

Studies on Manure Treatment Willingness and Environmental Cost Control of Livestock Farms in Hunan

【作者】 武深树

【导师】 黄璜;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在畜禽养殖发展迅速,规模化、集约化养殖程度不断提高的情况下,畜禽粪便污染物排放量及其污染威胁不断增大。运用生态经济学、环境经济学、技术经济学、行为学理论,研究畜禽养殖场粪便污染治理意愿和环境成本控制,对科学制定畜禽粪便污染治理政策,指导畜禽粪便污染治理具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本研究以湖南省的畜禽饲养量为基数,估算畜禽粪便产生量及其农地风险状况,构建畜禽粪便污染环境成本、环境成本控制等评价指标体系及其相关评估模型,分析了畜禽养殖场的粪便污染治理意愿,测算了畜禽粪便污染的环境成本及其不同污染治理模式下的环境成本控制。主要结果如下:1、湖南省畜禽粪便排放量逐年增长。从年际间的变化情况看,1996-2006年的10年间,湖南省畜禽粪尿总量、BOD5、COD、NH3-N的年排放总量变化分别在12 251.49-17 517.54万t、277.98-411.21万t、313.19-461.17万t、29.21-43.70万t之间,年际间逐年增长,但变化幅度不大。单位养殖场的养殖规模越大,其粪便排放量越大。不同区域的畜禽粪便猪粪当量最大值与最小值之间相差1倍多,各地间的畜禽粪便年猪粪当量相差较大,分布不均。2洞庭湖区畜禽粪便对环境不构成污染威胁。2006年湖南洞庭湖区畜禽产生粪1 616.93万t,尿液1 248.30万t,BOD572.41万t,COD79.33万t,NH3-N4.84万t。洞庭湖区农地畜禽粪便实际承载量平均为19.25 t/hm2,对环境不构成污染威胁。但是泪罗市、云溪区、岳阳楼区的农地有污染或稍有污染。3畜禽粪便污染环境成本高。以畜禽粪便对大气、水体、土壤、兽药和重金属残留、疾病传播5个方面造成的经济损失进行评估。结果表明,2006年湖南洞庭湖区畜禽粪便的环境成本为25.60亿元,相当于该区域当年畜牧业生产总值的14.08%。4不同区域、不同规模的生猪养殖场粪便污染治理意愿差异明显。洞庭湖区绝大部分规模养殖场愿意进行沼气工程治理畜禽粪便污染,生猪优势产区和中小规模养殖场自主配套资金进行畜禽粪便污染治理的积极性高。5畜禽粪便污染治理控制环境成本的效果明显。(1)沼气工程治理畜禽粪便污染控制环境成本的潜力。假定湖南洞庭湖区的畜禽粪便均采用沼气项目进行污染治理,年出栏5000头以上的生猪规模养殖场均进行沼气发电,其它畜禽养殖场的沼气全部用畜禽养殖场及周边居民的供热和照明使用,则2006年可减少环境成本16.09亿元。(2)生猪发酵床养殖控制粪污环境成本的潜力。假定湖南洞庭湖区适宜进行发酵床养殖的年出栏生猪100-5000头的养殖场全部采用发酵床养殖,则2006年可减少环境成本6.29亿元。(3)土地完全消纳畜禽粪便控制环境成本的潜力。假定湖南洞庭湖区的畜禽粪便完全被土地消纳,且没有粪便流失,则2006年可减少环境成本11亿元。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of livestock and its enlargement and intensification, the quantity and pollution menace of manure were increased. The research of treatment manure willingness and environmental cost control in livestock farms, applying ecological economics, environmental economics, technological economics, and behavior theory, is very important for the establishment of treatment policy of livestock manure. Basing on the feeding number of livestock in Hunan, the quantity of produced manure and hazard of cropland were evaluated, the evaluation index and related evaluated mode for the environmental cost control of livestock manure were established. The environmental cost control and the environmental cost control were measured in this thesis. The results as follows:1. The production of livestock manure in Hunan were increased year after year. From the change of different year point, the change of total production of manure, BOD5, COD and NH3-N in Hunan were 122.5149~175.1754、2.7798~4.1121、3.1319~4.6117 and 0.2921~0.4370 million ton, respectively. But the range of variation was not great. The bigger breeding scale of the breeding farm, the more discharge of livestock manure were made. The maximum value of pig dung equivalent conversion of livestock manure of different district was one time that of the minimum value. Pig dung equivalent conversion of livestock of different district had big difference, and distributed unevenly every year.2. Manure of livestock of Dongting Lake had no pollution menace on environment. Feces, urine, BOD5, COD and NH3-N, produced by cultivation of livestock of Dongting Lake in 2006, were 16.1693,12.4830,0.7241,0.7933 and 0.0484 million ton, respectively. The average bearing capacity of livestock manure in cropland in Dongting Lake was 19.25 t/hm2. So there were no pollution menace on environment as a whole. But there were little pollution for the cropland of Miluo, Yunxi, and Yueyanglou district. 3 Environmental pollution cost of livestock manure was high. Pecuniary loss occasioned by the manure of livestock’s effect on atmosphere, water, soil, veterinary drugs, residual of heavy metal, and propagation of disease were evaluated. The result showed that environmental pollution cost of livestock manure in Dongting Lake was up to 2.560 billion Yuan which equal to 14.08% of total output value of stockbreeding of this district in 2006.4 The willingness of different district and different scale breeding farm for treatment livestock manure were remarkably different. Most of big breeding of Dongting Lake would like to govern the environmental pollution of livestock manure with methane engineering. Preponderant growing district of pig and medium and small scale breeding farm had high enthusiasm for treatment for livestock manure with discretionary funds.5 Cost of Environmental pollution treatment of livestock manure were effectively. (1) Potential of application of biogas project in environmental pollution control cost of livestock manure. The Cost of Environmental pollution treatment of manure could reduce 1.609 billion Yuan, if all pig breeding farm with produced five thousands of pig annually use biogas project to administrate the manure of livestock in Dongting Lake district, and all other breeding farm’s biogas were used to breeding farm and near resident for heat supply and lighting. (2) Potential of application of Bio-fermentation pig in environmental pollution control cost of livestock manure. The cost of environmental pollution treatment of manure could reduce 0.629 billion Yuan in 2006, if all pig breeding farm with produced one hundred to five thousands of pig annually use Bio-fermentation pig to administrate the manure of livestock in Dongting Lake district. (3) Potential of environmental pollution control cost of manure which be used on cropland totally. The cost of environmental pollution treatment of livestock manure could reduce 1.1 billion Yuan in 2006, if all the manure of livestock were used up by cropland.


