

Research on the Resources Curse and Transformation of Resource-dependent Cities

【作者】 徐凯

【导师】 肖荣阁;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源管理工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 资源型城市为我国经济社会发展做出了突出贡献。但许多国家和地区的实践表明,资源丰富作为资源型城市的比较优势并没有相应地带来经济的快速发展,反而可能陷入了资源诅咒的陷阱。在我国,很多资源型城市面临着“资源竭而城市衰”的尴尬境地。因此,从资源诅咒视角加强对资源型城市的转型研究对促进我国资源型城市可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。本论文的研究内容共有七章,按照“资源型城市现状—选用研究方法和指标—实证检验—原因分析—对策建议”的逻辑思路展开。绪论主要介绍研究背景、研究意义、研究方法、研究现状及主要创新点;第二章主要介绍我国资源型城市的基本状况;在此基础上,第三章分析了我国理论界现有研究资源型城市资源诅咒现象的方法和指标存在的问题,并对本文选用的规模经济指标进行了适应性分析;第四章则运用规模经济指标对我国资源型城市资源诅咒现象进行了实证检验;第五章基于第四章的实证分析结论,从规模经济的角度探讨了我国资源型城市存在资源诅咒的原因;第六章继续从规模经济的角度提出了资源型城市摆脱资源诅咒的基本思路;第七章对全文进行了总结,并指出了论文研究的不足之处及进一步研究的方向。国内外对资源型城市转型的研究文献很多,本文的创新主要注重从研究视角与研究指标上进行突破,主要创新点体现在:第一,国内外研究文献鲜有从资源诅咒的角度来研究资源型城市转型的,本文立足从资源诅咒视角出发,对我国资源型城市转型问题进行了深入研究,体现了研究思路的创新。第二,论文第一次运用规模经济指标来判断是否存在资源诅咒现象,通过构建时间序列,利用回归分析模型检验并证实了规模经济指标(成本产值比)与我国资源型城市经济增长之间的负相关关系。第三,分析了规模不经济是造成我国资源型城市存在资源诅咒现象的原因,并据此提出了相应的对策措施。

【Abstract】 Resource-dependent cities have contributed a lot to the socioeconomic development of China, but practices in some countries and regions have proved that rich resources, as a comparative advantage of resource-dependent cities, have not accordingly brought rapid economic growth; worse still, such cities are suffering from serious resources exhaustion are suffering from serious resources exhaustion, which has become a widespread phenomenon in most resource-dependent cities. Resources scarcity will unavoidably lead to the decline of resource-dependent cities; therefore, a study of the transformation of such cities is of vital importance to their sustainable development.The main body of this thesis consists of seven chapters in accordance with the logic of“The present situation of resource-dependent cities—disputes of the existence of the resource curse in resource-dependent cities—empirical study—causes analysis—solutions and suggestions”. The introduction includes research background, significance, research methods, situation and the major innovations. The second part focuses on the basic situation of the resource-dependent cities. In the third chapter, the disputes of the existence of“resource curse”in the resource-dependent cities are analyzed in the perspective of resource curse. The fourth chapter makes an empirical study of the existence of "resource curse”in resource-based cities by firstly using the scale economy indicators. On the basis of the empirical conclusion in chapter four, the fifth chapter discusses the causes of the existence of resource curse in our resource-dependent cities. Chapter six continues to propose the basic idea of getting rid of resource curse in term of expanding scale economy. The last chapter is about the inadequacies of thesis and the direction of further study.Compared with many researches on the transformation of resource-dependent cities both at home and abroad, this thesis focuses on the research perspective and index, which makes a breakthrough in the following aspects:First, this thesis makes a relatively comprehensive and thorough analysis on the transformation of resource-dependent cities from the perspective of“resource curse”, which is seldom studied in the past researches.Second, it is an innovation to employ the scale economic level index as a measure to judge whether there exist the phenomenon of resource curse. Besides, based on the model of regression analysis, this thesis has proved the negative correlation between the scale economic level and resource-dependent cities in our country through the construction of time series.Third, this thesis has proved that diseconomy of scale is the reason which leads to the phenomenon of“resource curse”and put forward corresponding measures.


