

Study on Ecological Effect of Evolution of Grassland Landscape Pattern Driven by Tourist Interference

【作者】 李文杰

【导师】 王林和;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 草原旅游开发进入加速阶段,然而在旅游开发较为集中的草原区出现了明显的生态环境退化问题,为保护草原旅游区生态环境,有必要探究其受到影响的主要原因和影响机理。本文以内蒙古希拉穆仁草原旅游区为研究区,利用2000、2004、2007、2009年四期遥感影像图矢量化数据,经过景观格局指数计算定量分析了近十年研究区景观格局及其动态变化特征,结合研究区18年来的气象数据和近10年旅游发展的相关旅游干扰因子、畜牧业生产生活因子以及政策影响因子综合分析了研究区景观格局动态变化的影响因素,利用SPSS软件进行了景观格局指数与驱动因素之间的相关性分析,寻找旅游干扰因子在草原旅游区景观格局变化中的重要作用。通过实地调研与实验分析探究了草原旅游区的旅游干扰差异,揭示了其影响机理与生态效应。提出了草原旅游区生态环境保护对策与优化管理机制,为草原旅游开发提供科学决策依据,推动草原生态环境的保护与草原旅游业持续发展。主要研究结论如下:1、近10年来希拉穆仁草原旅游区景观构成变化较大,但景观类型间的变化趋势和程度不尽相同。旅游用地面积迅速增长且斑块数量大、分布密集,成为草原景观趋于破碎的直接诱因。被旅游干扰强烈分割后的草原斑块岛屿化现象明显加强,生态环境更加脆弱。2、以镇区为中心,按固定半径向外分成三个圈层而进行的景观格局区域差异研究表明,距离中心镇区远近不同,其受干扰的程度存在巨大差异。其中缓冲区的景观破碎化程度更高、最大斑块占景观面积比最小、聚集度指数最小,说明缓冲区的干扰强度最大且以旅游干扰为主。反映出了草原旅游区与其他类型旅游区的不同,草原旅游区在缓冲区有着更大的干扰强度,这主要和草原旅游性质以及游客对草原旅游的感知要求有关。3、研究区历年气候波动和人类活动变化的代用指标分析表明,气候干扰使草原出现一定程度的退化,使较多的高覆盖度草地转变为中低覆盖度草地,但草地总面积不会发生根本性改变。人为破坏性干扰使草原景观格局出现较大变化,使景观破碎化程度加大,生态环境稳定性降低。其中旅游干扰成为草原旅游区景观向破碎化程度急剧演变的主要外因。气候的变化是不可控的,而旅游干扰的影响是属于人类的可控因素,因此,制定相应的保护草原生态环境的对策和如何调节控制旅游干扰影响成为改善草原生态环境的重要任务。4、旅游活动对草原植被和土壤的破坏很大,干扰强度极大的区域植被遭到毁灭性破坏、土壤质地变差、生产力降低、地表的流水侵蚀和风力侵蚀加剧、生态环境受损,随着干扰强度的降低,其植被和土壤的可恢复能力增强,在采取一定保护措施的情况下,生态环境有望得到恢复。5、从旅游点周围、不同旅游活动区和不同等级旅游道路三个方面进行的旅游干扰分析表明,在草原旅游区内距离旅游点设施集中分布区越近,旅游干扰强度越大,植被和土壤的受损程度越大,且南侧明显大于北侧;不同旅游活动区不但表现出距离活动区远近的旅游干扰差异,还表现出不同活动类型的干扰破坏程度不一;不同等级的旅游通道表现出受车辆碾压频率大小带来了干扰程度的差异。通过对比分析发现,车辆碾压所形成的道路对环境影响最大,其次是旅游活动的破坏,再次是旅游点周围的影响,可见旅游通道的合理化布局和建设是保护草原旅游区景观与生态环境的最主要任务。6、根据相应的研究结论,提出了基于生态环境保护的旅游开发对策,着重强调:在旅游开发区内要依据环境承载能力按主体功能进行分区,划分出优先旅游开发区、重点旅游开发区、限制旅游开发区和禁止旅游开发区,确定其开发的规模与强度,以最大程度地保护区域生态环境。对“小而散”的草原旅游点实施有效整合,以达到集约化经营和生态环境保护双重目的。在旅游区内进行旅游道路的生态化建设和“低碳交通”理念下的交通工具配备,以最大限度的减少对区域生态环境的影响。

