

Research on Recognition Technology of House Property Area

【作者】 赵海云

【导师】 何宗宜;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 房产面积识别技术是房产测量的关键技术之一。本文构建了房产面积识别的基本理论、规则和判别模式,通过应用案例,验证了科学性和实用性。1)定义房产面积的新内涵。研究定义了房产面积的基本内涵,分析了房产面积的基本特征。强调了房产面积的产权和空间属性,保证房屋所有权和房屋占用范围内的土地使用权权利主体一致。指出传统的房屋建筑面积概念模糊,以此作为房产面积成果,其错误远远要比测量误差来的大。由于房产面积成果固化了复杂的识别和计算,因而房产面积测量具有确认产权归属的功能。2)构建房产面积测量的理论框架,并通过这些理论建立了房产面积的识别和判别技术规则。通过产权规则,明晰建筑物区分所有权的二元性,明确房屋建筑面积非专有即共有。通过容积率规则,利用建筑面积与占有土地的关系,对架空层、地下室、结构转换层等占有较大面积的空间进行产权识别,初步确认它们是否具有产权,从而赋予房屋建筑面积的产权属性。通过结构规则,保证在产权约束下,从空间或几何角度对建筑面积作出进一步识别。结构规则是传统建筑面积的定义基础,《规范》从建筑结构与构造方面对其进行界定。根据决策树理论,采用判定表从结构、上盖、层高和维护物等四方面建立了12项面积识别的决策规则。借鉴类比推理,构建了类比体系,当建筑面积识别仍然模糊和不确定时,通过类比推理获得新的知识,拓展了房产建筑面积识别的新途径。3)共有建筑面积识别和分摊研究。当对专有建筑面积识别完成后,再对未进行识别的建筑空间进行符合产权的建筑面积识别,找出可以参与公摊的共有建筑面积,确定其空间范围以及服务范围,把握其所在的功能区,为分级分摊提供准备。空间关联规则提出了对项目分析时需要进行整体思考。对商住混用的共有建筑面积提出按土地利用强度来分摊。指出土地利用强度直接体现在房价上,房价不仅包含建筑面积,也包含建筑面积的单价,是一个综合指标,比较客观地反映了对土地的利用强度,因此房价可以用来计算分摊系数。研究阐述了共有建筑面积的识别程序和方法,具体包括:1)对规划文件、协议文件及其内容的合法性进行实质性识别。2)建筑空间的容积率识别模式。3)建筑空间性质及其边界的判别。4)采用灰关联方法,对建筑构造实体在共有建筑面积的影响上进行了关联分析,通过排序,提出分摊依据。论文阐述了共有建筑面积分摊的基本原则,对幢进行划分和共有建筑面积的分级与位置描述。分级的科学与否,直接影响共有建筑面积的走向与分配。4)建立房产面积识别的判别模式。该模式的基本流程是:从规则库中依照识别秩序进行识别处理,规则库具有一定的排序,即首先必须经过产权识别和容积率识别。产权识别是区分专有还是共有部分,属于定性环节。容积率识别则是决定产权范围与边界,属于定量的环节。这两个规则使得建筑面积赋予了产权的内涵,是属于房产面积的产权识别阶段。此时房地产产权(登记)管理部门参与协调,形成干预1。模型设计了三级面积识别响应:一级响应——面积识别1,通过规则库识别以后,形成三种走向,不计算面积的空间,计算面积的空间和面积不确定空间。对于不确定空间的面积需要重新经过规则库处理,直至决定一种走向,即要么计算面积,要么不计算面积。对于计算面积的空间,进入二级响应——面积识别2,同样还是要进入规则库,把计算一半面积和计算全部面积的空间识别出来。最后进入三级响应——面积识别3,从计算面积的空间中分解为专有建筑面积(套内+阳台)和共有建筑面积。对共有建筑面积的识别与分摊,则与干预2协调。5)案例研究。以某一大型商业项目的房产面积测量作为案例,充分运用识别技术对项目进行分析。结合项目,对公摊系数和面积误差比进行了试验研究,找出了数据调整对成果的影响与改变规律。借助判别模式,对房产面积测绘的一些典型案例或问题进行研究,验证了房产面积测量理论与方法的科学性和实用性。

