

The Industrial Competitiveness Analysis Base on Industrial Ecology View

【作者】 余平

【导师】 顾庆良;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 产业经济与管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 随着可持续发展战略在全球范围内的普遍实施,有关产业的生态化的研究在各国政府、产业界和学术界中已引起更广泛的重视,众多专家、学者也在努力探索资源节约、保护环境、协调人和自然生态系统间关系的发展模式。传统的经济增长模式把资源持续不断地变成废弃物,忽视了各产业之间的有机联系和共生关系,忽视了社会经济系统和自然生态系统间的物质、能量和信息的传递、迁移、循环等规律,致使资源枯竭和生态恶化。另一方面,产业竞争力的提高,直接关系到一个国家劳动生产率、产业安全和人民的整体福利水平的提高,忽视产业的竞争力会使该国民族产业失去了生存和发展空间。产业为了在激烈的市场竞争中获得优势,必须适应消费者对绿色产品、生态消费的需求,必须提高产业生产过程中物质、能量的转化与利用效率,必须同相关产业、产业上下游企业,甚至是竞争企业之间形成良好的竞争与合作关系。传统的产业竞争力评价与分析理论对国内、外各产业的竞争状况和市场地位评价和分析已经略显力不从心,新的产业生态竞争力评价与分析理论应该突破传统产业竞争力研究思维模式,引入新的评价元素。经过多年的研究与发展,学术界对竞争力、产业竞争力的研究已经形成比较完善的理论体系。论文第二章对产业生态竞争力的相关研究进行综述,主要包括产业生态竞争力的相关概念、理论以及相关产业竞争力评价体系。如:IMD国际竞争力评价体系、WEF国际竞争力评价体系、波特新竞争优势理论、世界银行的亚拉威评价体系、GEM评价模型等国内外产业竞争力评价分析体系。其中,艾思提和波特两位教授从资源生产率角度对竞争力的分析触发了本文从生态角度对产业竞争力进行再思考。自然生态系统和产业生态系统在结构和功能上存在的相似性是产业生态竞争力的理论基础。论文第三章通过自然生态系统与产业生态系统类比分析,得出产业生态系统与自然生态系统在结构、功能及特征等方面具有较大的相似性。(1)自然生态系统与产业生态系统有较高的结构相似性。自然生态系统由非生物环境、生产者、消费者和还原者组成,多个生物体形成食物链,多条食物链形成食物网;产业生态系统由产业生态环境、生产者、消费者和分解者组成,多个企业形成产业链,多条产业链形成食物产业网,它们在形态结构上有很高的相似性。营养结构上,自然生态系统通过物质流、能量流进行营养传递;产业生态系统通过资金流、信息流、物质流、能量流进行产业流通。(2)自然生态系统与产业生态系统有较高的功能相似性。自然生态系统有竞争、共生、捕食、寄生等生态基本功能活动;产业生态系统有企业竞争、企业共赢、企业捕食、企业寄生等产业基本功能活动。(3)自然生态系统与产业生态系统有较高的特征相似性。自然生态系统与产业生态系统都具有对周边环境的良好适应性;自然生态系统与产业生态系统都具有互利共生、和谐发展的特性;自然生态系统提倡提高每个能量层级间的转化效率,产业生态系统提倡提高每种产品生产的资源生产效率。根据自然生态系统与产业生态系统结构相似性、功能相似性和特征相似性,结合产业竞争力与产业生态系统自身的特点,第四章分别给出了产业生态竞争力、环境适应能力、产业和谐共生能力、资源生产率的相关定义。产业生态竞争力是指整个产业重视对生态环境的影响与互动,将和谐共生和协同进化的思想用于产业内生产、管理的各个环节,提高资源生产的利用效率,减少废弃物的产生与排放,从而建立起一种可持续发展外部产业比较优势。产业生态竞争力要求产业生态系统具有对周边环境的良好适应性;要求产业生态系统具有互利共生、和谐发展的特性;要求产业生态系统具有高效的系统转化能力。产业环境适应能力要求产业能经受得起外界刺激和冲击,在国家经济政策调整、贸易环境变化、科学技术发生重大变革、原材料供应条件改变、市场情况和消费者的需求发生变化、社会经济生活发生动荡等情况时,能按照产业中长期规划的要求主动适时地调节生产经营活动,不断提高产业生态竞争力,保证产业的持续健康发展。产业和谐共生能力要求在产业生态环境中,产业共生单元以产业链为纽带,妥善处理竞争与合作的矛盾,形成产业与产业、企业与企业之间共生关系,不断协同进化,不断提高产业生态竞争力,并承担相应社会责任,保证产业的持续健康发展。产业链中各个生产环节的资源利用效率和资源转化效率是实现产业竞争力的重要手段。资源生产率要求产业生态系统在提高物质和能量的利用效率的同时,’提高经济活动中物质和能量转化效率和速度,其核心思想是高效的“以少产多”产业资源生产率的提高意味着可以用较少的材料和能源,用较高的转化速度从一种产品或过程中得到同等量或更多的效益或成果。第五章以纺织服装产业为例,从生态视角验证了产业生态竞争力的影响因子结构。研究发现,环境适应能力,和谐共生能力、资源生产率是产业生态竞争力的影响因子。和谐共生能力因子、资源生产率因子同时通过相关分析和回归分析,环境适应能力因子也通过了相关分析。环境适应能力各二级指标中,原材料市场变化适应能力、贸易壁垒适应能力、汇率变动适应能力三个因子通过相关分析和回归分析,正向相关性得到验证;新产品开发与创新能力,行业标准执行能力,新市场开拓能力则没有通过显著性检验,没有通过正向相关性。和谐共生能力各二级指标中,上下游企业协作能力、竞争企业协作能力、环境保护能力三个因子通过相关分析和回归分析,正向相关性得到验证;社会责任实践能力、区域行业协会指导能力、相关产业协同能力、区域产业链发展水平通过相关分析,没有通过回归分析,部分正向相关性得到验证。劳动生产率、单位产值耗能量、资金周转率、利润率四个资源生产率二级指标因子全部通过相关分析与回归分析,正向相关性得到验证。第六章以园州、平湖纺织服装产业发展、建设为例,从环境适应能力、和谐共生能力、资源生产率等诸多方面论述了产业生态竞争力的影响因素,为中国纺织服装产业的产业生态竞争力提供了实践指导。第七章给出了研究的基本结论,环境适应能力,和谐共生、协同进化能力,资源生产率是影响产业竞争力形成的主要因素。产业生态竞争力不只是强调的单个生产者的竞争力,而更注重整个产业可持续发展的竞争合力;产业生态竞争力理论从本质上颠覆了传统产业竞争思想,革新了传统产业的运营模式,提高了产业的生产效率。

【Abstract】 As the strategy of sustainable development is being widely put into practice in the world, the research of industrial ecologization has been aroused more broad attention in various countries’government, industrial session and academic session. Lots of experts and scholars pay attention to resource conservation, environmental protection and harmonious mode between human and the natural ecosystem. Traditional economical growth pattern brings about resources depletion and ecology worsening by turning resource into waste incessantly. It ignores the organic connections and paragenesis relations among different industries, and ignores trainsmission, migration and circulation of the matters, energy and information between social economy system and natural ecosystem. On the other hand, enhancing the industrial competitiveness has direct relation with a countries’ lahour productivity, industrial safety, and whole people’s welfare level. It will lose living space and development space of a national industry if it hasn’t attached importance to industrial competitiveness. It is necessary to satisfy green product and ecology product demand of consumers, to increase transfer and use efficiency of matters and energy in the production process, to have a good competitiveness and cooperation with industrial upstream and