

【作者】 贺琳凯

【导师】 周平;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 民族政治与公共行政, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1949年新中国的成立,标志着一个新兴的多民族国家政权的构建,为世代生活于华夏大地上的各个民族之间的交往、沟通、融合与共同发展提供了一个全新的历史舞台。在这个新兴的多民族国家内部,受到历史因素和地缘政治的影响,国内的民族关系复杂、民族问题丛生,纵观华夏大地,各个不同地域中的民族关系呈现出不尽相同的特点。据此,党和国家着手制定了一系列的民族政策,尽可能地实现各个民族之间的沟通、理解和互信,尤其是致力于消除汉族和各个少数民族之间的隔阂,帮助落后地区、少数民族地区恢复和发展经济,解决民生问题,以发挥民族政策调节民族关系、解决民族问题的作用,构建社会主义的新型民族关系。从1949年至今,党和国家依据中国民族关系的基本特点,在不同的历史阶段中,创立、制定和发展了一系列的民族政策,这些民族政策随着时代的不断发展而逐渐完善、充实成为一个政策体系,为调整民族关系、解决民族问题发挥了重要的作用。从建国至今的60年历程中,民族关系与民族政策交互发展,形成了一条互动的历史轨迹——民族关系的发展在不同历史阶段中呈现出不尽相同的特点,各个不同历史阶段的民族关系具有不同的现实状况,这就决定着在不同阶段中的民族政策面临的民族关系内外部的问题大相径庭,因此出台的民族政策也就伯仲不一;而当民族政策实施一定阶段以后,民族关系在其调整之下发生了变化,从而使得原有的民族政策变得不再具有适应民族关系发展的特点,因此必须对民族政策进行调整,使其能够继续发挥对民族关系调节的作用。民族关系与民族政策正是在历史发展的过程中不断互动,交互发展,并形成了互动的规律。本论文考察了新中国成立以来,民族关系与民族政策互动的历程,发现了二者互动的规律。民族政策并非是单一化的政策,而是一个涉及政治、经济、文化等各个方面内容的动态发展的政策体系。在民族关系对民族政策的决定性逻辑之下,民族政策的复杂程度是由民族关系的复杂性和多元化来决定的,而民族关系对民族政策的决定性作用可以体现在两个层面上:第一个层面是静态层面,这是由民族关系本身在一定历史时期内的相对稳定的特点来决定民族政策的层面。具体而言,当民族关系比较单一时,民族政策所需要涉及的方面、所必须解决的问题也就相对单一;当民族关系比较复杂、族际关系比较多元、民族问题比较突出时,民族政策所需要考虑的方面、所必须涉及的问题和矛盾就相对比较复杂而多元。第二个层面是动态的层面,这一层面的民族政策是由发展过程中的民族关系和民族问题的特点决定的。具体而言,除了受到来自国家权力的整合和导向以外,民族关系还要遵循自身发展的基本规律发展。在民族关系发展的过程中,围绕着利益展开的民族发展问题始终是民族发展的决定性规律,只有占据一定的社会、经济、政治、文化资源,才能实现民族的发展和壮大。在这样的规律下,尽管现代多民族国家的政治整合能力很强大,但是在民族发展过程中所滋生的民族矛盾和民族问题会层出不穷,有些民族矛盾和民族问题将是多民族国家始料不及的,这样,民族关系便具有了动态发展的特征,从而决定了民族政策的动态发展性和复杂性。具体而言,新中国民族政策和民族关系的互动并不是停留在一个静态的发展阶段,而是随着民族关系自身的发展和一系列民族政策的不断出台,民族政策形成一个体系之后,彼此之间出现了不相适应的地方,或者说主要是民族政策实施一定时期以后,促进了民族关系的发展,使得原来制定的民族政策与民族关系的新特点和新变化之间发生了不相适应的地方,因此,为了能够继续促进民族关系向符合单一制多民族国家要求的方向发展,民族政策必然要进行调整,以适应民族关系新的特点和新的形势。新中国成立至今的60年历程,是民族关系与民族政策的互动不断变化发展的时期。在这个历史时期中,不同的阶段中二者的互动呈现出不同的特点,形成一条二者互动关系的脉络。论文主要依据新中国社会历史发展中具有显著区别的不同历史时期,对民族政策与民族关系的互动关系进行了分阶段的考察。1949年至1956年,是新中国民族关系与民族政策互动的起点。在这一时期,党和国家开创和初步确立了民族政策体系,民族关系受到了民族政策体系的初步调整;1957年至1965年,是民族关系与民族政策之间曲折互动的时期。这个时期,国家在少数民族地区实行农业生产大跃进、各项民族政策受到左倾化的影响,使得民族关系受到了左倾的干扰;1966年至1976年,是民族关系与民族政策均遭到严重破坏,二者的互动受到严重影响的时期。十年文化大革命,这场全民性政治运动破坏了国家的正常发展进程,彻底否定了新中国建国以来行之有效的民族政策,也严重干扰了新型的社会主义民族关系;1977年至1991年,是民族关系与民族政策互动的恢复与发展时期。在这个时期中,国民经济得到恢复与发展、各项社会制度也得到恢复或重建,民族政策成为了恢复与发展的重要内容,民族关系也重新回到正常的发展轨道上来;1992年至今,是民族关系与民族政策互动的深入发展时期。1992年邓小平同志的南巡讲话,不仅加速了市场经济在中国的前进步伐,也极大地解放了民族地区的生产力,促进了民族地区的经济社会发展。基于20世纪90年代中国民族关系出现的一些变化和民族问题的发展动态的分析,国家作出了“民族、宗教无小事”的基本判断,分析了在改革开放的深入发展时期中民族关系的基本特点,做出了民族工作开展的长期性、复杂性和重要性的基本定位。随着国家的发展和时代的进步,特别是在改革开放的推动下,我国的民族关系发生了巨大的变化,而到了全球化时代的今天,我国的民族发展问题更加突出——此时的民族发展已非彼时单纯的民族经济发展问题,各民族要求发展的领域更广、程度更深,主要表现为从原来比较偏重于经济发展逐渐走向偏重于争取更多的政治权利、分享更多的经济利益、获得更多的民族文化发展机会等等。可以说,当代中国的民族关系更加多元化,更加复杂化,更加国际化。在这样的背景下,要继续发挥民族政策对民族关系的调节作用,必须对民族政策进行相应的调整,使其更加完善。民族政策中的国家认同的强化、族际政治整合方式的构建、民族问题公共安全危机事件应急处理预案的出台、民族关系调节系统的完善等新的调节方式必将成为民族政策完善和发展的新内容。正是由于民族关系与民族政策之间存在生生不息的互动关系,为民族关系与民族政策互动研究的持续进行提供了广阔的空间。

【Abstract】 The establishment of new China in 1949 signed the construction of a new developing multi-national state power, which offered a brand-new historical stage for association, communication, integration and common development during every nationality that live on earth of China from generation to generation. However, it is not ignored that complication of the national relation, the existing of all kinds of national problems, and the national relation of each different regions demonstrates different characteristics inside the new developing multi-nationality country because of the influence by historical factors and geopolitics. In view of the above, the party of China and country made a series of national policies to realize the communication, understanding and mutual trust during each nationality as much as possible, especially devoted to dispelling the estrangement between the Han nationality and each ethnic minority, help backward areas and minority area to resume and develop economy, solve the people’s livelihood problem, give play to the role of national policies adjusting the national relation, solving the national problems, devoted to constructing the new national relation of socialism.From 1949 to the present, the party of China and country created, made and developed a series of national policies according to the basic characteristic of China’s national relation, during different historical stages, which have played an important role in the course of adjusting the national relation, solving the national problem