

【作者】 陈勇军

【导师】 隋淑芬;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 推动公民教育是一项具有重要意义的系统工程,需要积极借鉴古今中外的教育资源。中国近代著名思想家严复,把人的现代化与制度的现代化联系起来,形成了制度与国民性互动的思想。该思想对近代中国的国民素质提高和社会民主化进程起着积极作用。然而,学界一直把该思想机械分割为国民改造和制度变革两个问题,分别进行研究。这种缺乏整体把握的研究方式,导致学界对严复思想出现了种种误读。因而,从整体入手研究严复制度与国民性互动思想,不仅有利于消除思想误读,而且有利于客观评价严复的思想地位,对推动当代的公民教育也具有重要意义。论文着眼于严复制度与国民性互动思想的整体性,主要采取文本分析法、比较分析法、归纳法等研究方法,综合运用制度经济学、政治社会学和教育学等学科理论,集中探析其形成过程、理论体系、理论困境、历史价值和现实启示等内容。第一章主要研究该思想形成的历史条件、理论来源和具体过程。研究发现,该思想是在分析反侵略战争屡屡失败的原因、总结洋务运动受挫的教训和回应洋人对中国国民的批判等基础上形成的;它既吸收了中国力命论、道德修养论和变法论等思想中的精华,又汲取了西方进化论、社会有机体论、国民教育思想、近代民主宪政思想、近代自由主义和功利主义思想;它的形成过程可以分为戊戌变法失败前的思想发轫期、戊戌变法失败到辛亥革命前的系统形成期和在辛亥革命失败后的思想转折期。从人的现代化素质结构看,严复在思想转折时期对传统伦理文化的提倡,并不意味其变成了保守落后的人物,而是显示其对理想国民的认识更为科学,对现代化的人有更深刻的认识。第二章探讨了严复对旧制度与国民劣根性互动关系的分析,内容包括国民劣根性的批判、对国民性制度根源的探析以及对国民劣根性固化封建制度的分析。研究显示,严复对近代中国国民劣根性的批判是全面的,对这些劣根性与旧制度的关系的分析也是非常深刻的。他发现君主专制与国民劣根性之间存在着一种相互依赖的共生关系。近代中国现代化艰困的重要原因是,国民劣根性使中国封建制度具有极强的抗变性。当然,他对国民劣根性的批判存在绝对化、西方化和笼统分析等局限性。第三章主要研究严复突破旧制度与国民性均衡状态的思想、推动新制度优化国民性的设想和新国民催化新制度的思想。研究发现,严复基于国民劣根性与君主专制的共生关系,提出了一条独特的民主宪政之路:具体制度改革——塑造理想国民——理想国民催化民主宪政。这条路立基于“趋乐避苦”的人性预设,试图通过具体制度的重新安排来改变国民行为的成本——收益函数,进而实现改造国民性。它以“积微成著”为原则,坚持内生自发与外生自觉两种方式相结合。在这个变革方案中,学习西方科学技术、培养理想国民和推动制度变革等同等重要,同时进行。因而可以说,严复作为中国实现振兴切入点的“教育”,不是学校教育这个狭义教育,而是涵盖制度教育、社会教育和学校教育在内的广义教育,把严复归于教育救国论者应是误读。第四章主要运用比较的方法,从历时性和共时性两个维度,分析该思想与地主阶级改革派的人心风俗改造思想、戊戌维新派新民思想和五四启蒙运动的关系。研究说明,尽管近代中国没有按照严复所设计的路径发展,但该思想仍具有非常重要的历史影响和历史价值:它批判地继承了地主阶级改革派的人心风俗改造思想;通过为维新爱国志士贡献理论武器等方式有力支持了资产阶级维新派的维新运动;为五四启蒙运动培养了大批运动主将,提供了理论武器;也为近代国民性改造思潮确立了人本价值取向。第五章以新制度经济学为主要工具,分析严复制度与国民性互动思想在实践中面临着诸多困境。如互动供给不足——威权动力缺失,互动需求不足——国民动力消解,互动时间压迫——不能满足民族快速复兴的需求,还有互动空间有限——制度选择空间狭隘。从理论本身来看,困境原因主要是由于该思想中存在道德人与经济人的矛盾以及理性人与非理性人的冲突。从历史背景来说,这些困境源于制度与国民性互动存在传统路径依赖,并且深受当时严峻环境的制约。第六章阐述严复制度与国民性互动思想对现代公民教育的启示。一是公民教育制度创新应该遵循公正性原则、以人为本原则、适宜导引原则和协调一致原则。二是公民教育制度创新要坚持强制性变革与诱致性变革相统一。三是要形成以政府调控为主,形成个人、社会和教育机构共同参与公民教育的基本制度体系;要以提高公民教育实效为目标,逐步建立与公民教育基本制度相配套的各类具体制度;要坚持规范创新与价值创新的有机统一。总之,严复制度与国民性互动思想,是二十世纪中国思想史上独具个性的一章,是十分宝贵的文化遗产,具有跨世纪的意义。