downstream enterprises, even including competitive enterprises. The traditional evaluation and analysis theory of industrial competitiveness ability not equal to its ambition to evaluate and analyze the domestic and oversea industrial competitive status and market position. A new evaluation and analysis theory of industrial ecology competitiveness need to be established, which introduce new thought pattern and value elements.With many years’ development and research, academic session has established a fairly perfect theory of competitiveness and industrial competitiveness. At the second chapter of this paper, it introduce the summarize of the industrial ecology competitiveness including its concept, theory, and evaluation system. There are already have several evaluation systems such as IMD world competitiveness evaluation system, WEF global competitiveness evaluation system, Porter’s competition advantage theory, World Bank’s Alavi evaluation system and GEM evaluation system. Among all of these theories, the point of view of resource productivity from Esty and Porter cause the rethinking of industrial competitiveness from perspective of ecology.The structure and function comparability between natural ecosystem and industrial ecosystem is the basic of industrial ecology competitiveness. With analogy analysis between natural ecosystem and industrial, it is point out that there are having lots of comparability in structure, function and character at the third chapter of this paper. (1) Natural ecosystem has a high similar to industrial ecosystem in structure. Abiotic environment, producers, consumers, and decomposers make up of natural ecosystem, which multi-organism make up of a food chain, and multiple food chains make up of food web. Industrial ecology environment, producers, consumers, and decomposers make up of industtrial ecosystem, which multiple enterprises make up of an industry chain, and multiple industry chains make up of industry web. Natural ecosystem transfers nourishment by material flow and energy flow in trophic structure, while industrial ecosystem’s transfer by capital flow, information flow, material flow and energy flow. (2) Natural ecosystem has a high similar to industrial ecosystem in function. It has some basic functions such as competition, symbiosis, predation and parasitism in natural ecosystem, and it also has some basic function such as enterprise competition, enterprise win-win, enterprise predation, and enterprise parasitism in industrial ecosystem. (3) Natural ecosystem has a high similar to industrial ecosystem in character. Both natural ecosystem and industrial ecosystem have good adaptation to the environment, and both of them have the character of mutualism and harmonious development. Natural ecosystem improves the transformation efficiency of different energy hierarchy, and industrial ecosystem improves the resource productivity of production process of different output.With the structure comparability, function comparability, and character comparability of natural ecosystem and industrial ecosystem, it points out the correlation theory of industrial ecology competitiveness, environment adaptation, industrial harmonious mutualism, and resource productivity in chapter five. The definition of industrial ecology competitiveness is that it wants to establish a exterior sustainable development industrial comparative advantage. The whole industry emphasizes the affect and interaction with the ecology environment. The theory of harmonious mutualism and coevolution is used in every step of industrial production and management. It improves use efficiency of production resources by reducing waste’s generation and discharge. Industrial ecology competitiveness calls for good adaptation to the environment, good character of mutualism and humorous development, and high system transfer ability. Industrial ecology environment adaptability requires the industry should be stand up to various stimulations and impact, including the adjusting of national economic policy, the change of trade environment, the