through gradual improving and substantiation with constant development of the times, and became a policy system. In the course, national relation and national policy are developed mutually, and then have formed an interdynamic historical orbit that the development of the national relation of different historical stages demonstrates different characteristics, the national relation of different historical stages has different realistic states, which determined national policy of different historical stages face different national problem of inside and outside national relation, on the basis, the national policy of different historical stages have different content; On the other hand, the national relation will change gradually with the implemention of national policy, which make the already existing national policy not meet the characteristic of development of national relation again, therefore, must adjust the national policy to make it can continue giving play to the function adjusted to the national relation. National relation and national policy are interdynamic constantly and develop mutually in the course of historical development, and then has formed the interdynamic law.The thesis finde out the interdynamic law between the national relation and the national policy through investigating the course of the interdynamic between the national relation and the national policy since the establishment of the new China.The national policy is not a signal policy, but a policy system of dynamic development which involves all respects contents such as politics, economy, culture, etc. Under the decisive logic of the national relation to the national policy, the complexity of the national policy is decided by complexity and pluralism of the national relation, and the decisive function of the national relation to the national policy can reflect on two aspects. The first aspect is a static aspect, that the national policy is decided by the relatively stable characteristic of the national relation within certain historical period. Particularly, the content and the problem that the national policy should involve and solve is relatively single if the national relation demonstrates single content, but the content and the problem that the national policy should involve and solve there will be complication and pluralism If the national relation is comparative complicated, the national problem is outstanding. The second aspect is a dynamic aspect, that the national policy is decided by the characteristic in the course of change of the national relation and the national problem. Particularly, the development of the national relation is lead and integrated not only from state power, but follow the basic law of development on the national relation. The national development problem that launched around the interests is the decisive law of national development all the time in the course of development of national relation, the development and growth of nationality based on the occupying certain resource about the society, economy, politics and culture. Under such law, though the political integration ability of the modern multi-nationality country is very strong, but national conflict and national problem breeding while the nationality develops will emerge in an endless stream, some national conflicts and national problems will be quite unexpected to the multi-nationality country, in this way, the national relation demonstrates characteristic of dynamic development, and then determined the dynamic development and complexity of the national policy.Particularly, the interdynamic between the national relation and the national policy of the new China is not to remain at a static developing stage, but with the development of the national relation and making of a series of national policies, after the national policy formed a system, the incompatible place between the national relation and the national policy appears. In other words, the development of the national relation make the already existing national policy demonstrates the incompatible place with the new characteristic and change of the national relation after the implemention of national policy for a regular period, therefore, the national policy must be adjusted in ordder