

A Study on Li Hong Chang and the Late Qing Dynasty Treaties

【作者】 王瑛

【导师】 李育民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 自鸦片战争以后,近代中国在国际关系中出现了一种新的交往模式,即条约关系。在列强的武力胁迫之下,中国被迫订立了一系列不平等条约。而李鸿章自1870年出任直隶总督掌管晚清外交以来,中外重大条约交涉几乎都与他有关。在众多的条约交涉活动中,李鸿章形成了比较系统的条约思想。文章分绪论、正文、结语三部分。绪论部分主要介绍了选题的缘起,学术史回顾,并在现有研究基础上构建了本文的结构、指出了本文的创新与不足,并对所涉及的核心概念进行了界定。正文部分共七章。第一章考察了李鸿章条约活动的思想基因,其中华夷秩序到条约体系的转变是李鸿章条约交涉的时代背景,而传统文化的浸润与近代外交观念的汲取是其条约思想形成的思想因子。传统文化的积淀给予了李鸿章息事怀柔、诚信待人的条约策略合理内核,近代外交理念则为李鸿章条约交涉中实施以理为据提供了斗争手段。两种外交理念的交织不可避免会使李鸿章条约交涉行为及思想打上新旧杂糅的印记。第二章主要探讨了李鸿章对条约关系认同的四个阶段,即19世纪60年代以前的金帛议和,羁縻怀柔;19世纪70年代的羁縻勿绝,恪守条约;19世纪80年代的援例订约,追求平等;19世纪90年代及以后的放弃宗藩,谨守约章。四个阶段体现了李鸿章从传统订约思想到条约公法思想的转变。第三章、第四章则对李鸿章在晚清的主要订约类型进行了系统的梳理与考察。第五章探讨了李鸿章以“诚信”为前提、以“力保和局”为目的、以增强国民守约意识为举措的“谨守约章”思想。这一条约思想,深刻体现了李鸿章与清政府对条约体系在近代国际交往中不可抗逆性的接受与调适。第六章主要通过1867年李鸿章所上《筹议修约事宜折》,阐述了李鸿章以自强为基础的修约观。并对李鸿章因国而异的修约原则,徐图缓之的修约方法以及成效甚微的修约实践进行了一定程度的阐释。第七章主要涉及复杂局势下李鸿章条约交涉的方略,如以理为据、惟力是视、区别对待、以夷制夷、情感沟通。结语部分则结合历史人物评价标准,李鸿章在晚清条约交涉中的地位以及对晚清外交转型的推动等方面对李鸿章的评价进行了再思考,得出了李鸿章条约交涉屈辱是其对条约、公法的过分依赖,对列强本质认识不清的结果,更是时代的局限、国力的孱弱、体制窒碍的结果。

【Abstract】 After the Opium War, in the international relations field, a new pattern of communication has merged in modern China which is the treaty relations. Under the threat of the western powers, China was forced into signing a series of unequal treaties. Since his installation into office of Viceroy of Zhili in 1870, Li Hong-chang had taken charge of the foreign policy of late Qing Dynasty and participated in nearly all the major treaty negotiations. Through negotiating on various treaties, Lihong-chang developed his relatively systematic thoughts on treaties.This dissertation is divided into three parts, introduction, body part and conclusion.In the part of introduction, the author introduces the origin of the topic, review of the academic history and constructs the structure of the text based on the current study. The author still points out the innovation and limitation of this study, and makes definition about the core concepts involved in this study.The body part is totally divided into seven chapters. The first chapter explores the thoughts on the activities of Li Hung-chang’s treaty negotiations. This part includes the background of the change from Sino-foreign country system to treaty system, and influence of the thoughts of the Chinese traditional culture and the modern diplomatic concept on his thoughts on treaties. One hand education and accumulation accretion of Chinese culture provides Li Hung-chang with the rational nucleus of mollification and honesty of his treaty strategy. On the other hand, the modern diplomatic concepts provides Li Hung-chang with mean of struggles for implementing rational strategy. In this way, the activities and thoughts of Li Hung-chang’s treaty negotiations are inevitably marked by mixture of new and old thoughts, because of the two diplomatic concepts wingled at all times. The second chapter discusses the four stages of the Li Hong-chang’s identification with treaty relations, which is pursuing a policy of mollification before 1860’s, observing treaty in 1870’s, invoking a treaty and seeking the equality in 1880’s, abandoning the system of Paying Tribute to China and strictly adhering to the treaty after 1890’s. The four stages reflects the change of Li’s thoughts from traditional contracts to treaty and public laws.Chapter three and four gives a systematic review and analysis on the different characteristics types of making treaties of Li at late Qing Dynasty. In the chapter five, this attempts to investigate Li Hong-chang’s thought of "strictly adhering to the treaty" which is base on the sincerity, regarding draw as objective and by the measure of enhancing people’s awareness of following treaty. It profoundly reflects that Li Hong-chang and the Qing Dynasty accepted and adjusted of the irreversibility treaty system in modern international relations. Chapter six elaborates the understanding of Li Hong-chang about the modified treaty and puts forward his viewpoint of the modified treaty based on self-reliance through the Palace Memorial for the Preparation, Consultation and Revision of Treaties presented by Li Hong-chang in 1867. It also analyzes the reason that Li Hong-chang differences in deal with modified treaty, the slow process of modified treaty and the little results of practice. Chapter seven is mostly involving the strategic planning of Li Hung-chang’s treaty negotiations, in complex situation such as which is based on reason and self-interest, dealing with different treaty in different ways, learned from foreigners to compete with foreigners and affective communication each other.Combined with the criteria for historical figures, the conclusion made a reconsideration of the evaluation on the thought about Li Hung-chang, which is analyzed from several aspects such as the position of Li Hung-chang in the treaty negotiations of the late Qing Dynasty, the prime cause of his making the ignominious treaties and the pushing effect on the diplomatic transformation of the late Qing Dynasty. In author’s opinion, the ignominious treaties signed by Li not only are the result of his overreliance on the treaty or public law and failure to grasp the essence of the western powers, but also are the result of limitation of the times, weak national strength, and the institutional obstacles.

【关键词】 李鸿章晚清条约条约关系
【Key words】 Li Hong-changLate Qing DynastyTreatyTreaty relationship
  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1953