revolution of technology, the change of raw and processed materials supply condition, the change of requirement of markets and consumers, and the turbulence of social economic life. It also requires the industry to adjust the production and management activities according to the industrial medium-long term plan by itself, which keeps industry sustainable and healthy development, and improves industrial ecology competitiveness. Industrial harmonious mutualism ability requires that industrial symbiotic unit took industrial chain as tie, dealing with the relation between competition and cooperation properly, undertaking corresponding social responsibility, forming symbiotic relationship of one industry (enterprise) with the other industry (enterprise), and coevolving continuously. It must ensure industrial sustainable and healthy development and improve industrial ecology competitiveness. Use and transfer efficiency of resource of every production process of industrial chain is an important measure to improve industrial ecology competitiveness. The core idea of resource productivity is high efficiency input less and output more. It requires industrial ecosystem should be increased transfer efficiency of matters and energy when increase the use efficiency. The increase of industrial resource productivity means that a product or process gain equally or more output with less input by high transfer speed.In the chapter five, it takes textile and apparel industrial as an example to verify the industrial ecology competitiveness impact factors from ecological view. It including environment adaptability, harmonious mutualism ability, and resource productivity. Harmonious mutualism factor and resource productivity factor have passed the correlation analysis and regression analysis, and environment adaptation factor has just pass the correlation analysis. In the second index of the environment adaptability, raw and processed materials variety adaptability, trade barrier adaptability, exchange rate fluctuation adaptability pass the correlation analysis and regression analysis. The new product development an innovation adaptability, new market exploitation adaptability haven’t pass the correlation analysis. In the second index of the harmonious mutualism adaptability, the cooperation ability of enterprises upstream and downstream, the cooperation ability of competitive enterprises, and the environment protective ability have pass the correlation analysis and regression analysis. The social responsibility practical ability, the regional trade association guiding ability, the relative industry cooperation, and the development level of regional industrial chain have pass the correlation analysis, but not pass regression analysis. In the second index of resource productivity, the labor productivity, the energy consumption per unit output value, the capital turnover rate, and the profit margin have pass the correlation analysis and regression analysis.It takes the development and construction of the Yuan Zhou and Pin Hu’s textile and apparel industrial as an example to discuss the influence factors of industrial ecology competitiveness such as environment adaptability, harmonious mutualism ability, and resource productivity in the chapter six. It provides practical guidance for industrial competitiveness of china textile and apparel industry.The basic research conclusion was given out in the chapter seven. Environment adaptability, harmonious mutualism ability, and resource productivity are the primary factor. Industrial ecology competitiveness not only emphasizes the competitiveness of single unit producer, but also more emphasizes the sustainable development of the industrial competitiveness. The theory of industrial ecology competitiveness overthrows the ideology of traditional industrial competitiveness, which reforms the traditional industrial operation mode, and promotes the industrial productivity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F270;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1404
  • 攻读期成果

