

【作者】 李霞

【导师】 戴昌钧;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 知识经济时代,信息和知识被视为在发展经济中价值创造的主要驱动力(Zuboff,1996),知识作为现代社会中最重要的战略资源,对当前经济和社会发展发挥着无可替代的决定性作用。同时,21世纪全球的经济形态已转变为以创新为主的知识经济时代。对服务企业而言,创新同样是获得竞争优势的主要源泉。而作为企业组织创新基础的员工创新行为,直接关系到企业的生存和发展。Woodman, Sawyer, Griffin (1993)等指出创新的结果是由个人延伸到团队,最后延伸到组织,乃至整个社会,也就是说无论哪种创新,所有的基础都来自个人的创新。可以说,员工创造力及创新行为是组织创新的源泉和起点,是组织持续发展的根本动力。因此,如何对员工创新行为进行有效的管理,成为服务企业需要普遍关注的问题。服务企业员工创新绩效提升的根本前提是了解其创新行为的本质,需要以此作为研究出发点。由于员工创新行为是一个复杂的多层次、多维度的系统过程,目前对其研究视角也是多种多样,涉及到社会文化、行业环境、组织氛围等宏观影响因素,也涉及到员工特质、个性等微观影响因素。然而由于知识作为创新实现的关键因素,成为研究创新的重要突破点。因此本课题选取知识作为研究出发点,通过知识认知的“主观概率”将知识概念的认识论与功利论相统一,并落实到具体的行为研究中,即服务企业员工创新行为;同时通过选取服务企业典型代表——酒店从业人员作为研究对象进行相关实证研究。主要研究内容与成果如下:1.服务企业员工创新行为研究的理论基础。一是根据顾客需求的变化规律,系统描绘了服务企业服务形式的演变历程,从而推断出员工创新行为是未来服务发展所需最高形式——个性化服务的必然结果,提出了服务企业服务创新与服务标准化的螺旋演进。二是界定了服务企业员工创新行为的概念,指出员工创新行为在某种程度上是一种帕累托改进,并进行了其行为特征和内外部动因分析。三是基于与之相关的服务创新分类的研究基础,进行了员工创新行为表现形式分析,总结了服务内容、服务形式、服务流程、服务情感引发的四种创新形式。2.基于知识视角的服务企业员工创新行为产生机制研究。一是基于效用理论进行了员工信息知识转化机制研究,为企业员工知识获取研究奠定基础。二是基于个体知识的主观论,进行了员工个体知识的主观概率值和主观概率阈值分析,并通过调查问卷分析证实其存在性。三是结合员工知识获取与知识认知过程,进行了服务企业员工创新行为的产生机制研究。3.服务企业员工创新行为量表与信息获取量表的设计。在国内外研究文献基础上,切合服务企业员工自身工作特征,制定了具有一定信度和效度的服务企业员工创新行为测量量表和信息获取测量量表。根据服务企业员工创新行为的特征与内容,提出了服务企业员工创新行为分为创新倾向、创新构想的产生、创新构想的执行、创新构想的实践四个结构维度;服务企业员工信息获取按照路径分为员工与顾客间信息转移、员工与组织间信息传递、员工与同事间信息共享、员工与外部间信息获取四个维度。通过高星级酒店从业人员的调查问卷发放与回收,进行样本统计的探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,检验了服务企业员工创新行为和信息获取量表的维度构成。同时分析了员工创新行为和信息获取在统计样本的性别、职位、年龄等个人背景变量上存在的差异。4.服务企业员工个体知识主观概率值、阈值与创新行为结构维度间关系研究。通过相关性分析,检验了员工个体知识主观概率值与创新行为的创新倾向显著负相关,员工个体知识主观概率阈值与创新行为的创新构想执行显著负相关,揭示了员工个体知识主观概率值、阈值在创新行为的作用。5.利用结构方程模型分析了服务企业员工信息获取路径维度与创新行为过程维度间关系路径。研究得知:员工与顾客间信息转移、员工与同事间信息共享、员工与组织间信息传递、员工与外部间信息获取与创新行为的创新倾向、创新构想的产生、创新构想的执行、创新构想的实践显著正相关。其中,在员工信息获取路径维度与创新行为过程维度的路径分析中,员工与顾客间信息转移、员工与外部间信息获取对员工创新行为贡献度较大。总之,本课题遵循“信息—知识—行为”的研究思路,综合运用管理学、经济学、行为学等相关学科的理论基础,对服务企业员工创新行为进行系统研究,一方面基于服务企业员工工作行为特征探求普适性研究成果,从知识视角分析其行为产生机制;另一方面结合调查问卷的有效设计进行服务企业员工信息获取与创新行为的关系研究。本研究主要创新点表现在以下几个方面:1.信息-知识-创新行为贯穿全文的独特研究思路在员工创新行为的研究,多是基于社会学、行为学和心理学等学科的理论基础,而本研究选取知识视角,遵循“信息-知识-行为”研究思路,对服务企业员工创新行为进行系统的研究,具有创新性的研究思路。同时当前对于员工创新行为研究较多,然而多是基于高技术企业或创意团队等知识密集型企业,对于具有知识和劳动双重密集型的服务企业员工创新行为研究较少,因此本研究选取服务企业员工创新行为作为研究对象,弥补了当前研究的空白。2.主观概率在员工个体知识表征中的引入与应用本文基于“知识是被确信的信念”概念出发,用“主观概率”来表示员工个体知识(信念)的确信程度,这种用主观概率进行知识表征的形式,实现了知识概念的功利论和认识论的统一。同时用调查问卷形式进行了员工个体知识的主观概率值和阈值存在性问题的调查,用区间形式量化了其大小问题。并且将这两个概念与员工创新行为发生过程相结合,进行了基于知识视角的服务企业员工创新行为产生机制研究,具有一定的新颖性。3.服务企业员工创新行为量表和信息获取量表的有效设计本文在国内外研究文献基础上,特别针对服务企业员工工作特征,进行了服务企业员工创新行为测量量表和信息获取测量量表的设计,并通过了一定的信度和效度分析。同时通过样本数据的收集与整理,该量表检验了服务企业员工创新行为和信息获取路径的结构维度,指出服务企业员工创新行为可以划分为创新倾向、创新构想的产生、创新构想的执行、创新构想的实践四个维度,服务企业员工信息获取路径也可以划分为四个维度,即员工与顾客间信息转移、员工与组织间信息传递、员工与同事间信息共享、员工与外部间信息获取。

【Abstract】 Knowledge economy age, information and knowledge are regarded as the main driver of value creation in economic development (Zuboff,1996). As the most important strategic resources of modern society, knowledge plays an indispensable and decisive effect in current economic and social development. Meanwhile, global economy has been transformed into innovative-based form in the 21st century. As for service business, innovation is the main source of competitive advantage. Similarly, as a basis for organizational innovation, employee innovation behavior is directly related to survival and development of enterprises. Woodman, Sawyer, Griffin (1993) pointed out that the result of innovation was extended to the team, organization, and even the society by individuals, that is to say, no matter what kind of innovation, the basis of all innovation came from individuals. Employee creativity and innovation behavior is a source and starting point of organizational innovation, is the fundamental driving force for sustainable development. Therefore, how to effectively manage service employee innovation behavior, which becomes an universal problem for enterprise.At present, there are varied angles for employee innovative behavior, At present, there are many kinds of visual angle for employee innovation behavior, involving