

Research on the Relationship between Customer Participation and Employee Job Satisfaction

【作者】 李红亮

【导师】 汪涛;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 管理学营销管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 在服务的生产和传递过程中,顾客越来越承担着更为积极的角色,从而成为企业的“部分员工”。例如,顾客主动参与和理财专家一起量身定做个性化的理财方案;大量的顾客利用阿迪达斯公司虚拟的3D技术自行设计鞋的款式。为了满足顾客的积极参与,企业也为顾客开放了更多的流程与系统。顾客在参与的过程中获得了各种利益——经济利益、社交利益、控制利益以及精神利益,最终导致顾客满意。然而,在服务的生产和传递过程中,一个至关重要的特征是生产和消费的同时性,也就是说顾客与员工的接触是不可避免的。而根据服务利润链理论,顾客满意与员工工作满意之间彼此影响。正如古老的禅宗所说:“吾人知悉二掌相击之声,然则独手拍之音又何若?”因此,既然顾客参与导致了顾客满意,那么员工又是否满意呢?通过文献梳理我们发现,有关顾客参与和员工工作满意之间关系的研究并不多,而且得出来的结论也不一致。例如,国内学者汪涛和王海军(2008)通过实证表明顾客参与和员工工作满意正相关;而Chan, Yim和Lam(2010)的研究结果却表明顾客参与和员工工作满意负相关。可见,顾客参与和员工工作满意之间的关系具有不确定性。为此,本研究将以角色理论为视角,以角色导向和角色替代为调节变量,进一步探讨顾客参与对员工工作满意的影响,以期在理论和实践方面有所贡献。本文共分为导论、理论发展和实证研究和总结四大部分共计六章。其中,导论部分为第一章,主要阐述本研究的背景、选题意义、研究目的及其框架。理论发展部分包括第二、三章,在对顾客参与、角色理论等现有文献进行梳理和分析的基础上,提出了本研究的视角和理论框架。第四章和第五章是第三部分,即实证研究部分,通过两个情景模拟实验来验证第二部分所提到的假设与模型。第四部分为第六章,总结了全文的研究结论及其理论意义和实践意义,并进一步指出了本研究的局限和未来研究方向。各章具体概要如下:第一章为导论。导论部分首先阐述了论文的研究背景和选题意义。服务经济是社会高度发展的必然趋势,虽然,中国服务经济的发展仍是滞后的,但也预示着中国服务经济需求潜力巨大,况且中国政府明确提出逐步形成服务经济为主的产业结构。而在服务的生产和传递过程中,顾客参与不可避免。大量研究表明顾客在参与过程中由于获得经济利益以及精神利益等而感到满意,然而顾客满意的同时员工是否满意呢?在此基础上本研究明确提出了研究的目的、方法以及研究框架,即采用规范实证相结合的研究方法,以角色理论为视角,引入角色导向和角色替代两个调节变量,以顾客参与对员工工作满意的影响为重点展开研究。第二章是文献综述。回顾了与本研究相关的重要变量的国内外文献。主要有顾客参与、角色压力、角色导向、角色替代以及员工工作满意等变量的梳理与总结。其中,最为关键的是将Thibaut和Kelley的角色概念引申出角色压力、角色导向和角色替代三个重要的变量。第三章是研究模型和假设演绎。在文献综述的基础上,本章提出了研究模型,并对变量间的假设关系进行了解释。基于角色理论,顾客参与程度越高,员工角色压力越大;而员工角色压力又影响到员工工作满意,即与角色压力较小相比,对于较大的角色压力,员工工作满意较低;而员工角色导向和角色替代会调节顾客参与对员工角色压力的影响。第四章为研究一。通过有关MBA学员参与课堂教学方面的实验情景操纵,研究一检验了顾客参与对员工角色压力的影响;员工角色压力对员工工作满意的影响以及员工角色导向在顾客参与和员工角色压力之间关系的调节效应。研究发现,顾客参与程度越高,员工角色压力越大;随着员工角色压力的增加,员工工作满意降低;而员工角色导向将调节顾客参与对员工角色压力的影响,即对高度的顾客参与来说,低的角色导向会给员工带来更大的角色压力。第五章为研究二。再一次通过有关MBA学员参与课堂教学方面的实验情景操纵,研究二进一步检验了顾客参与对员工角色压力的影响;员工角色压力对员工工作满意的影响;另外,实验二还验证了员工角色替代在顾客参与和员工角色压力之间关系的调节效应。研究发现,顾客参与程度越高,员工角色压力越大;随着员工角色压力的增加,员工工作满意降低;而员工角色替代将调节顾客参与对员工角色压力的影响,即对高度的顾客参与来说,低的角色替代会给员工带来更大的角色压力。第六章是研究结论与展望。在前述理论分析与实证结果的基础上,本章总结了整个研究结果并加以讨论。本研究的理论贡献主要表现在两个方面:一方面,丰富了顾客参与和员工工作满意关系的研究;另一方面,将角色定义三个方面引申出三个可操作变量,这为进一步的研究不仅提供了理论支持而且具有可操作性。本研究为企业经营管理实践也提供了一些启示:首先,企业在鼓励顾客参与的同时,也应多多关注员工,尤其是员工角色压力。其次,加强员工职业素养。最后,实现顾客组织社会化。总之,本研究对心理学、消费者行为学、社会学、市场营销学等学科的相关理论和文献进行了梳理,采用了规范研究和实证研究结合的方法,以教育行业为背景,基于角色理论视角,系统性地探讨了顾客参与对员工工作满意的影响。

