

On the Ideological and Political Education-oriented Research

【作者】 吴艳东

【导师】 骆郁廷;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “方向”和“道路”问题,无论于人的发展还是社会的发展都是头等重要的问题。因为无论是人的发展还是社会的发展,从来都不是单向度的,发展事实上总存在多重方向的空间,而正确的方向往往具有唯一性。这种“实然”与“应然”的矛盾客观上需要为人和社会的发展引导方向,即导向。导向作为一种古今中外的普遍性的社会历史现象,是导向主体引导客体朝着某种方向发展的行动和过程。简单而言,导向就是主体为客体引导方向的活动。思想政治教育作为贯穿于阶级社会始终的社会实践活动也内在地包含着一定的导向,即本文所指的“思想政治教育导向”,它是为帮助和引导人们辨别、选择和坚持一定的方向,并循着这种方向行动而开展的思想政治教育活动。论文以“为什么需要思想政治教育导向?什么是思想政治教育导向?如何开展思想政治教育导向?”为线索,从理论上系统分析了思想政治教育导向的本质、内容、规律等问题,又将这一论题置于大调整大变革大发展的世界政治经济格局以及我国改革开放纵深推进的时代背景下,从现实的角度分析了思想政治教育导向的时代价值以及在新的时代条件下增强思想政治教育导向效果的基本思路。本文除了导论部分外,主要分为五个部分:第一部分重点对思想政治教育导向的价值进行了深刻透析。只有对思想政治教育导向的价值有了充分的认识,才能有开展思想政治教育导向的高度自觉。从根本上说,导向是思想政治教育的本质要求,因而,研究导向问题就是抓住了思想政治教育的本质。具体而言,思想政治教育导向的价值体现在如下三个方面:首先,通过思想政治教育导向,可以划清各种思想理论界限,反对错误倾向,增强核心价值主导。其次,通过思想政治教育导向,可以为个体引导正确的人生发展方向,促进个体全面发展。最后,通过思想政治教育导向,可以指明社会发展方向,坚持正确社会发展道路。第二部分在对导向概念历史演变过程进行梳理的基础上界定了思想政治教育导向的内涵,揭示了思想政治教育导向的本质及其特征。本文从活动的意义上理解导向,认为所谓导向,是指导向主体引导客体朝着某种方向发展的行动和过程。而思想政治教育作为自阶级社会以来存在并贯穿阶级社会始终的社会实践活动,也内在包含着导向。即本文所指的“思想政治教育导向”,是指为了帮助和引导人们辨别、选择和坚持一定的方向并循着这种方向而行动的思想政治教育活动。其本质是一定阶级、政党和社会集团从思想政治上进行的一种倾向性引导活动。思想政治教育导向具有方向性、控制性、前瞻性、选择性、能动性、实践性等特征。第三部分对思想政治教育导向的内容进行了较为系统的研究。本文认为,思想政治教育导向主要包含思想导向、政治导向、价值导向和舆论导向等内容。思想导向是指帮助和引导人们对不同的思想观点进行辨别、选择和坚持正确的思想观念,并用正确的思想指导自己行为的活动和过程。政治导向,顾名思义就是指对人们进行正确政治方向的引导和指导的思想政治教育活动,通过这种活动给人们在政治方向、政治立场、政治路线和政治态度上的把关定向。价值导向是用社会核心价值观对个体的价值取向进行倾向性引导的活动和过程,进一步说就是为帮助和引导人们对不同的价值取向进行辨别、选择、坚持一定社会核心价值观并用其指导自己行动的思想政治教育活动。舆论导向,简言之,就是对社会舆论进行倾向性地引导的活动和过程,进一步讲就是帮助和引导人们对多样化的社会舆论进行辨别、有倾向性地选择某种舆论,进而指导人们的思想和行为的活动。四个方面的内容有着内在的联系:其中思想导向是根本,政治导向是核心,价值导向是基础,舆论导向是保障。第四部分揭示了思想政治教育导向的几个规律性问题。开展思想政治教育导向活动进而提高思想政治教育导向的效果是以尊重思想政治教育导向的规律为前提的。思想政治教育导向的规律是指思想政治教育导向作为一种社会活动过程中各要素之间的本质联系与必然趋势。本文揭示了思想政治教育导向的六个规律性问题:政治主导问题;思想调节问题;疏导结合问题;协调导向问题;反复强化问题和交互作用问题等。第五部分论述了思想政治教育导向的实施思路。提升思想政治教育导向的效果是对本论题开展系统研究的出发点和落脚点。本文主要从四个方面论述了提升思想政治教育导向效果的基本思路:第一,加强和改善党对思想政治教育的领导。思想政治教育作为党的领导重要方面,思想政治教育导向有没有效果以及取得多大效果,关键在于党的领导是否正确与科学。第二,提高思想政治教育队伍的导向素质。思想政治教育队伍的导向素质,是指思想政治教育队伍开展思想政治教育导向活动并保证其能取得积极效果必须具备的素养和品质。它既包含思想政治教育队伍高度自觉的导向意识,也包含一定的导向能力。第三,运用多种导向途径即理论引导;典型引导;目标引导;制度引导;环境引导;媒介引导等形成思想政治教育导向合力;第四,要积极创设、利用环境,充分发挥环境的积极引导作用,彰显环境的引导力。