macroscopical facets, such as society, business, organization and other factors, also related to microscopic facets, such as staff characteristics, however the fundamental premise of performance improvement of employees innovation behavior for service business is to understand the nature of innovation behavior, and as a research starting point. As a key factor to achieve innovation, knowledge becomes an important breakthrough to study innovation, so this topic is from the perspective of knowledge, achieves the unity of knowledge concept’s epistemology and knowledge concept’s utility through "subjective probability", and is applied in specific behavior study. The topic follows "information-knowledge-behavior" research ideas, synthesizes and exerts management theory, economics theory, behavioral science theory and other related subjects, puts up system research on. The main contents and results are as follows: i Theory basis of research on service employee innovation behavior. First, according to customer demand changes, the paper systemically describes the evolution of service form supplied by service enterprises, sequentially deduces that employee innovation behavior is the highest form of service development, which is the inevitable result of personalized service, puts forward the spiral evolution between innovative service and standardized service. Second, the paper defines the concept of employee innovation behavior, carries out their behavior characteristics and internal and external motivation analysis, points out that employee innovation behavior is a Pareto improvement in a way. Third, based on related innovation classification research, the paper analyzes represent forms of employee innovation behavior, sums up the service content, service form, service flow, service sensibility four innovation forms.ii Research on production mechanism of service employee innovation behavior based on knowledge perspective. First, the paper carries out transformation mechanism between information and knowledge for employees based on utility theory, which will lay the foundation for employees’ knowledge acquirement study. Second, based on subjectivism of individual knowledge, the paper analyzes individual knowledge subjective probability and individual knowledge threshold value, confirms its presence by questionnaire analysis. Third, combining with employees’ knowledge cognition and knowledge acquisition, the paper puts up research on production mechanism of service employees innovation behavioriii Designs on service employee innovative behavior scale and information acquirement scale. Based on home and abroad literatures, combining with service employees own characteristics, the paper designs service employee innovation behavior scale and information acquirement scale which have a certain degree of reliability and validity. The paper puts forward service employee innovation behavior has four-dimensional structure, namely innovation orientation, innovation ideas generation, innovation ideas implementation, innovation ideas practice. And service employee information acquirement has four-dimensional structure according to path, namely information transfer between employee and customer, information transmitting between employee and organization, information sharing between employee and colleague, information acquirement between employee and exterior. The paper puts up exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis by sample statistics to test the two scales’dimension structure. Simultaneously the paper analyzes service employee innovation behavior and information acquirement variables have differences in gender, position, age and personal background variables.iv Relation researches on between service employee individual knowledge subjective probability and innovation behavior structure dimension. Through relation analysis, the paper tests that service employee individual knowledge subjective probability is