【Abstract】 Yan Fu,a famous thinker in modern China, freely galloped Chinese Ideological boundaries nearly 30 years with over 300 million words of writing and translation. He was regarded as "a thinkers" by Sun Zhongshan,as a "Western-learning Sage" by Liang Qichao, as "a outstanding initiation pioneer" by Hu Shi and as "a advanced character who seeks for the truth to the Western country" by Mao Zedong. He formed opinions on the interaction between the system and the nationality by contacting person’s modernization with system’s modernization, which plaied the positive promotion effect on the transformation of the modern China’s idea, the quality enhancement and the society’s democratization. In immediately, the research, which on Yan Fu’s thoughts about the interaction between the system and the nationality, conducted the research by division this thought into the national transformation and the system transforms. Nowadays, it is important to presents a synthetical discussion of this Yan Fu’s thought from the whole.In order to study the thoughts, this dissertation, adopting the textual analysis, the comparative analysis and the inductive method, etc. has comprehensively used of the institutional economics, the politics and the education. through a "line type" structure arrangement, this dissertation is divided into six chapters, which are the forming process, the theoretical system, the theoretical dilemma, the historical value and the realistic enlightenments.The first chapter mainly researched its historical conditions, its theoretical sources and its detailed process. This dissertation pointed out that this thought was formed though reconsidering the reason for which the people were repeatedly defeated, by summarying the lessons from the social reform unceasingly suffered setbacks and by the criticizes the Chinese national incorrigbility from the foreigner in China, that It already absorbed the Chinese’s traditional cultrure,such as the Mental-effort theory, the traditional transforms ideas and the ideas of the Confucianism takes the moral training important, and the western cultrure, such as the evolution theory, the social organism theory and the modern liberalism, etc. Its forming process may divide into in three stages which are the seed time, the formative time and the transition time.The second chapter discussed the Yan Fu’s critique on the national incorrigbility, researched on the system reasons of the nationalistic incorrigbility and analysised the feudalism solidification to national incorrigbility. This dissertation reports that Yan Fu exhaustively criticized all sorts of performance of the modern China national’s incorrigbility and thoroughly analyzesed the system roots of these incorrigbility. He discovered that there was a kind of interdependence relations between the monarchy system and the national incorrigbility, profoundly promulgated the hardship reason of the China modernization, which was that the national incorrigbility enables China feudalism have the greatly strengthened contravariance. Certainly, the Yan Fu’s critique to national incorrigbility existences a few shortcoming.The third chapter mainly studied the Yan Fu’thought about how to breakthrough the equilibrium state between about the ancient regime and the nationalistic, about how to optimize nationality through the new system and about how to catalyzes the new system through the new nationality. This dissertation reports that Yan Fu, baseing on the paragenesis relations between the national incorrigbility and the absolute monarchy system, proposed a unique road to the democratic constitutionalism. Based on the human nature theory, he attempts to adjust the national behavior through the initiative arrangement of many concrete systems on the cost-revenue function. This path take "accumulates micro to macro" as a principle and insist unifies of endogenous spontance and exogenous aware. In this social transformational process, developing the technology, fostering the talentfor and changeing the systemthe are all important and carries on. Therefore, the eduction taken as the breakthrough poin to realize the promotion of China is not this narrow sense education, but the generalized education including the systemal educationt, the social education and school editiona. It is misunderstanding to belongs Yan Fu to the man who take the education as the way to save the nation.The fourth chapter, mainly through the comparison method, from historical dimension, analyzes the relations between this thought and the landlord-class-reformists ideology how to remold the people’s custom and the relations between the Reform Movement of 1898 and 54 Enlightenment. The research showed that the modern China development was not according to way which designs by Yan Fu, but this thought still had the very important historical influence and the historical value. It not only criticizedly inherited the landlord class reformist’s ideology to remold the people custom, but also powerfully supported the reformational movement by contributing the bourgeoisie reformist. It not only has trained large quantities of movement commanding general and has provided the theory weapon for 54 Enlightenment, but also has established the people-oriented value for the ideological trend of the modern nationality transformation.The fifth chapter studied the difficult position faced the evolution reform road which was designed by Yan Fu in modern China. Analysised from the new system economic angle, the Yan Fu’s system and the nationalistic interaction thought was facing the difficult position in its practice, including the lacking-power main body, the Interactive demand, the traditional path dependence and the The environment influence from the realistic stock. Judging from the theory itself, trouble reasones lay in the contradiction between the moral people and the agent preset and in the conflict between the rational person and the irrational man.The sixth chapter, based on the plight and the practice teaching of yan fu’ thoughts about the interactivation between the system and the theory of nationality, elaborated the following enlightenment, which are the national quality is an important variable of institutional construction, the optimization system has the function of improving national quality and the system reform has limitations to the improvment of national quality.In a word, the yan fu’thought about the interactivation between the system and the theory of nationality is unique in the 20th century Chinese history and is very precious cultural heritages and has the cross-century significance.

【关键词】 严复制度国民性互动
【Key words】 Yan Fusystemnational characterinteraction
  • 【分类号】B256
  • 【下载频次】605

