

Labor Devison and the Market Origine with

【作者】 白小虎

【导师】 史晋川;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 论文由七章组成,以义乌小商品市场为例研究劳动分工演进与市场起源的关系。论文认为:具有特定交易组织方式的市场,其形成与发展与特定的分工结构演进的过程相关。论文的主要内容概括来讲:以劳动分工思想为主线整理了一个案例,以新兴古典的劳动分工超边际分析框架为基础构造了两个职业中间商模型,分析了六个分工结构及其演进,阐释了劳动分工演进与市场的形成与发展之间的关系,并得到了经验的有力支撑。在综述了专业市场等相关研究的基础上,提出了从劳动分工的角度来考察这一类市场的主体——职业中间商的形成、并以此来研究该类市场起源的思路。论文以分工结构演进为主线组织了由“鸡毛换糖”传统演化到小商品市场形成的案例,初步梳理了分工演进和职业中间商形成过程的关键环节和相关问题。论文在第四、第五章以案例为经验研究的背景,以新兴古典经济学的劳动分工分析框架,构造了两类“职业中间商”模型。论文在第六章以四、五章的结论为基础,重点讨论模型中的交易效率对职业中间商分工结构的影响,考察分工的演进与市场的起源,并从若干结构变化中整理出义乌小商品市场与其渊源“鸡毛换糖”的关系。论文得到以下相关结论:1、市场从无到有,从简单到复杂,是一个不断出现新组织的过程,市场其实是一种协调分工的组织。分工是演进的,从最初的自给自足进入到各种分工结构,不同类型的市场与特定的分工结构相对应。2、职业中间商是分工结构从自给自足、直接贸易演进到迂回贸易结构的一类角点决策专家,专业化于组织迂回贸易,在直接贸易的分工结构基础上增加了新产品和新专家,分工网络扩大,分工水平提高。3、职业中间商的产生有两种情况:一种是当迂回交易出现了双向需求不吻合而又缺少货币媒介的情况,此时的职业中间商组织迂回贸易不仅满足了最终消费,还组织了贸易过程的媒介物。另一种情况是货币充当媒介物,职业中间商组织迂回贸易直接满足最终需求,此时的职业中间商相当于批发商。4、职业中间商是直接贸易向迂回贸易演进中产生的新的专家,其条件是一组交易效率的比较关系,还受到专业化的生产者、中间商等的学习成本的影响。如果交易效率得到改善,更多的产品成为贸易品,每一种贸易品有可能卷入迂回贸易,对应更多的专家卷入迂回贸易而成为职业中间商。随着迂回贸易品种类增加、交易规模扩大,迂回贸易超越当地社区,从而引起职业中间商内部差价中间商与交易服务中间商(零售商)的分工,而且形成差价中间商与零售商的等级结构。一般来讲,一个差价中间商与若干个零售商交易,交易空间的集中弥补交易时间的非连续以提高交易效率,由此形成了交易空间集中、时间集中的组织迂回贸易分工的专业批发市场。5、义乌小商品市场的案例提供了职业中间商劳动分工演进的历史过程,分工与市场起源划分了六个阶段,对应于六个分工结构。自给自足、个人副业、“敲糖帮”这三种结构对应于义乌“鸡毛换糖”的传统。当实物商品充当交易媒介时,交易范围有限,职业中间商组织迂回贸易,但市场并没有形成。历史案例表明在农业经济社会中也能产生贸易的分工结构,但是受制于总体较低的分工水平,大规模的专业批发市场还无法形成。义乌案例的特色在于即使没有货币,中间商巧妙地运用“鸡毛”充当交易媒介并在“敲糖帮”内部组织迂回贸易,这在经济史上实属少见。6、地方特色的贸易传统能否延续并进一步演进为专业批发市场,职业中间商的分工结构能否进一步扩大并出现内部的等级与分工,取决于特定历史制度背景下的交易效率。本文抽取产权保护效率与组织交易的效率两个维度加以历史制度分析,将“鸡毛换糖”传统从自给自足演化出小商品市场的历史过程按照分工结构演进的内在联系划分出若干个发展阶段,表明“鸡毛换糖”这一种贸易传统内含着的职业中间商分工结构是批发市场的源头,也足以支撑论文有关劳动分工与市场起源的相关结论。论文总体上是一个运用新兴古典经济学分析框架的经济理论研究,又是一个在经济理论基础上对历史案例展开结构性因素分析的经济史研究,而且历史研究与经济研究能够相得益彰。因此,论文后续的研究还可以在经济理论模型和经济史这两个方向上有所延伸,例如职业中间商模型拓展后可以研究多种交易组织,也可以用来研究流通产业的组织和发展问题,也可以拓展区域贸易史方面的经济史研究。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focus on how labor-divison evolve and lead to Market, especially on the origin of specialized Market, including seven chapters.In summarize, this dissertation provide a case in a clue of an idea of labor-divison, two models on professional middleman in an inframarginal analysis framework on labor-divison of New Classic Economy, six labor-devison structures and their evolutiona to a wholesale market, a hypothesis on labor-devison as the origin of the market, a strongly supporting test from emprical evidence.After a review on the research of the specialized market, a plan is decided that from the aspect of labor-devison to study the professional middlman as the clue for the market origin. In the third chapter, the case of Feather for Sugar is reorganized according to the evolution of the labor-devison structure, from the tradition to the market,make clear the process of the evolution and the related question. In the forth and fifth chapter, two models about professional middlman is developed with support from a positive background of the reorganized case and the theoretical background of New Classic Enonomics and labor-devison framework. In the sixth chapter how the transaction efficiency (k, in the model) influence the labor-devison of the middlman is discussed on the base of the conclusion from chapter four and chapter five. The labor-devison evolution and the origin of the market is studied, to clear up the relation between the market and its origin Feather For Sugar. So, the conclusion can be drawn from this dissertation as following:1. It is a process with new organization coming to being that the market, as an organization to coordinate labor-devison, developed from simple tocomplex. Labor-devison is in evolution, from the first state being