

【作者】 孙瑜

【导师】 王永平;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文是以代北军人为对象的个案研究。代北军人是怎样一个群体?有怎样的历史作为?反映了怎样的社会文化面貌和族群关系?文章从群体界定、群体属性及群体作为等三个方面展开探讨。群体界定,由第一章构成。代北军人是具有地缘和业缘双重属性的社会群体。因此,代北军人的界定涉及地域及职业两个方面。代北军人的地缘范围,即代北的范围。代北一词始现于先秦,是一个概念明确而界线模糊的区域名称。从历史地理、职官、军事与交通及文化等四个方面综合考证,唐代代北有广义、狭义之分。广义代北泛指恒山以西、黄河以东、代州雁门山以北的区域,北限模糊。狭义代北,其北线以单于都护府所控地区为限,包含忻州、代州、朔州、岚州、石州、单于都护府、云州、蔚州、宪州、麟州、武州等十一个州、府,其中,云州、朔州、蔚州及单于都护所在地区为代北的核心区,余部为其外围区域。代北军的人业缘范围,包含军人的界定及代北边防体系的构成两部分内容。军人,系军将和士卒的统称。代北边防体系分为都督、都护府时期及节度使时期,由地方的州县、镇戍、军镇兵,及中央之府兵两部分构成,前者为主。群体属性,由第二、三、四、五章构成。所谓属性,指事物固有的性质、特点。群体属性,即群体特性。本文对代北军人群体特性的探讨,主要从军人的流动、军人群体的性格特点、华夷观念与民族心理、婚丧习俗与宗教信仰等四个方面展开。代北军人是一个流动的群体,流动是其职业属性之一。代北军人的群体性格有三个突出的特点:尚武善战、重利轻义及质朴愚忠。义,在此指民族之义、君臣之义。代北军人民族意识淡漠,儒家观念淡漠,识时务,重利益,不重族属;讲义气,不讲气节;讲朋友之义,不讲君臣之义;有个人意志,无国家观念。质朴愚忠,主要指唐末李克用集团内的忠信团结及其在某种程度上对唐皇室的忠诚。质朴愚忠与重利轻义并不矛盾,前者之忠指其忠于朋友之义、部酋之义(部众对酋长的忠诚),后者之义指民族之义、君臣之义。二者虽然在形式及结果上相近,但其文化渊源不同。其一来自胡文化中以物质利益为基础的忠诚;其一来自汉人儒文化中超越个人利益的、上升到精神层面的忠诚。代北军人的华夷观念及民族心理,表现为国家、官方层面上对非华族群的客观否定,及地方、民间层面上的主观认同。代北军人在婚丧习俗及宗教信仰方面有其一定的特点。婚姻方面有讲求门当户对、攀附权贵的倾向;葬俗及归葬地的选择有明显的趋附城市、远离乡村的“去代北”情结;宗教信仰上附着了一定的功利心理。群体作为,由第六、七、八章构成,考察代北军人的历史作用。第六章,从宏观角度,以大同军的建置为线索,整体考察代北军人的政治作为及其历史作用。第七、八章,从微观的角度,局部考察代北军人的历史表现。根据历史演进的特点,本文将唐代近三百年历史分为和平时期和丧乱之际两种状态。和平时期,指唐代安史之乱的前、后期;丧乱之际,指隋末唐初、安史之乱和唐末藩镇割据三个非常时段。第七章,考察和平时期代北军人在征讨、防御之外的职责扩展,及其政治表现;第八章,以刘武周、高秀严、李克用为首的三次叛乱为例,考察丧乱之际代北军变的特点及其作用。总之,代北军人作为国家军队的组成部分,其政治及军事活动基本没有偏离中央集权的统治。换言之,代北军队“国家军队”、代北军人“国家军人”的身份始终未曾改变。和平时期,代北军人所表现的戎狄风气是社会风气、边地环境及军将素质联合作用的结果,其性质属于军队风纪的范畴。丧乱之际,代北军变最终走向了有利于国家统一的一面。代北军人群体不仅是国家军队的组成部分,而且是代北社会的组成部分,其历史作用在保家卫国之外,还具有引导尚武风气、促进族群融合的社会文化功能。以代北军人为视角的代北,是一个族属多元、本贯多元的“国际化”区域,胡汉在婚姻心理、社会习俗、价值观念、民族意识、宗教信仰等方面,具有认同、同化和归一的特点,呈现的是胡汉融通的社会面貌;农牧交错且“牧色”更浓的文化特征。