【Abstract】 "Direction" and "road" problem, whether in human development or social development issues are of prime importance. Because both the human development or social development, is never one-dimensional, and the development of fact, there is always room for multiple directions, while the right direction and often unique. This "Fact" and "should be" objective contradictions in human and social development needs to guide the direction of the orientation. Orientation as a universal social history of ancient and modern phenomenon,is oriented towards the main object of some kind of direction to guide the actions and processes. In short, the object-oriented guide is subject to the direction of the activities. Ideological and political education as a class society throughout the activities of social practice is always inherently includes a certain direction, that article refers to the "ideological and political education-oriented", which is to help and guide people to identify, select and adhere to a certain direction, and follow the direction of operations conducted by this ideological and political education. Thesis, "What is the ideological and political education-oriented? How to carry out ideological and political education-oriented? " As a clue, from the theoretical analysis of the ideological and political education system-oriented nature, content, rules and other issues, in turn placed and adjustments to this topic changes and the development of world political and economic patterns and deepened reform and opening up of China’s historical background, from a realistic point of view of the ideological and political education in the era of value-oriented and in the new era of ideological and political education under the effect of the basic idea-oriented.In addition to this introduction section, the main is divided into five parts:The first part focuses on the ideological and political education had a profound value-oriented dialysis. Only the value-oriented ideological and political education have a full understanding of ideological and political education in order to have a high degree of self-oriented. This article discusses three aspects of value-oriented ideological and political education:First of all, driven by ideological and political education, you can draw a variety of ideological and theoretical boundaries, against wrong tendencies and enhance the value-driven. Secondly, through ideological and political education-oriented guide for the individual the right direction in life, and promote comprehensive development of the individual. Finally, the ideological and political education, guidance, navigation can be directed to social development and ensure the correct orientation of social development.The second part of the historical evolution of the concept-oriented sort out on the basis of defined ideological and political education-oriented content, reveals the nature of ideological and political education-oriented and features. This sense of understanding from the active-oriented, that the so-called oriented to the main guide for guiding a direction towards the object of actions and processes. The ideological and political education as the independent existence of class society and throughout class society has always been a social practice, but also contains internal guidance. The article referred to "ideological and political education-oriented" means to help and guide people to identify, select and adhere to a certain direction and follow the directions and actions that the ideological and political education activities. Its essence is a certain class, political parties and social groups from the ideological and political orientation on a guided activity. Oriented with the direction of ideological and political education, controlled, prospective, selectivity, activity, practice and other features.The third part of the ideological and political education in a more content-oriented system. This paper argues that the main ideological and political education include thought-oriented orientation, political orientation, value orientation and direction of public opinion and so on. Ideological orientation is to help and guide people to different ideas and views on the identification, selection, and adhere to the correct ideas, and guide their thinking with the correct behavior of the activities and processes. Political orientation, by definition refers to the right people about the political direction and guidance to guide the ideological and political education, through such activities to the people in the political direction, political stance, political line and political attitude check orientation. Value orientation is the core values of social value orientation of the individual’s tendency to guide the activities and processes, further, that is to help and guide people to different values in the identification, selection, adhere to certain core social values and use it for their own actions ideological and political education. Public opinion, in short, is the tendency of public opinion to guide the activities and processes, and further stresses is to help and guide people to identify a variety of public opinion, public opinion has a tendency to choose, and then guide the people thoughts and acts. Four aspects are intrinsically linked:one is the fundamental ideological orientation, political orientation is the core, value orientation is the foundation, public opinion is the guarantee. Part IV reveals the ideological and political education-oriented laws. Ideological and political education-oriented activities,thereby increasing the effects of ideological and political education-oriented ideological and political education based on respect for the law-oriented premise. The law of the ideological and political education is oriented ideological and political education as a social activity-oriented course the essential relationship between the various elements and the inevitable trend. This article reveals six-oriented ideological and political education law: political-led law; thought regulation laws; ease with law; coordination-oriented laws; repeated interaction of law and strengthen the law.Part V discusses the results-oriented ideological and political education to enhance the basic ideas. Enhance the effect of ideological and political education is directed to carry out systematic study of the topic starting and ending points. This paper discusses four aspects enhancing effect of ideological and political education-oriented basic ideas:first, to strengthen and improve ideological and political education in the party leadership. Ideological and political education as an important aspect of the party’s leadership,ideological and political education have no effect-oriented and to obtain much effect, the key is the correct leadership of the party and Science. Second, ideological and political education to improve the quality of team-oriented. Team-oriented ideological and political education quality is the ideological and political education team to carry out ideological and political education-oriented activities and ensure its positive effects can be achieved must have the qualities and quality. It contains a high degree of ideological and political education team-oriented self-conscious awareness, but also contains some guidance capability. Third, using a variety of ways that theoretical guidance-oriented; typical boot; goal lead; system boot; environmental guidance; media guide such as the formation of ideological and political education-oriented efforts; Fourth, to actively create, the use of the environment, give full play to the environment and actively guide role, highlighting the guiding force of the environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

