙中山的产业经济发展思想,孙中山的区域经济发展思想;孙中山的财政与货币思想;孙中山的对外开放经济思想等。论文综合运用历史唯物主义与辨证唯物主义的分析方法,史论相结合的方法,横向与纵向比较的方法,理论与实践相结合的方法,综合运用经济学、统计学、管理学等多学科的基础理论和分析方法,以传统经济理论和现代经济学发展的理论成果为基础,以线为主,点面结合,从多个角度对于孙中山的经济思想进行研究,提出尊重历史真实、并对我国当前的经济建设具有借鉴意义的结论。论文从孙中山经济思想的研究意义、研究现状出发,剖析了孙中山经济思想的思想渊源,分析了孙中山的经济思想的理论体系,客观评价了其历史地位及当代价值。本论文主要包括以下四个部分:第一部分,绪论。介绍本论文的选题背景、研究意义;简要回顾前人的相关研究:提出本论文的研究内容、研究方法、创新和不足等。第二部分,文献综述。对于孙中山经济思想研究的国内外现状进行综述和评价。由此更能说明本论文研究主题的必要性与重要性以及相应研究内容设计的合理性。第三部分,孙中山经济思想综述。此部分又可以分为两个子部分:第一个子部分专门研究孙中山经济思想的渊源和哲学基础。此部分探讨孙中山经济思想产生的时代背景,重点分析中国传统经济思想和20世纪之交的影响中国的各西方经济思想对于孙中山经济思想的形成的影响,探讨孙中山的唯物主义世界观、系统观、知行观和民生史观,揭示孙中山的知难行易学说中的科学认知和实践精神,揭示孙中山实业计划系统的内在关联性和以人为本特征。本部分的研究构成对孙中山的经济思想体系进行分析的基础。第二个子部分专门研究孙中山经济思想的理论体系。把浩大繁多的孙中山经济思想从较为综合的孙中山的国民经济建设思想到孙中山的产业经济发展思想、孙中山的区域经济发展思想、孙中山的财政与货币思想和孙中山的对外开放经济思想各方面进行研究,并构筑其理论体系,并认为其实际上是中国现代社会转型的经济战略支持性制度体系。通过研究,该部分认为孙中山经济思想的理论高度相当显著,这一部分构成后面对于孙中山经济思想的当代价值的研究的基础。第四部分,孙中山经济思想评论。主要是对孙中山思想的当代价值的评价。通过研究,作者得出结论,认为孙中山的经济思想是20世纪初中国经济发展的科学发展理论,可将之概括为:以振兴中华、求富求强为最高目标,以民生主义为经济建设的总纲领,以主权独立下的开放主义为基本方针,以对资本主义扬“善”避“恶”为特征的基本经济制度设计,以科学规划、富有系统性为特征的经济建设方案,以及实事求是、尊重国情下的前瞻性和首创性的中国的经济现代转型发展理论。以国家富强,民生畅遂为目标的博大精深的孙中山的经济思想对于我们当代在科学发展观指导下进行的有中国特色的社会主义市场经济建设的继续深入仍然有着很强的借鉴意义,值得我们对其进行进一步的深入研究。

【Abstract】 To grasp the nature of the economy construction theories advanced by the great historical figure Dr. Sun Yat-sen,-as the first greatest figure to regenerate the Chinese People in the 20th century, also the brave and intelligent leader in the transformation from the traditional backward productivity phase to the modern age, the strategic plan developed by him to help the Old China to rapidly develop its national economy and thus become a first-class nation member among those western developed ones involves systematic arrangement of various plans and extensive projects needed for that goal. In his planning for a brighter future for China, following the principle of "Minsheng", he introduced the opening-up strategy to accelerate the catching-up progress of China, explored the possibility and feasibility for China to develop in a way adopting those technology innovation and capital and talents from foreign countries, thus reap the gains of a quickened development and avoid the unnecessary cost of time and money. Based on the application of the rationale of the Developing Economics and the exhaustive analyses of Sun’s literature, the dissertation deals with the following basic issues of the Economic Thought of Sun Yat-sen:the origin of the economic thought of Sun Yat-sen, the theoretical system of his economic thought. Sun’s national economy development thought, Sun ’s industrial economic development thinking, Sun’s regional economic development thinking; Sun’s fiscal and monetary ideas and Sun’s open economic ideas.By analyzing Sun’s economic thought using ways of historical materialism and dialectical materialism analysis, the combination of history and review method, the comparative analysis, the theory and practice integration analysis method and other analytical methods, based on the basic theories and analytical methods in various deciplines such as economics, statistics, management and so on, using the results of the traditional economic theory and the theory of modern economics, the dissertation conducts a comprehensive study of Sun Yat-sen ’s economic thought from various angles, and draws meaningful conclusions that respect for historical truth and serve China’s current economic construction. The dissertation explores the significance, status quo of the study on the Economic Thought of Sun Yat-sen, analyzes its ideological origins, discussed its theoretical system and evaluates its historical status and contemporary values. The dissertation includes the following four parts:Part I Introduction. Part II Literature Review. Part III Sun Yat-sen’s Economic Ideology. This section can be divided into two sub-sections:the first sub-section is devoted to the origin and philosophical foundation of economic thought of Sun Yat-sen. The second sub-section is devoted to study the theoretical system of Sun Yat-sen’s economic thought. The research in this part reveals the height of Sun Yat-sen’s economic thought is quite significant and forms the basis of the later study on its contemporary values. Part IV Evaluation of Sun Yat-sen’s Economic Thought. Mainly focuses on the contemporary value of Sun Yat-sen’s related thought.Through research, the author concludes that the Sun Yat-sen’s economic thought is the scientific development theory of China’s economic development at the beginning of the 20th century, and it could be summarized as follows:to revitalize China, develop China into a rich and strong nation for the highest goal, to the People’s Livelihood for the economic development general program, to open under the independent sovereignty as the basic principle, to carry forward the "good" and at the same time avoid the "eviF"of capitalism as the characteristics of the designed basic economic systems, economic development program characterized by scientifc planning and full of systematic, and is a China’s economic modern transformation development theory under the forward-looking initiative seeking truth from facts, respecting for national circumstances.Taking national prosperity, people’s livelihood as objectives, Sun’s profound economic thinking still has a strong reference value for the contemporary continued in-depth building a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of scientific concept of development, and is worth further study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

