

Sign Value: A Dimension of the Critique about the Consumer Society

【作者】 胡慧华

【导师】 范燕宁;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 在当代,随着社会、经济的发展,消费在社会生活中的作用日益凸显,并且与我们每个人的日常生活现实都戚戚相关。作为一位具有重要影响的后现代思想家,鲍德里亚关注到当代资本主义社会消费方式的巨大变化,并将这种变化确认为从生产社会向消费社会的转变。他从马克思出发,运用符号学的理论,对当代消费日益扩大的控制能力和消费意识形态进行了深刻的探讨。他以“符号价值”为基础的符号消费理论一经抛出,就掀起了轩然大波。显然,通过对“符号价值”的研究我们不仅可以更好地深入解剖鲍德里亚的思想,因为符号是其理论的基础,对符号的理解和建构的变化是其整个理论体系演变的内在根据;更为重要的是,以此理论为中心线索,我们能够更紧密地揭示当代社会的本质和自身的现实存在。鲍德里亚的学术历程可以概括为从支持现代性社会逐步走向背叛和逃离;从信仰和发展马克思主义转向批判和否定;从关注现实转变到虚无主义。在学术旨趣的这样转移过程中,他早期完成的“符号政治经济学”为分析当代社会中的消费需求、媒介交往和符号特征提供了新的思路。通过分析,我们能够清楚看到符号理论在鲍德里亚思想体系中的重要地位。应该说,鲍德里亚相关理论的建立、演化和升华都是在符号基础之上的。在他看来,当下的消费社会就是个符号化的社会,而且,消费以一种意识形态的形式,通过符号编码悄无声息的潜入到大众个体的无意识中,转变为当代资本主义社会维护统治的最有效手段。从符号和“符号价值”出发是鲍德里亚的理论旨趣,而从“符号政治经济学”出发是本文的理论旨趣。在研究分析这一理论的过程中,在批判其对马克思和当代社会现实过于极端化的思考的同时吸取其理论的合理之处,以便于我们更好的坚持马克思主义和寻求更好的理解当代社会消费现实的“武器”。因而,对此的研究无论是对探索鲍德里亚的思想还是分析当下的社会现实都有一定意义。

【Abstract】 In contemporary times,with the social and economic development,consumer’s role in social life has become increasingly prominent,moreover,our daily life involved.As a most influenced post-modern thinkers,Baudrillard paid attention to the enormous changes of the contemporary capitalist society in consumption patterns,and recognized this change as from the production society to the consumer society.He started his research from Marx.And applying the theory of Semiotics,he explored profoundly the contemporary consumer’s the growing ability to control and the consumption ideology.Baudrillard put forward the theory about the consumer society which is characterized by sign value,it set off a storm of protest.Obviously,through the research of sign value,we can not only better grasp Baudrillard’s in-depth thought.Because sign value is its theoretical basis, understanding and construction of the sign value is internal basis of the evolution of his entire theoretical system. More importantly,with the help of this theory as the central clue, we can reveal more closely the nature of contemporary society and their own existence.Baudrillard’s academic history can be summarized as from supporting modernity to betray and escape gradually;from believing and developing Marxismt to criticize and deny; from Realism to Nihilism.During the process of academic interest’s such conversion,Baudrillard early provides a new way to analyze consumer demand,the media contacts and symbols characteristics in contemporary society. By analyzing, We can clearly see the symbolic theory played an important role in Baudrillard’s idea.It should be said the establishment, evolution and sublimation of the Baudrillard’s related theory are based on the sign.In his view,the contemporary consumer society is a symbolization society.ln addition,the consumption diving into the unconscious of the individual public silently in the form of an ideology through the sign and coding,become the most effective means of maintaining rule in the modern capitalist society.We begin to research from the Political Economy of the Sign as the academic purport of Baudrillard started from the Sign and the " Sign value" theory.During the process, we criticze his extremed thinking about Marx and the social reality with absorbing the reasonable parts.Only in this way,can we better adhere to Marxism and seek better understanding of the realities of contemporary social consumption.Therefore, the research will contribute to exploring the Baudrillard’s though and analyzing social reality.

  • 【分类号】F014.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1552