significantly negatively related to innovation orientation of innovation behavior, and service employee individual knowledge subjective probability threshold value is significantly negatively related to innovation ideas implementation of innovation behavior. The paper reveals that service employee individual knowledge subjective probability and threshold value play an important part in innovation behavior.v Analysis on the relationship path between path dimensions of service employees’ information acquirement and process dimensions of innovation behavior with structural equation model. There are significant correlation among information transfer between employee and customer, information transmitting between employee and organization, information sharing between employee and colleague, information acquirement between employee and exterior with innovation orientation, innovation idea generation, innovation idea implementation, innovation idea practice. Among these paths, information transfer between employee and customer, information acquirement between employee and exterior have a larger contribution of innovation behavior.The main research innovations are in the following areas:i Unique research ideasFirst, research perspective is uniquely selected. Employee innovation behavior is mostly based on sociology, behavior, psychology and other subjects, however the paper selects knowledge perspective, follows "information-knowledge-behavior" research idea, carries out systemic research on service employee innovation behavior, which has innovative research ideas. Second, study object is uniquely selected. Although there are many researches about employee innovation behavior, which are based on high technology enterprises or creative team which belong to knowledge-intensive enterprises. There are lack in research on the service employees with knowledge and work double-intensive. So this study makes up the current research gaps. Third, research method is uniquely selected. The paper selects economics’utility theory to explain the transformation mechanism between information and knowledge.ii Subjective probability introduction and application in employee individual knowledge representationBased on the concept "knowledge is convinced belief", the paper adopts "subjective probability" to express the assuredness degree of employee individual knowledge, this form of knowledge presentation with subject probability achieves the unity of knowledge concept’s epistemology and knowledge concept’s utility. Meanwhile, the questionnaires are adopted to investigate the existence problem of subject probability and subject probability threshold value, and to measure their size problem with interval form. At the same time, combining with service employee innovation behavior, the paper analyzes production mechanism of service employee innovation behavior based on knowledge perspective, which have some originality.iii Effective design on service employee innovation behavior scale and information acquirement scaleBased on home and abroad study literatures, in particular according to work characteristics of service employees, the paper designs service employee innovation behavior scale and information acquirement scale, and the two scales have reliability and validity through analysis. Through data collection and sorting, the paper tests service employee innovation behavior has four structure dimensions, namely innovation orientation, innovation ideas generation, innovation ideas implementation, innovation ideas practice. And tests service employee information acquirement has four path structure dimensions, namely information transfer between employee and customer, information transmitting between employee and organization, information sharing between employee and colleague, information acquirement between employee and exterior.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F719
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】926
  • 攻读期成果

