

The Evaluation of Coal Industry Environment in China

【作者】 黄向春

【导师】 崔彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 我国是煤炭资源大国,与美国、俄罗斯是世界上三个煤炭探明可采储量超过千亿吨的煤炭资源国,同时,我国也是煤炭资源生产与消费大国,煤炭在我国能源生产、消费中占据主导地位。煤炭资源作为我国的主要能源,在能源供给中长期处于主导地位,其产业环境直接关系到煤炭产业战略的制定、煤炭产业发展的前景。煤炭占我国能源消费的比例一直维持在70%左右,煤炭产业价值链巨大,对直接的或间接影响煤炭产业的环境因素进行科学、客观、准确的综合评价,并制定评价标准,解释评价结果,才能针对我国煤炭产业存在的问题,提出合理的对策建议,有利于把我们可持续发展、节能减排的指导思想落实到具体的、可操作的煤炭产业发展战略中去。对煤炭产业环境进行综合评价是一个比较复杂的工作,本论文首先借鉴通行的产业评价方法把煤炭产业生存发展环境分为外部环境和内部环境两部分,对外部环境运用PEST工具进行分析阐述,对内部环境按照市场情况、运营情况、产业集中度等进行分析,对煤炭产业环境进行了初步厘定。煤炭产业环境的评价从外部和内部两部分评价,人为的割裂了产业环境的整体性和系统性,本论文把煤炭产业环境评价从低到高划分为基础运行环境,产业运行环境,产业发展环境等三个层次,用系统的观点对煤炭产业环境进行综合评价,从纷繁复杂的产业影响因素中抽取关键因素构建煤炭产业环境评价指标体系,对我国煤炭产业环境进行科学评价,具有一定创新性。论文在充分占有统计资料的基础上,结合产业经济的普遍规律,运用层次分析法,对煤炭产业重要影响因素的指标赋予权重,结合数学模型对我国煤炭产业环境进行了量化分析和综合评价,为煤炭产业发展提供了有价值的参考。论文的最后,根据量化分析和指标评价结果,结合我国煤炭产业的发展现状对产业发展提出了系列对策和建议,具有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 China’s coal resources, production and consumption are huge, and the coal occupies dominant position of energy production and consumption. As main energy source, the coal industry environment is directly related to the coal industry strategy and the prospects of the coal industry. The proportion of China’s coal consumption has remained at about 70% of energy, and coal industry chain is long. a huge value, IF we can scientifically, objectively, accurately and comprehensively evaluate the factors that influence directly or indirectly on the coal industry, develop evaluation criteria, explain evaluation results, the reasonable suggestions are made. In addition, we can facilitate sustainable development, energy saving guidelines into concrete, actionable development strategies of the coal industry.The coal industry environment of comprehensive evaluation is a complicated work, this paper first explores the traffic industry evaluation method of coal industry’s survival and development environment into internal environment and external environment by external environment two parts, PEST tool, the internal environment are discussed according to the market situation, the operation situation, the analysis of the industrial concentration of coal industry environment, carried on the preliminary merchandise.Coal industry environment evaluation from external and internal two parts evaluation, man-made lacerates the industrial environment integrity and systemic, this thesis put coal industry environment evaluation division from low to high operating environment, based on industrial operation environment, industrial development environment with 3 levels of systemic viewpoint, evaluate the coal industry environment from the complexity of the industry, extraction of key factors influencing factors of coal industry environment construct the evaluation index system of our country, the coal industry environment, with a certain innovative scientific evaluation.Published in full possession of statistical data, combined with the industrial economy based on the common law, using ahp, important influence factors of coal industry, combining with the index weights are given to these mathematical model to our coal industry environment and comprehensive evaluation, a quantitative analysis for the coal industry development, provide valuable reference.At last, according to the results of quantitative analysis and evaluation index, combined with the current situation of the development of the coal industry for industry development put forward countermeasure and the suggestion, series has certain practical significance.

【关键词】 煤炭产业环境层次分析法PEST分析
【Key words】 CoalIndustry EnvironmentAHPPEST
  • 【分类号】F426.21;X820.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1882
  • 攻读期成果

