

【作者】 刘荣臻

【导师】 梁景和;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 近代中国社会是一个急剧动荡及变动的社会,一方面列强入侵、内战不休、灾害频发等因素加剧了社会的动荡,致使社会问题丛生,诸如贫穷、失业、犯罪、自杀等问题严重影响着近代中国社会的稳定;另一方面随着中西文化的碰撞与冲突、交流与会通,中国传统的社会结构、思想观念等发生了顺应时代发展的内在变动,如“商”末社会地位的上升,西方先进救助理念的输入、传播及实践等,而近代中国社会救助事业也正是在上述社会环境的影响下步入了近代化的快速发展轨道。就北京社会救助事业而言,南京国民政府时期,其发展除受上述社会环境影响外,政权更迭、国都南迁也成为影响北京社会救助事业发展的重要社会环境之一。北京社会救助事业是诸环境综合作用下的产物。中国近代化是一个缓慢的嬗变过程,其经历了从沿海到内地、从城市到乡村的演变路径。近代以来,随着西方先进救助理念的输入与传播,作为首善之都的北京,成为最早践行西方先进救助理念的城市之一,同时也开启了中国具有近代化特征的社会救助的最初尝试。清末民初,北京社会救助活动呈现出具有中西“混血”的特征,其在运行机制、法制建设、实践活动等方面都迈向了近代化,但其近代化只是迈出了一小步,社会救助事业的“血液中”流淌更多的是“中国血”,“西方的血液”只是其中的涓涓细流。但是清末民初北京社会救助事业近代化的一小步,为南京国民政府时期北京社会救助事业近代化的一大步奠定了坚实的基础。南京国民政府成立后,随着“军政”时期向“训政”时期的转变,中国社会进入了一个制度化、法制化建设时期。而以“三民主义”和《建国大纲》为治国方略的南京国民政府,在加强政治制度化、法制化建设的同时,也注重对民生问题的制度法制化建设。南京国民政府时期,在中央政府强化对社会救助事业制度化建设的同时,北京社会救助事业也逐渐纳入了制度化建设轨道,其主要表现在社会救助的行政体制及执行机构、社会救助的法制化、社会救助经费的募捐与管理等方面。社会立法是依法行政的前提和基础,是社会救助事业健康运行的重要保障。南京国民政府前期,社会救助事业的法制建设无论是中央还是地方都进入较快发展期。这一时期中国社会救助立法形成了以监管慈善团体为核心,以赈灾、捐赠褒奖、税收减免等为辅助的多维一体的法律格局,而且其法律效力等级较高,数量较多。在法规制度的规制下,北京社会救助事业实现了由多部门管理到统一管理、由注重救济机构量的变化到注重救助机构质的提高、由“粗放型”收养到“集约型”收养的转变,救助经费的募捐与管理也实现了从无序到有序的转变。如果说南京国民政府时期社会救助的制度法制建设是社会救助活动的行动纲领,那么社会救助活动则是社会救助制度法制的具体实践。南京国国民政府前期,北京市政府开展了以北京社会局救济院及北京贫民救济会、小本借贷处等为支点的院内外救助活动,对本市弱势群体实施“集约型”与“粗放型”、长时段性与临时性相结合的救助。虽然北京官方的社会救助事业因其经费短缺、制度法制执行力度不够等因素而致使救助实效未尽如意,但其以大规模的制度法制及先进救助方式为施救旨归的救助,不仅帮助北京数十万急需救助的人度过了难关,而且代表了北京社会救助事业近代化发展步入了一个质变期。犹如车之两轮,如果把北京官方的社会救助活动视为北京社会救助事业的前轮,那么北京民间慈善组织的救助活动则是其后轮。就社会救助事业近代化发展而言,如缺失官方的参与,其发展则会迷失方向;如缺失民间慈善组织的参与,其发展则会丧失动力源泉。南京国民政府前期,随着国家政权对公域控制的加强,北京民间慈善力量的发展受到一定限制,但其发展步入了一个由分散到联合,由无序到有序的发展阶段。在社会救助实践活动中,北京民间慈善组织开展了以院内与院外、“集约”与“粗放”相结合的救助活动。这些实践活动成为官方救助活动的重要补充。南京国民政府时期,在经历社会的剧烈变动及欧风美雨的洗礼后,北京社会救助事业根据社会及时代发展的需求,以其自身演变的规律呈现出诸多新特点。在社会救助事业的演变发展中,官方与民间慈善组织成为推动北京社会救助事业发展的主体力量,二者在社会救助实践活动中虽然存在着利益上的博弈,但更多表现出一种协作、互动、互赖的和谐关系。追寻北京社会救助事业发展的历史足迹,其旨趣在于从尘封的历史事件中获得某些感悟,从而为当今社会救助事业的发展提供一些可资借鉴的经验与启迪。

