

Study of Rockburst of Drainage Tunnels in Jinping Ⅱ Hydropower Station

【作者】 刘立鹏

【导师】 姚磊华; 汪小刚; 贾志欣;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 岩土工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 岩爆涉及到水电工程、矿山开发、铁路公路隧道工程等多个工程领域,造成了重大的人员伤亡和经济损失,已成为工业安全领域的主要灾种之一。锦屏二级水电站地处高地应力地区,自掘进以来施工排水洞发生岩爆110余次,对人员设备安全及工程进展产生严重威胁。为更好地阐明高地应力条件下硬岩岩爆孕育发生机理,开展施工排水洞岩爆的预警预报工作。本研究以理论分析为基础,结合试验研究,现场工程监测,岩爆宏观表现特征,采用数值仿真技术等手段,系统地研究了施工排水洞岩爆问题。主要研究工作与成果如下:(1)施工排水洞所发生岩爆基本为零星应变型岩爆,断裂型及节理控制型岩爆较少。一般表现为片、板状剥落、弯曲鼓折破裂、穹状/楔状爆裂以及洞室垮塌型破坏特征。多发生于埋深大、岩体完整、地应力量级较高洞段,断层、节理等构造控制岩爆表征。(2)针对施工排水洞开挖卸荷本质,开展了室内常规及卸载岩石试验研究。结果表明:施工排水洞大理岩具有明显的弹-脆性破坏特征,卸载、加载速率及破坏围压等对脆性破坏特征影响较大,外部施加应变能达到极限储能时,试件发生破坏。(3)结合室内试验、现场声发射监测及数值模拟分析结果,提出洞壁围岩能量单纯释放与积聚-释放两种不同演化模式,从极限储能及能量演化角度提出了施工排水洞应变型岩爆孕育发生机制。(4)系统地研究了埋深、侧压系数、断裂构造、节理构造、地层岩性、洞群相互作用、洞室形状、施工方式、支护作用、围岩强度退化等因素对岩爆的影响,揭示了一系列有价值的规律。(5)结合已有岩爆判据,提出考虑岩石力学、脆性、岩体完整性、储能、能量释放量等五个方面的岩爆多元复合判据,并以能量释放量为依据,对岩爆等级进行了划分,对施工排水洞剩余洞段岩爆可能性进行了预测。提出前期避让、预防为主、防治结合、强化管理、实时优化的岩爆防治措施总则。

【Abstract】 The rockbusrst problems involve multi-fields such as hydropowerproject, mine exploitation, tunnel projects of railway and roadway and so on. It causes serious economic losses and casualties every year, and becomes a major disaster in the field of industrial safety.JinpingⅡhydropower station is located in a high geostress region of South-West China. Since the excavation of drainage tunnel, more than 110 rockbursts were recorded. These rockbursts activities have severe influence on the construction progress and safety of the personnel and equipments. To be better understanding the mechanism and prediction of rockburst of hard rock, the related problems of rockburst are studied in the dissertation. Based on theory analysis, using numerical simulation technology, and combining results of experiment research and field monitoring with characterization of rockburst, the rockburst in the drainage tunnel is studied systematically. The main research works are as following:(1) The rockburst in the drainage tunnel is mainly partial strain rockbust, fault-control while joint-control rockbust are infrequent. The break styles include spalling, bending, exploding, and collapsing. The strain rockburst occurred frequently in the layer with deep overburden, high in-situ stress, and intact rock mass. Fault and joint often influence the character of rockburst.(2) In response to the nature of the unloading since excavating of the underground, a series of rock experiment are carried out. The results illustrate that:the marble in the drainage tunnel has a characteristic elastic-brittle property, and the nature is influenced by loading velocity, unload velocity and failure confining pressure. If the energy in the rock which due to the change of the equipment attach the limitation energy of the rock self, the rock specimen will break.(3) Combining the results of the experiment research, field monitoring and numerical simulation, the energy change path in the tunnel wall are proposed, which has two patterns, release and release-accumulation. Based on the theory of the limitation of the energy in rock and the change of the energy when the excavating, the mechanism of rockburst preparation and development is proposed.(4) The influence on the rockburst by buried depth, side pressure coefficient, fault structure, joint structure, formation lithology, excavation shape, construction method, support action, strength degradation of rock mass have been analyzed. Based on the study conclusion mentioned above, some valuable laws are derived.(5) Based on the elastic energy release character of rock mass, combining the pre-existing rock burst criterion, the multi-criteria of rockburst are proposed, which considered the request of the rock mechanics, brittleness, integrity of rock mass, energy accumulating capability, energy release ability, and the index of the rock burst. Based on the multi-criteria of rockburst, the probability of rockburst in the residual drainage tunnel was analyzed and predicted. The results illustrate that:SK09+869~SK08+000 section will occurⅢlevel rockburst, SK08+000~SK07+000 section will occurⅡlevel rock burst and the others section will occurⅠlevel. Finally, the treatment measures of rockburst were presented.


