

Metallogenetic Series and Exploration Prediction in the Taipingling-Wandashan Menerogenetic Zone of Heilongjiang

【作者】 李光辉

【导师】 邓军;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 地质找矿工作目前已由直接的露头找矿阶段而转变为以间接推断为主的理论找矿阶段。地质异常成矿预测就是我国学者根据新时期地质找矿需要而发展的新的成矿预测方法,其机理在于在地质异常致矿新思路的指导下,运用多学科信息,以非线性科学和高新信息处理技术如GIS平台为手段,以研究和圈定不同尺度和不同类型的地质异常为基本途径,实现对工业矿体的逐渐逼近。黑龙江东南部完达山-太平岭成矿带为该省重要的多金属成矿带。由于该成矿带多属森林覆盖区,基岩出露少,覆盖较厚,地质工作程度较低,仍有较大的找矿潜力,急需开展成矿预测方面的研究工作。本次工作对该成矿带的发现的各类贵金属、有色金属矿床进行总结,发现该成矿带主要发育斑岩型、矽卡岩型、热液型和岩浆熔离-贯入型等矿床系列,代表性的矿床包括四平山金矿床、先锋北山金矿床、跃进山铜矿床、五星铂-钯-铜-钴-镍矿床、四山林场银金矿床和洋灰洞子铜矿床等。通过对该成矿带成矿系列和成矿规律的总结,为矿产预测打下坚实的基础。应用GIS技术开展了矿资源预测和方法研究工作,提交了矿产资源预测成果和预测技术方法。在预测的三个图幅中,共圈出Ⅰ级异常5处,Ⅱ级异常5处,Ⅲ级异常23处,其中:穆棱镇公社幅圈定Ⅰ级异常3处,Ⅱ级异常3处,Ⅲ级异常10处。鸡东县幅圈定Ⅱ级异常1处,Ⅲ级异常11处。珍宝岛幅圈定Ⅰ级异常2处,Ⅱ级异常1处,Ⅲ级异常2处。经验证本次所预测的“珍宝岛幅IAuAg1号靶区”内已发现岩金矿,鸡东县幅的预测的IIAu1号异常在已知银金矿床的外围的扩大了矿体规模,并在矿体的外围新发现了铜钼矿体。所预测的靶区成矿前景较好,对指导找矿有重要的意义。对本次工作圈定的靶区和GIS技术在完达山-太平岭地区地质异常成矿预测研究靶区统计表中所建议验证的靶区进行验证。

【Abstract】 Geological prospecting has entered into the stage of theoretical exploration mainly by the indirect deduction rather than facing the outcrops directly. Geoanomaly-based mineral resource prediction is one of the new theories suggested by Chinese geologists for the metallogenic prognosis to fulfill the urgent needs of mineral prospecting in the new century. The philosophy of this new method is to study and contour the geoanomalies with different proportions and types utilizing the multidisciplinary information, and nonlinear scientific and high-tech information processing technologies such as GIS platform, supervised by the thoughts of geoanomaly associated with mineral resources, so as to approaching the industrial ore body gradually.Wandashan-Taipingling area located in the southeast of Heilongjiang is the most important polymetallogenic zone of the province. Covered with forests and thick Quarternary sediments in the most of the area, this metallogenic zone still has high patential for the geological prospecting when one noticed that the geological works are not enough because few rocks outcropped. The research on the metallogenic prognosis are badly need for this area. This work summarized the metallogenesis of the noble and nonferrous mineral deposits, and found that main mineral deposits series in the area were composed of porphyry-, skam-, hydrothermal, and magmatic-immiscibility-injection types. The representatives include Sipingshan and Xianfengbeishan Au deposits, Yuejinshan and Yanghuidongzi Cu deposits, Wuxing Cu-Pd-Cu-Co-Ni deposits, Sishanlingchang Ag-Au deposits. On the basis of comprehensive collections of the geological information of Wandashan-Taipingling polymetallogenic zone, this work conducted the metallogenic prognosis for this area utilizing the GIS platform supervised by the theory of geoanomaly-based mineral resource prediction. The outcome and methodologies of the thesis has been submitted.This work contoured 14 anomalies of grade one, 11 anomalies of grade two, and 32 anomalies of grade 3 for the total five maps. Dalomizhengongshe map has 1 anomaly of grade two, 4 anomalies of grade three. 9 anomalies of grade one, five anomalies of grade two and five anomalies of grade 3 were discovered in the Hualinzhen map. The work contoured 3 anomalies of grade one, 3 anomalies of grade two and 10 anomalies of grade three. 1 anomaly of grade two and 11 anomalies of grade three distributed in the Jidong map. Zhenbaodao map is of 2 anomalies of grade one, 1 anomaly of grade two and 2 anomalies of grade three. Rock gold ore has been discovered in the IAuAg1 target region of Zhenbaodao map predicted by this work. The scale of the ore body of the predicted IIAu1 anomaly has been increased and the Cu-Mo ore has been found in the outer region of the known Au-Ag deposit during the conduction of the project. The prospecting scope of the predicted target region is well for supervising the geological exploration. We propose that the verification work could be conducted in these predicted target regions.


