

A Study on the Culture and Literature of the Yan’s Clan of Langya in the Six Dynasties

【作者】 常昭

【导师】 王志民;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 六朝四百年间,琅邪颜氏冠冕不断,在正史中有传的人物有颜含、颜延之、颜之推,正史附传的有颜斐、颜盛、颜师伯、颜竣、颜见远等数十位颜氏人物。这个家族重视总结家族发展的规律,并重视对家族文化的传承,如颜含有“靖侯家规”,颜延之有《庭诰》,颜之推有《颜氏家训》,这些基本文献是研究这个家族文化观念及其门风家学最有说服力的资料。琅邪颜氏祖先可以上溯到先秦的圣贤,历史文化渊源深厚,探讨其发展与衰落对于探索先秦儒学的发展衍变较有意义。本文主要以史为线索,挖掘并梳理颜氏家族在两汉魏晋南北朝时期的发展轨迹,综论颜氏家族在文化上的贡献,对文学创作的影响,以颜含、颜延之、颜之推三个重要人物为关键点进行以点带面的考察,试图寻找这个家族在四百年间发展的规律所在,并试图寻找其与先秦以来颜氏之儒的关系。最后结合国权、族势挖掘颜氏门风转向之内缘与时局变迁之外缘的关系,藉以考述琅邪颜氏在六朝的发展及内在机理。绪论主要介绍近年来中古家族文化研究的现状,指出魏晋南北朝时期颜氏家族文化与文学的贯通式的综合研究仍具有重要的理论意义,并进一步阐述了论文所使用的研究方法和研究思路。第一章主要考察颜氏的得姓及颜回与颜氏家族的关系,梳理了秦汉颜氏人物的世系发展,并探讨颜氏自先秦至两汉之后的发展过程及其家学门风得到怎样的变化,认为东汉以后的颜氏家族已初步形成独具特色的家族文化。第二章探讨魏晋时期颜氏家族文化的变迁。梳理了曹魏及西晋时期颜氏家族的发展概况,并对汉末魏初的两位重要人物颜斐、颜盛的事迹进行考辨,认为随着颜氏主体家族由鲁郡迁至琅邪,家族文化逐渐形成代传恭孝的特色。第三章总体考察东晋及南朝之颜氏家族概况。重点研究了南迁颜氏家族的领袖颜含的仕宦经历和言行,颜含所接受的家族文化影响以及他对颜氏家族文化的影响等。还考察了南朝宋、齐、梁时期颜氏家族的仕宦、交游与婚姻,重点分析了这个才学富赡的文化世家在儒、玄、道、佛及艺术等领域的成就。针对这一时期兴起的父子相继的家族文化现象进行考论,认为颜氏家族在修身齐家的基础上有着志于治平的理想和功业。第四章主要研究刘宋时期颜氏家族代表人物颜延之。考察了颜延之的仕宦与交游,重点探讨颜延之对家族文化的贡献,分析了他的家族观、亲情观和子孙教育观。颜延之作为元嘉三大家之一,对当时及后来的文坛有着重要影响,其文学成就与其家族文化之间也有着直接关系。