to promote the development of the national relation to accord with the direction of requirement of single multi-nationality country, and then make the national policy meeting the needs of new characteristic and new situation to the national relation.The course of 60 years from the establishment of new China to the present is the period that the interdynamic between the national relation and the national policy always change. During the period, the interdynamic demonstrates different characteristics in different stage, ang formed a clue of the interdynamic. The thesis carried on the investigation stage by stage to the interdynamic relation between the national relation and the national policy according to the historical periods that have prominent differences in new China’s social historical development.The course of from 1949 to 1956 is the starting point of the the interdynamic between the national relation and the national policy relations system by the initial adjustment; from 1957 to 1965, is the policy of ethnic relations and ethnic interaction between the period of twists and turns. During this period, the state of agricultural production in ethnic minority regions as the Great Leap Forward, the national policy by the left-leaning of the impact made by the left-leaning ethnic relations interference; from 1966 to 1976, is the ethnic relations and national policies have been seriously damaged, severely affected the interaction between the two periods. Decade of Cultural Revolution, this universal nature of political campaigns undermine the country’s normal development process, to completely negate the well-established since the founding of New China’s ethnic policies, but also seriously interfere with a new type of socialist ethnic relations; The course of from 1977 to 1991 is the interaction between ethnic relations and national policy during the recovery and development. During this period, the economy recovered and the development of the social system has also been restored or rebuilt, national policy has become an important part of recovery and development, ethnic relations back on track of normal development; since 1992, national interaction between depth and national policy development period. Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tours in 1992 speech, the market economy not only accelerated the pace in China, but also greatly emancipated productivity in minority areas, and promote national economic and social development areas.90 Based on 20th century China, the emergence of some changes in ethnic relations and ethnic issues in the development of dynamic analysis, the state made a "nation, religion is no small matter," the basic judgments analyzed in-depth development of reform and opening period of the basic characteristics of ethnic relations in the made to carry out the work of the nation’s long-term nature, complexity and importance of the basic positioning.With the development of the country and the progress of the times, especially under the pushing of reform and opening-up, the national relation of our country has changed enormously, today of times of globalization, the national development problem of our country is more outstanding, that is the national development at this moment has not been the simple national economic development, various nationalities require the field of development is wider, the intensity is deeper, mainly shown as from relatively overweighting economic development originally to striving for more political rights, share more economic benefits, obtaining more cultural development opportunities of nationality,etc. We can say that contemporary national relation of China demonstrated further pluralism, further complicate, and further internationalize. Under such a background, the national policy must be adjusted correspondly to make it more complete, and then continue giving play to the regulating action of the national policy to the national relation. The interdynamic between the national relation and the national policy offered limitless space for the future study of the interdynamic between the national relation and the national policy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】D633
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2345

