

The Hard Standardization

【作者】 方成智

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 教科书是学校教育中最基本、最重要的知识的载体,在中小学教育教学中,教科书具有不可替代的地位。教科书是从众多的文化知识里精选出来的文本,在知识准入教科书的过程中,国家必然会介入其中,因此,教科书又是国家主流价值观的物质载体,它包含了极为丰富的历史的、社会的和现实的内容。从1949年新中国成立到1966年“文化大革命”的爆发,十七年的时间尽管不长,但在共和国60年的历史上是一个重要的大变革时期。新中国十七年的教育经历了一条曲折的、变幻的运行轨迹。在这一时期,学校教育始终贯穿着制度化、正规化与政治化、革命化之间的对立、冲突。在这种形势下,为了促进学校教育的社会主义发展方向,保证国家的主流意识形态在教科书中的贯彻落实,国家是如何规整中小学教科书?在规整过程中碰到哪些困难?究竟有哪些力量在冲突和斗争?这些引导着本研究的展开。本研究采取系统分析和重点深入研究相结合的思路,采用时间与问题结合的方式安排结构框架,力求在详尽占有原始资料的基础上,从知识与权力的视角,探讨新中国十七年中小学教科书的发展,充分关注传统与变革、继承与发展的辩证关系,多方探寻国家是如何规整教科书的,反思其经验与教训,并就如何规整当前教科书提出了建议。本论文共分四章,第一章为规整的缘起,第二章为规整的策略,第三章为规整中的博弈,第四章为规整的反思。各章的主要研究内容如下:第一章研究教科书规整的缘起。从三个方面探讨了新中国十七年国家对教科书进行规整的缘由。首先,教科书的规整是国家巩固新生政权的需要。任何一个新生的国家和政府要想长治久安,必须首先要取得政治合法性的地位,培养广大民众对新生政权的认同和忠诚,而这种认同则主要通过学校教育特别是教科书对特定思想的灌输来完成。可以说,教科书是获取政权合法性的主要渠道。其次,教科书规整也是教育及教科书自身发展的需求,只有通过规整才能使教科书摆脱建国初期的混乱无序状态,才能提高整个学校教育的质量。再次,教科书规整也是高度集中统一的计划经济体制使然。随着我国中央集权体制的逐步建立,教育领域概莫能外,政府明确地制定了教科书全国统一供应的方针。第二章分析了教科书规整的策略。新中国对教科书的规整是从借鉴、模仿开始的。主要依赖三个方面的经验:延安经验、苏联经验、民国经验。三种经验各有千秋。延安经验来自老解放区,是我党在长期的革命斗争中留下的宝贵经验,但它带有浓郁的乡土气息和战斗的痕迹,与现代化还有一段很长的距离。苏联经验是当时比较成熟的、或者说是比较成功的社会主义教育的代表,是值得我们学习的,但是它植根的土壤、成长的文化氛围、国情背景与我们有较大的差距。民国经验源自西方正规的学校教育体系,注重质量,反映了现代教育的发展方向,但由于政治的原因,它是我们刻意回避的乃至斗争的对象,当然,实际上是我们是无法回避的。理想的状态是吸收三者之长,为我所用。事实上,新中国十七年中,政府也在想办法寻求三者之间的均衡,可惜没有做到。第三章剖析了教科书规整中各种力量的博弈。教科书是社会各种政治、经济和文化作用的结果。教科书是教育决策者、政府部门和其他社会力量共同影响学校教育的一个缩影。因此,在教科书规整过程中充满了各种冲突和斗争。从三个层面展开:一是代表无产阶级的新势力与代表资产阶级的旧遗留的博弈,二是本土经验与外来经验的博弈,三是党内以毛泽东为首的激进派或者说革命派与代表传统教育的保守派之间的博弈。诚然,在教科书规整过程中政府的行政干预是必要的,但要适度。以毛泽东为首的中国共产党人,在从推翻旧中国到治理新中国的转变过程中,由于其所秉承的革命情怀和狭隘的边区政府管理经验,与要结束国家的贫弱状况、迅速建立现代化的工业国家所要求的技术专长和平稳的行政管理很难兼容,所以在治理国家的过程中,风云变幻莫测、种种冲突不断。在对待教育问题上,在教科书的规整中也是如此。一会儿一切向苏联老大哥学习,一会儿弘扬延安经验,开展群众运动;一会儿以健康的名义要求减负,一会儿以质量的名义强调“双基”教学。其实际在于中央行政干预过多、过度,无视教育教学本身的规律,导致教育行政主管部门举棋不定,客观上也使得教科书的规整动荡、曲折、艰难。第四章探讨教科书规整的反思。首先,总结了教科书规整的经验与教训。通过规整,逐步规范了中小学教科书市场,形成了教科书管理的“国定制”,统一编制、统一出版,既保证了统治阶级的意识形态在学校教育中的有效贯彻,又提高了中小学教科书的质量。当然,规整也导致了人民教育出版社在中小学教科书市场的垄断。这种垄断弊端在于:难以适应我国不同地区的经济、文化、教育不平衡状况;难以适应不同个性的学生的需求,不利于因材施教;没有竞争,不利于教科书的健康发展。其次,反思当前中小学教科书的建设。在国家对中小学教科书实行“一纲多本”、“多纲多本”的今天,教科书规整仍然是非常必要的。具体措施有:第一,要严格审查教科书编写者的资质,确保教科书的品质。第二,不断完善教科书的审定工作。第三、努力规范教科书的发行和选用工作。总之,规整可以提高教科书的质量,规整可以有效地避免因各方的无序竞争而带来的巨大资源浪费,规整有助于遏制教育腐败。但规整不等于统一,规整本身不排斥教科书多样化的发展,规整过程中要特别注意处理好继承、借鉴与创新的关系。