【Abstract】 The development of grassland tourism is entering into acceleration time. However, obvious degradation of ecological environment appears in the grassland area where tourism development is centralized relatively. So it is necessary to explore the main reason and effect mechanism of tourism development in order to protect ecological environment of grassland tourist area.The paper took Xilamuren grassland tourist area in Inner Mongolia as case to carry out research. First, the paper interpreted remote sensing images in 4 different periods (2000、2004、2007、2009)from the perspective of landscape ecology methods and obtained vector data, and analyzed landscape pattern and its dynamic characteristics quantitatively during the past 10 years through landscape pattern indices, and then analyzed influential factors of dynamic variation of landscape pattern by combining 18 years of meteorological data and tourist interference factors、productive life factors of animal husbandry and policy factors of the development of tourism in the recent 10 years, and then analyzed correlation between landscape pattern index and driven index by using SPSS, and finally found the important role of tourist interference factors in landscape pattern of grassland tourist area. The paper also explores differences of tourism disturbance in tourist grassland tourist area by field survey and experimental analysis, as well as reveals its effect mechanism and ecological effect. At last, it puts forward to strategy of the ecological environmental protection and optimized management mechanism in tourist grassland area, so as to provide scientific basis for grassland landscape area when making decision, and then promote the protection of grassland ecological environment and sustainable development of grassland tourism. Research results are as follows:1、In the recent 10 years, the landscape composition in Xilamuren grassland tourist area has changed greatly, but the trend and level of variation among landscape type are different. The rapid growth of tourism land area and its great number as well as intensively distribution directly result in the damage of grassland landscape. The phenomenon of islanding of grassland patch intensifies obviously and ecological environment become more vulnerable due to intensive division of tourism disturbance.2、The research on regional discrepancy of landscape pattern, carried out by three ring layer based on taking township as the center and a fixed radius, indicates that different degrees of interference due to different distance from the center of town. In buffer area, the degree of landscape fragmentation is higher, the biggest patch takes up the lowest area ratio of landscape, and the aggregation index is the lowest, all of these demonstrate that the intensity of interference in the area is the highest and tourist interference is the main one. It also reflects that grassland tourist area, which is different from other type of tourist area, is of higher intensity of interference in buffer area which is mainly related with the nature of grassland tourism and tourists’cognitive requirements for grassland tourism.3、The climatic vacillation over the years and the analysis on substitutive indexes of the change of human activity in research area indicate that climatic interference make grassland degenerated to some extent, and transform more high coverage grassland into medium and low. But no fundamental change on the square of grassland will happen. Human destructive interference changes landscape pattern a lot, and make the increasing degree of landscape fragmentation, so that reducing the stability of the ecological environment. And tourist interference has become the main external factor making the landscape of grassland tourist area transform into fragmentation rapidly. Climate change is not controllable, and the impact of tourist interference is the controllable factors of human. Consequently, developing appropriate measures to protect grassland ecological environment and how to adjust and control the influence of tourist interference have become important tasks to improve the grassland ecological environment.4、Tourist activities destroy vegetation and soil of grassland greatly. In areas of great interference, vegetation suffered devastating destruction, soil texture became deteriorated, reduced productivity, surface water erosion and wind erosion intensified, and ecological environment is damaged. With the interference decreased, the recoverable ability of its vegetation and soil reinforce. The ecological environment is expected to be restored in the case of taking certain protective measures.5、The analysis on tourist interference, which is carried out from three perspectives——tourist spots around, different tourist activity areas and different levels of tourist road, shows that the intensity of tourist interference will be higher if the distance, between grassland tourist area and the area of tourist spots centralized distributed, is shorter, and the vegetation and soil will suffered greater damage, and south is significantly greater than north. Different tourist activity area not only shows the differences of tourist interference between activity areas, but also shows degrees of interference and damage is different if the types of activity are not same. Different levels of travel road show the discrepancy of degree of interference brought by the frequency of vehicle rolling on it. By contrast analysis, it is found that the way formed due to the vehicle rolled has the greatest impact on the environment, then is the destruction of tourism, and then is the impact of tourist spots around.6、According to the corresponding conclusions, measures of tourism development based on the protection of ecological environmental was proposed, with emphasis: Partition should be made by main function according to the environmental capacity in the tourism development area. The priority tourism development area, key tourism development area, restricted development area and prohibited tourism development area should be parted, and then define the scale and intensity of its development, so as to protect the ecological environment to the greatest extent. "small and scattered" tourist spots should be integrated effectively so as to achieve dual purposes——intensive management and the protection of ecological environment. In the tourist area, ecological construction of tourist roads and the transport equipment under the concept of "low-carbon transport" should be carried out in order to minimize the impact on regional ecological environment.