【Abstract】 Modem Chinese society is a turbulent and rapidly changing society. On the one hand, invasion of Western powers, endless civil war, Frequent disasters and other factors exacerbated social unrest, resulting in social problems, such as poverty, unemployment, crime, suicide and other serious problems,which affected modern Chinese social stability; on the other hand, the collision and conflict, exchange and Communication between Chinese and Western cultures, the Chinese traditional social structure take place the internal changes, such as the rising social status of "business", communication and practice of the Western advanced concept of rescue and assistance etc, the cause of modem Chinese social rescue and assistance entered a rapid development track of modernization under the influence of social environment. During the Nanjing National Government Period, the development of Beijing social assistance cause was subject to the change of regime,and the capital moving to the south in addition to the above environment factors.So Beijing social assistance cause is the product of effect of various combined factors.Modern China is a process of slow evolution, which experienced the evolution path from the coast to the interior, from the city to the countryside. In modern times, with the input and communication of advanced western concepts of assistance, Beijing became the place which firstly practise the western advanced concept of assistance,and also opened the first attempt of social assistance with modern characteristics in china. In the late Qing Dynasty, social assistance activities in Beijing showed "hybrid" characteristics of China and the west. The operating mechanism, the legal system, and other aspects of practice were moving towards the modernization, but the modernization was only a small step. the more "blood" of the social assistance cause was"Chinese blood" and "Western Blood" was just one of the trickle.However the small step of modernization of social assistance in Beijing in Late Qing Dynasty laid a solid foundation for the big step of the modernization in Beijing during Nanjing National Government.After the founding of Nanjing National Government, with the transformation of the "military"to the "political tutelage",Chinese society entered a systematic and legal construction period. As "Three People’s Principles" and "Reconstruction " for the government strategy,the Nanjing National Government strengthened legal construction of livelihood issues,as well as the political institutional and legal construction Nanjing National Government,owing to the Central Government’s emphasis on institutionalization of social assistance, the social assistance cause in Beijing was gradually going to the institutionalization orbit. Mainly expressing in the following areas:the administration system of the social assistance, the implementing agencies, donations of funds and management. Social legislation is the prerequisite and basis for administration according to law, and also is an important guarantee for the healthy operation of social assistance. In the Early of nanjing National Government, the legal system construction of social assistance cause of central and local government entered the rapid development period. During this period, the legislation of Chinese social assistance formed the pattern which was a multi-dimensional integration of the legal structure,a charitable organization as the core, disaster relief, donation praise,and tax relief as the aider. its legal effect was high and The number was more. Under the Regulation of the laws and regulations,Beijing social assistance cause realized the changes from the multi-sectoral management to the unified management, from paying attention to the amount of aid agencies to emphasizing quality,from "extensive" development to "intensive" development. At the same time, fund-raising and management of aid funds also achieved the transformation from disorder to order.If the construction of legal system and institution of the social assistance was programme of action during the Nanjing National Government period, then the social assistance activities was the concrete practice of the rule of law. In the early of Nanjing National Government period, the Beijing municipal government launched inside and outside institute activities which incorporated activities of the Beijing Social Affairs Bureau of Poor Relief and Beijing Poor Relief Institute, activities of small loan offices. Beijing city was vulnerable to implement the "extensive" social assistance combined with the " Intensive ", the long periods of social assistance combined with the temporary. Although enforcement of official social assistance cause was not entirely wishful in Beijing owing to shortage of funds and weak execution of institutional law.Large-scale institution and legal system and advanced assistance way not only helped hundreds of thousands of people who needed help,but also was on behalf of qualitative change of Beijing social assistance cause’s modernization.Social assistance is like two wheels of the vehicle in Beijing, if the government’s social assistance is the front wheel, then social assistance of non-governmental charitable organizations is the rear wheel. In terms of the modernization development of social assistance cause, its development would be lost lack of official participation and its development would lose power source,lack of participation of non-governmental charitable organizations. In the early of Nanjing National Government Period, with augmentation the control of the public domain by the state power, non-governmental charitable force was subject to certain restrictions in Beijing, but its development entered the stage from the scattered to the united, from the disorder to the order. In the social assistance practical activities in Beijing, non-governmental charitable organizations carried out combination activities which were co-exist of the "intensive" and the "extensive" Inside and outside institution. The practical activities became an important supplement to the official assistance activities.During Nanjing National Government period, the Beijing social assistance cause presented many new features according to the needs of society and the age and its own laws of evolution in the environment of the dramatic social changes and the baptism of European and American.In the evolution development process of social assistance, governmental and non-governmental charitable organizations became the main force to promote the Beijing social assistance to grow. Although there existed the interest gameplay between the two sides, the relationship more showed collaborative, interactive, interdependent and harmonious. Tracking down the history footprint of social assistance development in Beijing is to get some insights from the dust of historical events, the purpose is to provide some valuable experience and inspiration to the social assistance development of modern society.

【关键词】 北京社会救助弱势群体
【Key words】 Beijingsocial assistancevulnerable groups
  • 【分类号】K258
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】751