【Abstract】 The recognition technology on the house property area is one of the key issues of house property measure. The paper has constructed the basic theory, rules and identifying model that recognized the house property area. Scientificity and practicability have been verified by both the theory and the method through the case.1) The new contents have been defined on the house property area. The paper have defined the basic connotation of house property area, and have analyzed the basic characteristics as well. The study stressed the importance of property rights and space attributes for the house property area, to ensure the consistency between both the house ownership and the land use ownership within the housing scope what occupied. The paper has pointed out the fuzziness of traditional concept of housing construction area and that when regarded as the outcome of the property area, the error of it is much larger than the measurement error. Considering the outcome of the house property area disposed by a series of complex identification and calculation, once results solidified then it will be difficult to change. Therefore, the measurement of the house property area contains the confirming function of property rights with nature of the power.2) A theoretical framework has been established for house property area on the measure and, through them, some technical rules come into being on recognition and discriminant. Basing on property rules, the duality for the distinct property rights has been analyzed with condominium ownership either the exclusive or common. According to the floor area ratio rules and using the relationship between building area and the land it possessed, property rights with a large area of space such as basement, structural conversion layer have been identified, and it has been confirmed initially whether they have property rights so as to decide the endowment of the property rights of building area. By the structure rules, to ensure the constraint condition of property rights.building area will be further identified from space and geometry. The structure rules are the basis of traditional definition on building area that has been defined from the structure and construction of building in "Norms". Based on decision tree, the sdudy have established 12 decision-making rules to identify area by using decision table for the structure, roof, floors, and maintenance etc. From analogical reasoning, to have build the analog system, under the condition of the former knowledge, when the identification is still vague and uncertain on building area, the new knowledge will be acquired by analogy in order to develop new ways that identify building area.3) The paper has discussed the identification and sharing for the share building area. when the exclusive building area has been identified, and then the building area in line with the property have been identified for architectural space of no-identification, to find out the share building area which have participated in the apportionment, to determine its spatial scope and the scope of service, to grasp functions in their district. The paper has proposed apportionment model about land-use intensity which is reflected directly in the house price. The price including not only the construction area but also the unit price is a composite indicator with objective reflection of land use intensity. The research illustrates procedures and methods for the share building area, including:1) identified substantially the planning document, the agreement document and the legality of its contents.2)FAR recognition model for construction space.3) Discrimination for the nature and the border of construction space.4) By ranking the impact in share building area for architectural construction entities by using gray relational method, the basis for apportionment has been proposed.The paper illustrated the basic principles for the share building area, division of buildings and classification of the share building area as well as location description. Whether scientific classification reasonable or not would directly influence the direction and distribution for the share building area.4) The discriminant model have been established. The basic flows are as follow: to identify in order from the rule base which has a certain sort. That is, first of all, the property rights must be identified with property rights rule and the FAR rule and then, for structural identification, analog recognition and finally, the identification and apportionment of the sharing construction area with the spatial association rules. The model has been designed in three-level to respond to identify the area:1 of identified area, through the rule base to identify to form three directions, in which the uncertain space is deal with by re-reading the rule base until a decision.2 of identified, in the same way, the space whose area is calculated into its half or all of area have been identified with the rule base.3 of identified, distinguish the exclusive construction area and sharing building area from the space of the calculated area.5)Case study. This papers has provided a case of a large-scale commercial real estate projects in the area measured, in which identification technology has been fully employed to analyze the project to enhance the ability to resolve the problem. Based on the project, the laws how to impact on and change the results by adjusting data have been found out through studying apportion coefficient with area error. At the same time, by means of discrimination model, some typical cases have been study, to have verified scientificity and practicability for theory and method on measurement of the house property area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

