

Research on Function Mechanism of Promoting China Fisheries Structural Adjustment by Innovation of Science and Technology

【作者】 方平

【导师】 陈方正;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本研究的目的是探讨我国渔业在产业结构单一且严重趋同,渔民增产不增收的情况十分突出的形势下,如何通过有效手段,加速我国渔业科技创新,促进科技创新对渔业结构调整的协调和统一,促使我国渔业增长方式转变。本研究运用的主要方法为:(1)实证研究与一般推理、归纳分析相结合。在研究渔业产业地位、科技创新对渔业结构变动影响时运用实证分析。在研究科技创新对渔业结构调整的作用途径时采用规范分析的方法。(2)灰色关联度法和计量经济模型。采用灰色关联度法研究我国渔业产业结构间的关系。建立计量经济模型分析科技创新在我国渔业结构调整中的作用。通过研究,得出以下结论:(1)构建了科技创新促进渔业结构调整的作用机制研究理论框架体系。(2)对我国渔业结构现状进行剖析,探明了渔业结构特点和三次产业存在的问题。我国渔业第一产业比重不断下降,第二、三产业比重逐步提升,第一产业对渔业经济贡献水平逐步弱化,渔业经济总量增长逐渐依赖于二、三产业的增长。三次产业主要问题分别是:第一产业结构层次较低、产品结构不合理、生产方式较粗放、生产组织化程度较低。第二产业中加工业发展滞后、渔用饲料产业发展水平低、饲料系数高;渔业生产中滥用违禁药物现状较普遍,造成水产品质量安全下降。第三产业的产业化水平低,休闲渔业的整体规划不够合理;渔业生产经营能力不强,渔民增收困难。(3)科技创新主要从供给和需求两方面影响渔业的投入产出及生产要素的配置和转换效率,进而推动渔业结构变革。其作用途径主要表现在:科技创新提高了渔业劳动者素质并改进了劳动工具;科技创新影响消费和生产需求结构的改变;科技创新带来的新产品、新工艺、新材料、新技术的发明和利用,催生了渔业新产业并弱化了传统产业;科技创新改变着渔业国际贸易结构,提高我国水产品国际竞争力,促进水产加工、流通产业的发展。(4)渔业科技人员数量与渔业科研经费投入对渔业结构调整有显著的促进作用,由于科技创新带来的养殖单产水平提高促进了渔业生产结构的调整。渔业在农业中经费投入与课题数的比例、渔业在农业中科技人员数与经费投入的比例两个变量能很好地反映渔业科技创新水平的变化,渔业占农业产值的比例变化对渔业结构的变动具有较强的解释能力。由科技进步而产生的单产提高明显地促进了渔业生产结构的调整。(5)从科技政策、体制政策、产业政策和管理政策等四个方面提出了政策建议,以促进渔业结构调整。

【Abstract】 In this paper,the author tries to probe into the policy and method of accelerating fisheries scientific and technical innovation,promoting the coordination and unity of scientific and technical innovation and fisheries structural adjustment through the effective means,impelling fisheries growth to change under the situation of single and uniformed fisheries structure and production increase but fisherfolk’s income decrease.In this paper,The details are follows:(1)Combining the empirical study with common reasoning and induction.The empirical method is mainly applied in analyzing fisheries situation and influence factors.The normative method is mainly applied in studying the basic principle and the function mechanism of scientific and technical innovation promoting the fisheries structural adjustment.(2)Grey correlation analysis and economic models function.Fisheries structure correlations are analysed by grey correlation analysis models.The role of scientific and technical innovation in fisheries structural adjustment of China is quantitatively measured through the economic models.The following conclusions and suggestions are educed from the above research.(1)Theoretical framework system of function mechanisms of science and technology innovation promoting fisheries structural adjustment is constructed.(2)The current situation of fisheries structure is analysed in this paper and fisheries structural features and problems in the three industries are proved.the second and third fisheries industry proportions of China fisheries increased gradually with the decrease of the primary fisheries industry proportion.The contribution level of the primary fisheries industry promoting fisheries economy is weakened step by step,at the same time,the increment of the total fisheries economy more and more depended on the increment of the second and third fisheries industry.The main problem of China fisheries structure as follows:the primary fisheries industry is the low industry structure level,the unreasonable aquaculture production structure,the extensive mode of aquaculture production and the low degree of organization of production. The main problem of the China second fisheries industry is the laggard Fish processing industry and the research on aquatic animal feed,the low level of fish feed industry and the feeblish fishing field of drug research. The main problem of the China third fisheries industry is the low industry level,unreasonable overall planning of recreational fishery, inadequate fishery production and management capacity. All of these factors result in the difficulty of fisherfolk’s income increase.(3)scientific and technical innovation can affect the input and output of fisheries, allocation of production factors and the conversion efficiency from two aspects of supply and demand mainly, Thus promoting structural changes in fishery.The function approach conclusion is as follows:scientific and technical innovation can improve the the quality of workers and working tools in fisheries, scientific and technical innovation can promote fisheries structural adjustment by influencing the structure of consumption and production demand;scientific and technical innovation can promote fisheries structural adjustment by invention and use of new products, new processes, new materials and new technologies,generating new industries of fisheries and weakening the traditional industries; scientific and technical innovation can change the of fisheries structure in international trade, improve the international competitiveness of China’s aquatic products continuously and promote the rapid development of China’s aquatic product processing and circulation industry.(4)The number of scientists and funds of fisheries can promote markedly fisheries structure adjustment, simultaneously, the elevation of aquaculture yields also can promote fisheries structure adjustment.Two explanatory variables such as the proportion of funds in the number of research projects fisheries in agriculture, the proportion of number of scientists in the funds fisheries in agriculture,can reflect the change of fisheries scientific and technical innovative competence well.The proportion change of the output values of fisheries in agriculture has stronger explanation ability to the change of the fisheries structure.These two factors have remarkable facilitation to optimization and adjustment of fisheries structure.The increase of output per unit area from the technological progress obviously promote the adjustment of fisheries production structure.(5)Policy recommendations are put forward from the science and technology policy,institutional policy,industrial policy and management policies in four areas in order to promote fisheries structural adjustment.