autarky to various kind labor-devison structure,in according to different type of market with different labor-devison structure.2. Professional middlman is a corner-solution decision-making expert,that is from the evolution from autarky, direct trade to round-about trade pattern, who is specialized in organizing round-about trade. So, the labor-divison structure is added with new product and new expert to the direct trade one, leading to a expansion of the labor-devison network and the rise of the labor-devison level.3. There are two kind instances for professional middlman. When the bilateral need is not suit to each other in the round-about trade without money, the middlman organize the trade round-about not only to meet the final need, but to organize the intermediary for the trade. At least one good should act as intermediary in the round-about trade, so the middlman act as a money dealer. When money works, the professional middlman organize the trade to meet the final need, as a wholesale dealer works.4. Professional middlemen appears and works in condition of the improvement of a bound of transaction efficiency, as well as the influence of the study cost of specialized maker and middlemen. If transaction efficiency improved, more products become good, then involved into the round-about trade, correspondingly more experts be involved into round-about trade as a middlman. As the species of commodity improve and transaction expand over the local community, the professional middlman divide into make-up middlman and service middlman with a hierarchical structure.generally speaking, one make-up middlman at the top of the hierarchical structure deal with several service middlman. In order to improve transaction efficiency, they gather together to trade, so the convergence of space can make up the interruption of time, leading to a centralized and time-fixed trade place, that is how wholesale market appears.5. The Yiwu case provides a historical process of how professional middlman evolved, which is divided into six phrases in relation with six labor-division structure. Autarky, individual part-time and organized trade are in according to the Feather for Sugar tradition. When a product acts as intermediary with limited trading scope, the professional middlman organize round-about trade, however no market appears. What is interesting and very rare in economic history, that even without money, middlman can skillfully use feather as intermediary and organize the trade with the support of the Sugar Gang.6. Whether the local trade tradition can be continued and bring birth to market, whether the labor-divison of middlman can expand and become hierarchical, depend on the transaction efficiency under the very historical and institutional background. The evolution of the trade tradition from autarky to market is divided into several inter-related phrases according to the evolution of labor-divison, based on the historical institutional analysis on two dimension of property safeguarding efficiency and the trade organization efficiency, to prove that Feather for Sugar tradition is the origin of the Yiwu market.Generally this dissertation is a economic theoretical study in a New Classic economic framework, as well as a economic-historical study on the structure factors based on a case and economic theory. So, the continual study can be extended in both theoretical model and economic history, such as model for various transaction organization, the organization and development of circulation industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F723;F249.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】699
  • 攻读期成果