【Abstract】 In the production and delivery, customers play a positive role. Thus, they become the partial employees of the ernterprise. For example, customers design the style of their shoes by themselves by using the virtual 3D technique. Customers also actively participate in the personal financial plan with the financial planners. Enterprises should also open up more process and system to customers in order to satisfy customers’ participationCustomers obtain the various kinds of interests, such as economic interest, social interest, controlling interest and spiritual interest in the course of participation. Finally, the participation leads to the customer satisfaction. However, in the production and delivery, simultaneity of produce and consume is an important feature. That is to say, it is inevitable that employees contact customers. According to the theory of service profit chain, there is influence between customer satisfaction and employee job satisfaction. As the ancient zen said, we know the sound of the left hand gamble with the right hand, but we donot know the sound of one hand gamble. Therefore, since custoler participation leads to customer satisfaction, does it also result in employee satisfaction on the job?Through the literature review, we find that the research on the relationship between customer participation and employee job satisfaction is not much. Moreover, the conclusion is not consistent. For example, the Chinese scholars Wang and wang (2008) had empirical evidence that there was positive correlation betweeen customer participation and employee job satisfaction. However, Chan,Yim and Lam(2010) proved that there was negative correlation betweeen customer participation and employee job satisfaction. Thus, there is uncertainty between customer participation and employee job satisfaction. Therefore, this research will introduce two moderating variables, role orientation and perspective taking, from the standpoint of role theory and further discuss the effect of customer participation on employee job satisfaction in order to make some contribution to the theory and practice.This paper comprises four parts of introduction, theory development, empirical analysis and conclusion. The introduction part includes the 1st chapter which mainly clarifying the background and significance of this research as well as the research purpose and framework. Theory development comprises the 2nd and the 3’chapter, we bring forward a research perspective and theory framework based on the review and analysis of the present literature such as customer participation and the role theory. Chapter 4 and 5 consist of the empirical analysis. We verify our hypotheses and modle through 2 Scenario simulation experiments. Chapter 6 consists of the forth part. We conclude the results and management and practice meaning. We also point out the limit in our research and make some suggestions to future research.The outline of each chapter is as follow:Chapter 1 is introduction. It points out the background and significance of the research. Service economy has become an inevitable trend of a highly developed society. Although the development of Chinese service ecinomy has lagged behind, it also shows that Chinese service economy remains huge space for development. Moreover, the government of China has specifically mentioned to become the service-oriented industry structure. However, customet participation is inevitable in service production and delivery. Significant amount of research had shown conclusively that customers were satisfied because they gained economical benefit and spiritual benefit in participation. However, were employees satisfied while customers were satisfied?Based on above, we present the topics, methods and frame in the study. Based on the theory role, we will put research importance on the influence of customer participation on employee job satisfaction by introducing two moderate variables of role orientation and perspective taking and by a unique method combining criterion study and demonstration study.Chapter 2 is literature review. We reviewd the important literature at home and foreign that was related to the research variables such as customer participation, job stress, role orientation, perspective taking and employee job satisfaction. The key problem is that we introduce three variables, namely, role stress, role orientation, and perspective taking, from Thibaut and Kelley’s role definition.Chapter 3 is research model and hypothesis-deduction. In this chapter we introduce the research model and interpret the hypothetical relation among variables. Compared with low customer participation, employees perceive more role stress when they face high customer participation. Compared with low employee role stress, employees perceive lower job satisfaction when they face high role stress. Employees’ role orientation moderates the effect of customer participation on employee role stress. For high customer participation, low role orientation brings employees more job stress.Employees’perspective taking moderates the effect of customer participation on employee role stress. For high customer participation, low perspective taking brings employees more job stress.Chapter 4 is the first study. By manipulating experimental scenario of MBA students’participation in classroom teaching, the first study checked the effect of customer participation on employee role stress, the effect of employee role stress on employee job satisfaction and the moderate effect of employee role orientation on the relationship between customer participation and employee role stress. The study proves three points. Firstly, compared with low customer participation, employees perceive more role stress when they face high customer participation. Secondly, compared with low employee role stress, employees perceive lower job satisfaction when they face high role stress. Lastly, employees’role orientation moderates the effect of customer participation on employee role stress, namely, for high customer participation, low role orientation brings employees more job stress.Chapter 5 is the second study. By manipulating experimental scenario of MBA students’participation in classroom teaching, the second study checked the effect of customer participation on employee role stress, the effect of employee role stress on employee job satisfaction and the moderate effect of employee perspective taking on the relationship between customer participation and employee role stress. The study proves three points. Firstly, compared with low customer participation, employees perceive more role stress when they face high customer participation. Secondly, compared with low employee role stress, employees perceive lower job satisfaction when they face high role stress. Lastly, employees’ perspective taking moderates the effect of customer participation on employee role stress, namely, for high customer participation, low perspective taking brings employees more job stress.Chapter 6 is research conclusion and prospect. Based on the before-mentioned theories and demonstrations, this chapter concludes the whole research result and and gives discussion. The study makes the following academic contribution:firstly, this research enriches the research of the relationship between customer participation and employee job satisfaction. Secondly, the study introduces three operable variables from the role definition. Thus, this paper not only gets theory support for further research but also enables it feasible. The study makes the following management contribution:firstly, the enterprises should pay more attention to employees, special their role stress when they encourage customer participation. Secondly, the employee must conduct himself in a professional manner. Lastly, customers should be socialized.In brief, in order to systematically discuss the effect of customer participation on employee job satisfaction, with the education industry in the background and with the role theory in perspective this research reviewed the relevant theories and literatures on psychology, consumer behavior, sociology and marketing and applied the method combining criterion research and demonstration research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

