

Study on Integrated Technology of Ecological Restoration Applied in Semi-arid Area of Qinghai Province

【作者】 梁霞

【导师】 沈照理; 陈鸿汉; 沈毅;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着公路路域生态环境的恶化,人类的生存和发展受到威胁,作为公路路域生态恢复主要内容的植被恢复成为关注焦点。本文结合西部交通科技项目:《公路路域生态工程技术研究》,通过对青海半干旱地区生态恢复机理的深入研究,以研究区多条已建和在建的典型公路的调查监测为依据,将配套的公路生态恢复集成技术体系应用于依托工程青海省西塔高速公路,取得了较好的恢复效果,从中得出以下结论。1.基于生态相关理论的研究,提出研究区公路路域生态恢复的限制因子为气候、土壤和植被,各因子之间互相依存,互为制约,因此只有将植被群落筛选与设计、土壤改良与调控、植被建植技术集成并系统运用于公路路域的生态恢复,才能保证路域植被建植的成功和生态环境的自然演替及恢复。2.通过对相关公路植被恢复的调查及实验研究,运用综合指数法,成功筛选出研究区中央分隔带绿化美化并能起到良好防眩作用的植物物种:祁连圆柏、青海云杉、北京桧、刺柏、珍珠梅、红刺玫、丁香等乔灌木。边坡植被恢复适用的灌木种类:柠条、柽柳、紫穗槐等,及适用草本植物:赖草、紫花苜蓿、赖草、老芒麦、披碱草、中华羊茅等。3.为建立高效稳定的公路路域生态系统,根据西塔高速公路的气候特征和边坡土壤特点,在以上筛选出的适用植物物种中确立其植被恢复设计方案为:中央分隔带构建物种祁连圆柏、紫丁香、珍珠梅、红刺玫;边坡植被恢复植物组合:柠条、紫花苜蓿、披碱草、碱茅、老芒麦、中华羊茅等,兼顾了灌草组合,禾本科与豆科的搭配。4.经过土壤改良、植被建植和养护管理等技术的实施,西塔高速公路中央隔离带的植株成活率在90%以上;客土喷播、三维土工网和棉网状植生带建植的设计草灌结合种群在边坡植被恢复中均取得了较好的效果,其中棉网状植生带效果最好。5.通过生态护坡的效益估算,生态防护体系在研究区的应用可以取得较高的生态效益。而生态效益的取得决定于绿化面积及植被的生态功能。因此增加生态护坡面积,选取成活率高、而生态功能(固碳、制氧、纳污能力强)优秀的植被及减少建设和养护成本是提高公路生态环境效益的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Nearly years, with the deterioration of the road-zone’s ecology environment, the human existence and development is under threat. As the main contents of road-zone’s ecology restoration, the vegetation recovery becomes the social focus. Combined with the western traffic science and technology project: Study on the Ecotechnique in Highway Field, this paper firstly had researched the mechanism of ecology restoration in Huangshui River of Qinghai further, then taken the on-site inspection and monitoring for many building or built demonstration roads in the areas, at last applied the matched integrated technical systems to Xining-Ta’ersi highway of Qinghai. The recovery effects are tested and following conclusion is recieved:1. Based on the research on the concerned theory, the limitation factors of the road-zone’s ecology restoration such as the climate, soil and vegetation is raised, and the relationship of dependence and limitation among those factors is confirmed. So only applying the screening design of vegetation communities, the soil’s Improvement and regulation and the vegetation recovery’s technique integratedly and systematically can the vegetation be built successfully and the ecology environment be recovery naturally.2. Based on the research and experiment for the concerned roads’vegetation recovery, the plant species which are helpful to make the mid compartition strip greener, beautiful and non-glare, such as Sabina przewalskii, Picea crassifolia, Sabina chinensis L., Taiwan Juniper, Giant false spiraea, Rosa,Lilac and so on, and which are suitable for use in slope vegetation restoration such as Leymussecalinus, Alfalfa, Elymus sibiricus, Dahusian wildrye, Festuca sinensis and so on.3.In order to build efficient and stable road-zone’s ecosystem, the vegetation recovery design proposal which is based on the climatic features of Xining-Ta’ersi highway, the characteristics of slope’s soil and the above suitable plant species is identified4. As the technique-enforcement of soil improvement, vegetation construction, and maintenance management, survival rate is kept above 90%. By using external-soil spray seeding, three-dimensional geonet sprig-grass and sodded strip technique, the grass- irrigation mixed design is tested better results.5. By estimating on the ecological benefit, the ecology protection system has gotten better ecological benefit, which is depended on the green coverage and vegetation’s ecosystem function. So increasing the green coverage and choosing those plants whose survival rate and ecosystem function is better is the effective way to raise road’s ecological benefit but maintenance cost.

  • 【分类号】U418.9;X171.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】345
  • 攻读期成果