【Abstract】 Textbooks are fundamental and the most important knowledge copula in school education, which are irreplaceable in the primary and secondary education.Textbooks are those chosen from a great deal of cultural knowledge. In the process of access to textbooks, it is inevitable that a country will get involved. Therefore, as a material carrier of a country’s mainstream values, textbooks include rich historical, social and realistic contents.From the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 to the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, although the seventeen years is not a long time, it is an important period of great change in our country’s 60-year history. The 17-year education experienced a tortuous and unpredictable orbit. During this period, school education had run through oppositions and conflicts between institutionalized normalization and politicalized revolutionization. Under the circumstances, in order to promote socialism direction of school education and guarantee the implementation of her mainstream ideology in the textbooks, how did our country standardize the textbooks,what difficulties did they face in the process of textbook standardization, and what kinds of strength conflicted and struggled with one another? All these problems will guide the development of my study.The study adopts the idea of integration of system analysis and in-depth focus. The standardization of the thesis is combined time with problems. I have tried, on the basis of detailed raw data and from the aspect of knowledge and power, to probe the development of the 17-year textbooks, to closely follow the dialectical relationship between tradition and reformation, and inheritance and development, to explore how our country had standardized textbooks, to reflect the framework of current textbooks, and finally to provide some suggestions about how to standardize textbooks.The thesis is divided into four chapters, in which the first chapter is about the origin of textbook standardization, while the strategy of the standardization is included in the following chapter, and the third chapter tells the game in the standardization and inspiration of the standardization is described in the last chapter. The main content of the thesis is as following:The first chapter studies the origin of textbook standardization. The reason is discussed in three aspects why textbooks were standardized during the seventeen years. Firstly, textbook standardization is necessary for the country to consolidate the new regime. Any newly-founded country or government, who wants to keep long-term stability, first has to acquire political legitimacy and groom the general public for the identity and faithfulness to the newly-established government, which is implemented by school education, especially by implantation of particular thoughts through textbooks. It can be said that textbooks are the main channel to acquire the regime legitimacy. Secondly, standardization is the need for textbooks’ development. Only by standardization textbooks could get rid of the chaos at the beginning of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. Finally, highly-centralized planned economic system also dictates textbook standardization. With the gradual establishment of centralized system, the government clearly defined that textbooks would be supplied by the central departments. The second chapter analyses the strategy of textbook standardization. New China’s textbook standardization began with reference and imitation, which mainly relied on these experiences from Yanan, the Soviet Union and the Republic of China. Each has its own experience. Yanan experience is from old liberated areas, which is a valuable experience left by our party in long-term revolutionary struggle. But it has its strong local flavor and battle trace, which is far away from modernization. At that time, the Soviet Union’s experience was quite mature, in other words, it was the representative of successful socialism education, which was worth studying. But its rooted soil, culture and conditions were quite different from ours. Experience from the Republic of China originated in western formal