

【作者】 杨春花

【导师】 范燕宁;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 秩序是社会存在与发展的基本条件之一,良好的社会秩序是人们追求的目标。维护社会秩序的良好运行,不仅需要法律、制度、规范等强制性的规定,而且还需要价值思想作为内在粘合剂。而信仰是价值体系的核心,必然对社会秩序的维持具有重要的价值。本文从哲学的层面,来考察信仰在维护社会秩序过程中的正面价值。本文首先界定信仰与社会秩序的相关概念为后面展开论述作铺垫。紧接着从信仰与构成社会秩序的每一个要素的具体关系中分析信仰对于社会秩序的意义和价值。最后分析了中国社会信仰危机产生的原因与根源,阐述了当前构建合理信仰的可能性与必要性,论述了当前构建合理信仰需要坚持的原则。具体来讲,论文共有七部分构成:导论部分。在这一部分里首先引出问题,说明本文研究的缘起和意义,阐明了信仰在维护社会秩序方面具有重要的影响和价值,然后梳理了有关信仰和社会秩序相关问题的研究现状,最后介绍了本文的研究思路、方法及可能的创新之处。第一章是信仰的规定性。从主体的角度、意识层面、心理层面、认识论的层面以及社会文化的层面来论述信仰的内涵,在此基础上说明了,信仰具有极度信服性、实践性和超越性等特征。论述了信仰存在的终极原因和社会现实原因。澄清了对于信仰的一些误解。第二章是社会秩序的规定性及其与信仰的关系。在本章中详细论述了社会秩序的本质,指出社会秩序的构成要素:一是主体要素,也就是构成社会秩序的人及由人组成的社会组织;二是社会制度,社会制度是社会秩序得以维护的外在规矩;三是社会价值,社会价值是社会秩序得以维护的内在灵魂,是“软”手段,三者共同构成社会秩序的有序运行,缺一不可。在分析了人类历史上社会秩序与宗教信仰关系的基础上,用马克思主义辩证法的思路讨论了社会秩序与信仰之间总体的辩证关系:当信仰与社会生产方式相符合时是维护社会秩序的“粘合剂”,当信仰与社会生产方式不相符合时往往成为变革或破坏社会秩序的力量。第三章是信仰对于社会秩序主体的价值。主要从信仰与社会秩序主体要素的关系方面来讲它的社会秩序价值。首先从主体对于信仰各方面的需要来看,信仰是人的生存方式之一;它不仅满足社会主体形而上学的需求,而且还满足社会主体心灵家园的需求,赋予社会主体生命的意义。其次,信仰还对于社会主体具有强大的凝聚作用,这种凝聚作用不仅表现在社会个体之间,还表现在社会组织、民族之中。第四章是信仰对于社会秩序制度规范(以道德、法律为例)的价值。本章梳理了道德与信仰的关系,道德与信仰在起源上具有共同的因子,在历史发展过程中信仰既赋予道德内容又维护了道德的权威。信仰是道德由他律转为自律的内在规则,不断推进道德的演进和发展,为道德提供本体论的依据,赋予道德以力量,并且使道德主体更加坚毅而稳定地坚持某种道德。接着从以下几个方面介绍了法律的局限性:立法的局限性;确定的法律规范无法完全符合不确定的客观事实;法律工作者的主观世界与客观现实无法完全相符;法律的语言和适用范围也是有限的。最后阐述了信仰对于法律局限性的弥补:信仰为法律提供合理依据和行为准则;信仰强化人们对法律的遵守使法律具有权威性和神圣性;信仰为法律提供终极价值判断。第五章是信仰对于社会秩序价值的意义。本章论述了信仰本身的价值体现,也就是信仰价值的产生,自我意识和自我超越意识的产生是信仰价值产生的源泉;对终极目标的追求与关切是信仰价值形成的推动力。通过分析信仰在广度上是范围最广的价值评价标准,在深度上是最高的价值评价尺度,阐明了信仰在价值系统中的核心地位。第六章是当代中国的信仰危机与信仰构建。本章分析了当前中国社会信仰危机产生的原因和根源,在此基础上说明了社会秩序受到挑战,当代中国急需构建合理的信仰,接着阐明了在当前中国构建合理信仰的必要性与可能性以及构建合理信仰所要遵循的原则:在时代与民族的视域中还原文化的本性;人性基础之上的终极关怀;以马克思主义和共产主义信仰为核心;保持理性与信仰的同步。

