

Study on Military Geography of Hexi Area in Han Dynasty

【作者】 贾文丽

【导师】 宋杰;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文从历史军事地理学的角度,以两汉时期河西地区所处的地理位置为目标,依据传世文献,参考部分出土文献和考古资料,借鉴前人的研究成果,对两汉时期河西地区的历史军事地理状况进行分析研究,着力探讨这一区域在汉匈百年战争史上的军事价值和战略地位。本文主要由六个部分组成。前言部分首先对相关课题进行历史回顾,并对研究现状进行述评,其次介绍了本文的选题缘由、研究意义、研究方法和创新点。第一章是“河西”的含义及地理特点。介绍“河西”这一地理名词的含义及地理特点。主要根据历史时期先后顺序对“河西”这一区域名词的内涵进行分析,并确定了西汉中期宣帝时期,即河西四郡全部建起之时,四郡所统辖的区域作为本文的主要研究对象。然后对两汉时期河西地区的基本情况进行概述,包括其经济状况、自然地理条件和交通情况。第二章是西汉前期汉匈双方的军事形势。从汉初汉匈双方的国力、采取的战略部署进行横向比较,论证汉匈双方所面临的军事形势。从比较的结果可见,汉朝处于被动的局势。第三章是西汉攻取河西后汉匈双方战争态势的变化。主要研究河西归汉后,汉匈军事战略态势所发生的变化。以历史进程为研究线索,分析河西之战的历史起因、过程和结果,以及西汉王朝在河西所建立的防务措施等。自此以后,河西成为汉王朝打击匈奴的战略前沿。第四章是河西归汉后汉匈战争中的河西。军事战略要地的价值需在战争中得以体现。通过列举匈奴对河西地反复激烈地争夺、西汉王朝以河西为基地对匈奴主动进攻或与其他战区协同作战的多次战役,分析河西在这些战争中的特点和作用。第五章是东汉时期河西的军事形势。研究东汉时期复杂的河西局势,分窦融统治下的河西、三绝西域导致动荡的河西局势和汉朝在河西的用兵情况三部分来写,并从军事地理的角度对东汉前后期河西战略的得失给予分析。第六章是河西在两汉时期军事战略地位的演变及分析。通过比较两汉时期河西战略地位的演变特点,得出河西军事战略地位的重要与否,取决于多种因素共同作用的结论,并从综合国力、地理形势这两个主要方面进行分析。

【Abstract】 This paper is focused on the study of the geography of Hexi Area in Han Dynasty from the viewpoint of historical military geography. Based on historical documents, refered to some unearched documents and archaeological materials, and combined with the former research achievements, the historical military geography of Hexi Area in Han Dynasty was discussed. The main coverage is devoted to the military value and strategy status of the area in the history of hundred years of war between Han Dynasty and Xiongnu. This paper was composed of the following six chapters.In the foreword, the former related research work was reviewed, the research advance was commented, and then the reason, value, method and innovation of this study were introduced.In chapter one, the historical evolution and geographical features of the geographical term, Hexi, were introduced. The connotation of the region noun, Hexi, was analyzed mainly according to the order of history eras. The main research object was the area of the four prefectures belonging to Hexi Area during Emperor Xuandi era of mid Xihan Dynasty when the four prefectures had just completely been built up. Then, the basic status of Hexi Area during Han Dynasty was outlined, including its economy conditions, natural geographic features, and transportation system.In chapter two, the military situation of Han Dynasty and Xiongnu was expounded by the horizontal comparison of the two sides in national power and strategic disposition. It was concluded by comparison that the Han Dynasty was on the passive position.In chapter three, the changing of military strategy situation of Han Dynasty and Xiongnu after Hexi Area came under the authority of Han Dynasty was investigated. The historical reason, process and result of Hexi War were discussed in which history advance was taken as research clue. The measures for defence established by Western Han Dynasty in Hexi Area were described. Hexi Area became the strategic frontier for Western Han Dynasty to attack Xiongnu after it came under the authority of Han Dynasty.In chapter four, the Hexi Area in the war between Han Dynasty and Xiongnu was discussed. The value as military strategic point needs to be represented by war. The status and function of Hexi Area during war were discussed in which the scorching seesaw battles for Hexi Area between Han Dynasty and Xiongnu, the active attack to Xiongnu of Western Han Dynasty by taking Hexi Area as base and several campaigns by cooperating with some other war zones were listed.In chapter five, the complicated situation in Hexi Area in Eastern Han Dynasty was investigated. It comprised the Hexi Area under the control of Dourong, the turbulent situation in Hexi Area resulted from three times of diffidation with western areas, and the military situation of Han Dynasty in Hexi Area. In addition, the gain and loss for Eastern Han Dynasty from Hexi strategy in earlier and later periods were analyzed from the viewpoint of military geography.The sixth chapter is a summary. It was concluded that the importance of the military strategic status of Hexi Area lied on the mutual action of several factors according to the comparison of the evolution characteristics of the strategic status of Hexi Area in Western and Eastern Han dynasties. It was analyzed from two important aspects, comprehensive national power and geographic position.

  • 【分类号】K234
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1402