school education system, which focused on quality and reflected the development of modern education. But the experience had been deliberately avoided and become the struggled target for political reasons. Of course, actually we can not avoid such an experience. It is best for us to absorb their advantages and make good use of them. In fact, the government had tried to find out the balance among the three kinds of experiences, but failed.The third chapter analyses the game of all strengths in textbook standardization. Textbooks are the results of politics, economy and culture. And textbooks are the miniature influenced by education decision-makers, government departments and other social forces. Therefore, there are all kinds of conflicts and struggles in textbook standardization. The thesis is developed in three aspects:the game between new force represented by the proletariat and old legacy of the bourgeoisie; local experience and foreign experience; and radicals within the party headed by Mao Zedong, or, revolutionaries and conservatives standing for traditional education.It is sure that administrative intervention is necessary during the process of textbook standardization, but the intervention should be appropriate. During the period of transition from overthrowing old China to administering new China, because of their revolutionary spirit and limited border region management experience, The Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong, found it hard to coordinate smooth administration with technical expertise which was necessary to end the country’s vulnerable situation and rapidly establish a modernized industrial country. Then, in the governing process, unpredictable situation and conflicts were here and there, which were also the same in the education, as textbook standardization first learnt from the Soviet Union, later promoted Yanan experience, for example, carrying out mass movements; and sometimes lightened the students’ burden in the name of health, and later, emphasized double bases in the name of quality. Actually, it was inappropriate central administrative intervention ignoring the law of education that led to the indecision of the education authorities, which objectively made textbook standardization turbulent, tortuous and difficult.The fourth chapter discusses the enlightenment of textbook standardization. At first, the experiences and lessons of textbook standardization are concluded. The textbook market was gradually regulated by standardize, and finally formed state-commissioned textbook management, that is, centralized preparation and publication, which not only guaranteed the effective implementation of the ruling class’s ideology in school education, but also improved the quality of textbooks. Of course, standardization also led to the monopoly of the People’s Education Press in textbooks. The abuse of textbook monopoly lies in:it is difficult to adapt to the unbalanced situation of economy, culture and education in different parts of our country. And it is also difficult to adjust to the requirements of students’ different personality and individualized education, which will not be conducive to the healthy development of textbooks. Next, current textbook standardization is reflected on. In these days when a plan with many textbooks and multi-plan textbooks are carried out by the country, it is necessary to standardize the textbooks. The specific measures to standardize textbooks include:first, strictly review textbook writers’ qualifications to ensure textbooks’quality; second, continuously improve textbooks’ validation; third, try to regulate textbooks’ issue and selection.In a word, standardization can improve the quality of textbooks, which can also avoid wasting many resources for disorderly competition. And standardization is also helpful in checking education corruption. But standardization is not equal to unification. And standardization does not deny the diversification of textbooks’ development. The relationship among inheritance, reference and innovation must be properly handled while we standardize textbooks.

【关键词】 规整教科书中小学
【Key words】 structuretextbooksthe primary and secondary school