本章还论述了颜延之的经学与佛学成就。第五章主要考察颜氏家族在梁末进入北朝政权之后的发展概况。论述了家族北上后的生活面貌、家族文化与地域文化的关系;颜氏家族的仕宦与交游以及北朝文化背景对颜氏家族的影响等。颜氏家族的家风家学表现在三大方面:一、家风由不尚仕宦到开放趋世;二、家学由重儒敦经到兼容并蓄;三、文风由华美走向质实。进入北朝的颜氏家族人物主要有两位颜之仪和颜之推。本章介绍了颜之仪的仕宦和文化行迹,他忠于职守,秉持儒学,在北朝取得了卓著的文化成就。第六章主要研究颜之推与《颜氏家训》,重点考察了颜之推的人生与心路历程。结合着颜之推的行迹,考察他在南朝湘东王文学集团及在北齐文林馆中所作的文化贡献。对于《颜氏家训》的研究主要侧重其子书性质的辨析。颜之推在这一著作中表达了务先王之道、绍家世之业的家族观念,积极维护家族的生存与发展并追求在社会上的价值实现。颜之推文学创作成就卓著,推崇经世致用的文学主张反映了家族文化的印迹。第七章以颜氏家族为例,剖析侨姓士族在南朝与当地文化的互动,部分侨姓士族北上后对北朝地域文化的影响。颜氏家族的两位代表颜之推和颜之仪分别对关陇和河朔文化作出了显著贡献。南来士族的文化参与对于周隋以降的文学振兴意义重大。结论指出,琅邪颜氏家族在魏晋南北朝时期呈现出鲜明的家族文化,即秉持儒学,重视家风家学的传承,不同时期的三位家族代表人物都留下了家族训诫文字,对家族产生了深远的影响。颜氏家族在南迁北上的过程中与其他一些重要文化家族一起为周隋以降的文化事业作出了贡献。本文创新点集中于以下几点:第一,颜含研究。颜含率族随晋南迁在家族发展史上是一件大事。自此以后琅邪颜氏在社会地位与文化地位上有了进一步的提高。但学界对这个人关注不多,至今没有专文论及颜含。本文通过正史传记及碑文和谱牒材料对颜含进行了生平、思想、仕宦、政治主张、家族影响等全方位的研究,揭示了他在家族发展史上的重要地位。第二,颜延之《庭诰》研究。历来对颜延之的研究大多集中在其文学成就上,而对其家族教育作品《庭诰》尚无专门的研究。本文从《庭诰》文本出发,对其中包含的家族教育内容进行分析,总结了颜延之的家族观念,并试图挖掘家族文化对其文学文化成就所产生的影响。第三,关于颜之推研究。本文初步检索了颜之推所读书目,并进而考察颜之推的基本知识结构与理论层次。对《颜氏家训》的研究着力于从颜之推的家族观念出发寻找对颜之推发生作用的家族文化的线索。特别是运用文本细读法对其赋作《观我生赋》进行分析论述,阐明他对于华夏文明的执著,再一次证明了家族中原有的儒学正统思想的传承。本部分还从诗、赋、文、小说各体成就结合其独特的文学理论进行分析,进一步确立他在文学史上的地位。