【Abstract】 Order is one of the basic conditions of social existence and development, good social order is the goal human being pursues. To maintain good social order, not only depends on law, system, criterion and other mandatory regulations, but also needs to take the thinking of value as the intrinsic bond. And faith as the core of value system necessarily has great significance for the maintenance of social order. This thesis on the philosophy level examines the positive value of faith in keeping the social order.It first ascertains the relative concepts of social order and faith, so as to pave the way for the later discussion. Then from the relationship of faith and all the elements of social order, it analyses the meaning and value of faith to social order. Last, it analyses the causes and roots of the current crisis of faith in Chinese society, illuminates in the current time the necessity and possibility of constructing rational faith, and dissertates the principles to be followed. In detail, this paper constitutes seven parts:The introduction. It first educes the problem to describe the origin and significance of this study and clarify the significant impact and value of faith to the modern social order. Then it cards the research status which concerns the problem of faith and social order. In conclusion, it gives an introduction to the ideas, methods and originality of this paper.The chapter is about the provision of faith. It dissertate the connotation of faith from the point of view of subject, object, psychology and epistemology. On this basis, it illuminates the characteristics of credibleness, practicality, transcendence, etc. And it also discusses the ultimate causes and the social realistic reasons, which faith exists for; clarifies some misunderstanding of faith.The second chapter is about the provision of social order and its relationship with faith. It discusses the nature of the social order in detail, and points out the main elements of the social order:first, subject, that is the human being forms the social order and society; second, social system which maintains the social order as its external rules, the "hard" means; third, social value which maintains social order as its soul, the "soft" means. "One subject, two means" together indispensably constitute the orderly operation of the social order. On the basis of analyzing the relationship between social order and religion on human history, it discusses the relationship between social order and faith by using Marxist dialectics:when faith fits the relation of production, it will work as the bond of social order; if not, it will become the force which change or demolish the social order.The third chapter is about the value of faith to the subject of social order. Mainly from the relationship between faith and the subjective elements of social order, it explains the value of social order. First, from the aspects of the subject’s need to faith, it’s one of the ways of human existence; meets the needs of metaphysics and the needs of spiritual homeland; gives life meaning; plays a strong cohesion role in enhancing the community which exists not only among individuals, but also social organizations, nations. Then it discusses the social order when the social subjects have faith and vice versa, also from both positive and negative aspects discusses the great value of the social subjects under faith to the social order.The fourth chapter probes into the importance of faith to the social order from the relationship of faith and value. This chapter clarifies the relationship between morality and faith, which have the homology factors by origin. On the development of history, faith gives moral both the content and authority. Faith is the rule which makes human being comply with the social order from passiveness to activeness, pushes the evolution and development of morals, provides the ontological basis to morals, gives strength to it, also makes moral subject more stable and firm adhere to certain morality. Then it introduces the limitations of law, legislation; legal norms can not fully meet the uncertain objective fact; legal workers whose subjective world and objective reality can not be completely consistent; legal language and the limited scope of application. Finally, it expounds faith’s supplement to the limitation of law:faith gives reasonable basis and regulation to law, strengthens human being’s compliance with the law, and provides the ultimate value judgments to the law.The fifth chapter is about the significance of faith to the social order. This chapter discusses the value expression of faith itself, that is, where the value of faith, self-awareness and self-extrasensory come from is the source of value of faith. The pursuit of the ultimate goal and concern is the driving force to the value of faith. And it illuminates faith’s core value in the value system and faith is the premise of evaluation criteria about value, also provides the highest value criterion.The sixth chapter is about the current crisis of faith in Chinese society and the reconstruction of it. This chapter analyses the causes and roots of the current crisis of faith in Chinese society, on this basis it explains the contemporary Chinese society faith which is in dire need of constructing it, then illuminates in modern China the necessity and possibility of constructing noble faith and the principles to be followed:revivification of the essence of culture; combination of the characteristics of time spirit and ethical character; ultimate thoughts on the humanism basis; with Marxism and Communism belief as the core; on the height of faith constructs the core value system; keeps sense with the construction of faith.

【关键词】 信仰社会秩序价值主体制度
【Key words】 FaithSocial orderValueSubjectSystem