【Abstract】 This paper is a case study about Daibei military group. And what group is Daibei military group?What role did they play in history? What can be see about the outlook of social and culture and relation in ethnic gtoups by their behaviors?Three aspects:group definition,group property and group behavior are disscussed.Group definition is composed of chapter 1.Daibei military group is a social groups that has double characteristics in geographical zone and professional field.Therefore,the definition about Daibei soldier involves two aspects:regin and occupation.Daibei soldier’regional range is the scope of Daibei.The word---aibei appeared in the pre-qin period.In that age,Daibei was a regional name that was defined by clear concept and fuzzy boundaries.Daibei has generalized and narrowed definition from the four aspects:historical geography,official systems,military traffic and culture.Generalized Daibei is located in the west of Heng Mountain,the east of the Yellow River,the north of the Yanmen Mountain in Dai state,and its northern boundary is not clear.The northern boundary of Daibei in narrow sense is limited to the area of Chanyu Duhu state,including:Xin,Dai,Lan,Shi,Shuo,Chanyu,Yun,Yu,Xian,Lin,Wu.Amongthem,theYun,Shuo,Y u and Chanyu states make up the core region of Daibei,the rest is the outskirts of it. The ccupational range of Daibei military group contains two aspects:the definition of military group and the composition of border defence system.Soldier is an interchangeable word between generals and soldiers.Daibei’border defence system can be divided in two stages:Dudu,Duhu,and Jiedushi,and its troop is composed of two groups soldiers that come from the system of state and country,Zhenshu,and Junzhen,and the system of Fubing of country.What is worth to say is the former is the main part of it.Group property is composed of chapter 2 to 5.So-called property is instinctive nature and features of things.Group property is group characteristics.As for the Group property of Daibei military group,the paper is going to develop in the following aspects:transfering of soldiers, group characteristics, national psychology,family life and religious beliefs,.Daibei soldier is a mobile group and movement is one of its natural properties. Daibei military group’character has three prominent features:loving and being good at fighting,despising the loyalty to the emperor and nation,and paying attention to intererst,simple and honest. The national consiousness and Confucianism is unconcerned. They can know the political situation of age,emphasize interest and look down on the difference of nation.They think a lot of faith to their friends and rather than to emperor and nation.They have own will,and have not national conpect.Their simple and faith characters refer to that at the end of the Tang Dynasty,the Li keyong group was loyal to empere in some sense,and the members was trust each other mainly.There is not contraiction between simple and faith and emphasizing to interest and despising faith.The former refers to the faith among friends and the truth between the chief of a tribe and his servants,and the latter refers to the faith to nation and emperor.Although they are similar in form and result,they have different cultural origin.The one is from the truth based on material benefits of Hu culture origin.The other is from the faith based on spiritual benefits of Han culture,which is beyond peronal interest. As the concept about Hua and Yi and national psychologys is concerned, Daibei military group express negative attitude to Yi impersonality from national and official angle,and positive attitude personality from regional and civilian angle. Daibei military group has itself characteristics in customs of marriage and funeral.There is a tendency in marriage,which is purposing the matching of spouse’family background,and flattering to powerful man.There is a kind of complexing mind,which is that they are fond of being away with countryside and going to urban area when they face with funeral custom or choice of burial area. There are a few utilitarianism in their religious beliefs.Group behivior is composed of capters 6 to 8.Its aim is investigating the role of Daibei military group in history. The impact of Daibei military group in politics and their role in history is macroscopic discussed in Chaper 6.The seventh and eighth chapters focus on behaves of Daibei military group microcosmically.According to the historical evolvement characteristics of history,this paper divides almost three hundred years history of the Tang Dynasty into two phases:peace period and chaos occasion.Peace period epuals to the time before and after the rebellion of An and Shi. Chaos occasion refers to the three speial periods:the end of the Tang Dynasty and the beginning of Sui Dynasty,the rebellion of An and Shi,and the division of Fanzhen at the end of Tang Dynasty. Additional duties of Daibei military group besides conquest and defense, and their political behaves are studied in chapter 7. Taking the three rebellions of Liu wuzhou, Gao xiuyan and Li keyong as examples, the characteristics and its role of Daibei military group during the periods of chaos are investigated in chapter 8. In short,as the soldiers of natonal army,the political and military activites of Daibei military group did not deviate the lines of nation.In other words,it did not change the fact Daibei army was national army,and Daibei military group was national soldier.During peace time,the Rongdi ethos that came from Daibei military group is the mixing result of the social ethos,local environment and generals’ quality,its property belongs to the category of military discipline.During chaos time,the result of Daibei military group’rebellions was in favour of the unity of nation.Daibei military group is not only a part of the national army but also a part of Daibei social,Its historical role includes defending the country,and the social and cultural functions that is advocating fashion of fighting and promoting the exchanges and cooperation of different ethnic groups.Taking Daibei soldier as an example, It is clear that Daibei is a "internationalization" area whose members come from different ethnic groups and defferent orgins.Hu and Han have identity,assimilation and unitary characteristcs in marriage psychological,slcial customs,values and mational awareness,religious belief and other aspects.Daibei social outlook is exchange and integration between Hu and Han.Daibei cultural characteristics is mingling agriculture and grazing culture,and the latter is more highlighting.

  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】928