【Abstract】 In the nearly four hundred years historical process of Wei Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties,there emerged Dozens of characters coming from the Yan’s clan of Langya County constantly and were recorded in historical biographies,Yan Han,Yan Yanzhi,Yan Zhitui,and others. Summary on this clan attention to development of clan law,and focus on the clan culture heritage,for example,Jing Hou Jiagui,Ting Gao,Yan’s Family,which is to examine the concept of clan,cultural and family-family principle basic documents of the clan,as well as most convincing information for the clan research. Langya Yan’s ancestry can be traced back to the pre-Qin after the Saint,more profound historical and cultural origins,explore its evolution development and decline of exploring the development of Confucianism is helpful.This paper mainly carding the development trajectory of Yan’s clan in Han Wei Jin southern and Northern Dynasties period,comprehensive on the Yan’s clan in culture of contribution,on literature creation of effect,to Yan Han,and Yan Yanzhi’s,and Yan Zhitui push three an important character for key points of investigation. Final combining,Yan’s clan principle mining potential shift within the margin of the right outer edge of the relation between changes and the current political situation,with a view to development of textual Langya Yan in the six dynasties and the internal mechanism.Introduction focuses on research in recent years,pointing out this thesis’ research methods and ideas.ChapterⅠmainly visit the clan relationship of Yan Hui and surname of Langya Yan. Combed the Qin and Han Yan’s character’s development,and explored Yan after since the pre-Qin to the Han dynasty after the development process of change of their clan principle,this chapter point out the rest of the Eastern Han dynasty the clan has formed a unique clan culture.ChapterⅡstudy on changes of the Wei and Jin dynasties the culture of Yan’s clan.Mainly visit the two important figures Yan Fei,Yan Cheng textual,considered as subject clan consists of Lujun Yan moved to Langya Yan,the clan’s culture evolving focused on the GongXiao.ChapterⅢtotal visits the Eastern Jin dynasty and southern yan’s clan profiles. Key research across Yan Han’s words and deeds. Also inspected Yan’s clan with the friendship and marriage,focused analysis of the learning support of culture-rich clan of Confucianism and Taoism,metaphysical and Buddhism and the arts and other fields.For this period the rise of the parent-child clan cultural phenomena on the succession.Chapter fourth major study of Yan Yanzhi’s family in the Liu Song dynasty period.Visited Yan Yanzhi’s official and friends,focusing on Yan Yanzhi’s contribution to the family culture.Yan Yanzhi has an important influence,its literary achievements also has a direct relationship with his family culture.This chapter also discusses Yan Yanzhi’s achievement of Confucianism and Buddhism.The fifth chapter survey of development of Yan’s clan after it reaches the Northern dynasty. Discusses family after the north face of life,family and cultural relations with the local culture;Yan’s be an official of the family and friends,as well as Northern dynasty cultural background Yan’s clan influence and so on.Yan’s clan tradition family of summarized in three main areas:first,the tradition is not to be an official opening,and second,by the family inclusive;three,style from gorgeous to quality practice. This chapter describes Yan Zhiyi,thought he concept of devotion to duty,family and country. In short,in the Northern dynasty Yan’s clan has made outstanding cultural achievements.Chapter sixth major study Yan Zhitui and the Yan’s Family,focus to see Yan Zhitui life and mind of course. Combine the movements of Yan Zhitui,examine his Contribution in the Southern Liang and Northern Qi literary group. The Yan’s Family research has focused primarily on the analysis of the nature of the works of ancient philosophers.Yan Zhitui active maintenance of family life and development in the community.Yan Zhitui has outstanding literary achievement,and his literary ideas imprinted reflects the family culture.The seventh chapter analyze Chinese surname family in interaction with the local culture of the Southern dynasties. Yan Zhitui and Yan Zhiyi has made a significant contribution to northern dynasties’culture. Cultural participation of immigrant family Zhou Sui down also had a positive impact of cultural reconstruction.Concluded that Langya Yan’s clan in the Wei and Jin Northern and Southern dynasties dynasties emerged a distinct clan culture,when three admonish text clan representatives had left the clan,had a profound impact on the clan. Yan’s clan moved north to South and in the course of a number of other important cultural Zhou Sui clan to drop contributes to the cultural industries.This innovation is the following several points:First,Yan Han lade the clan moved to the south is a great thing in the history of the clan. Since then Langya Yan in terms of social and cultural status,has been further improved. This article by inscriptions and biographies of historical biographies and genealogical materials on Yan Han’s life,thoughts,be an official,political views,clan influence,such as a full range of research,revealing his importance in the history of the clan.Second,Has always been a study of Yan Yanzhi’s mostly focused on his literary achievements. This article from Ting Gao text view,which contains an analysis of the clan education,summarizes the Yan Yanzhi’s clan,family culture and trying to mining on the impact of its cultural achievements.Thirdly,there is an innovation with regard to Yan Zhitui research.Yan Zhitui and the Yan clan study circles there have been many achievements. This article seeks to set off from Yan Zhitui clan looking for clan’s cultural clues on Yan Zhitui. Text read method in particular,given the Guan Wo Sheng Fu assigned analysis discussion clarified his attachment for the Chinese civilization,once again proved that the clan already in Orthodox tradition of Confucianism. This section also from assigning,culture,poetry,novels the unique literary achievements in relation to their theoretical analysis,further clarified his position in the literature.

【关键词】 六朝琅邪颜氏颜含颜延之颜之推家族文化文学
【Key words】 CultureLiteratureThe Yan’s Clan Of LangyaThe Six DynastiesClan

