

A Study on Mobile Advertising Consumer Behavioral Intention Based on TAM and TPB

【作者】 肖爽

【导师】 周宁;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 无线通信技术的快速发展和应用推动了传统广告向移动广告方向的发展。移动广告的能否在我国健康快速的发展取决于用户对移动广告的使用情况。实际上,在我国移动广告主要终端设备是手机,它的信息承载量十分有限。而且手机作为个人用品,用户本能地排斥移动广告。了解用户接受或者拒绝使用的具体原因,分析用户对移动广告的态度影响因子以及用户使用移动广告的动机,预测用户的使用行为,从而改进现有移动广告的服务,提高用户满意度和忠诚度,扩大移动广告运营商和移动广告商的移动广告市场份额在我国当前移动广告发展中具有现实的紧迫性。绪论部分对研究背景、研究意义和研究方案进行了分析,接着对相关理论基础进行了综合分析。本文的研究内容和主要贡献集中在以下几个方面:(1)首先提出了我国移动广告用户态度模型。此模型假设有6个移动广告的特征,影响用户态度。根据相关研究成果,针对该理论模型中使用的研究变量及其相互关系提出了研究假设。基于理论模型和研究假设,对调查问卷中使用的测量指标进行了设计,并对指标来源作了说明。根据实证研究的需要,确定了调查范围和对象。设计了合理的数据分析方法,在确定数据信度、效度可靠的基础上,采用结构方程模型对理论模型和研究假设进行验证。依据调查问卷进行抽样调查后得到的数据为下一步的实证分析提供了数据基础。根据回收的298份有效问卷的数据,首先使用SPSS软件进行数据统计、信度和效度分析,然后应用PLS-Graph3.0软件进行结构方程模型分析。分析结果表明所使用的调查问卷可靠有效,验证了移动广告用户态度模型的有效性,准确得到了研究假设的验证情况。实证结论如下:移动广告的娱乐性、信息性和交互性对消费者移动广告的态度有重要的正向影响,并且移动广告的交互性是消费者对移动广告态度的最重要的影响因素。(2)从移动广告的无处不在、用户的控制选择、双向沟通、连通性和同步性5个方面的因素,构建了移动广告交互性理论模型。根据回收的266份有效问卷的数据用spss和lisrel结构方程软件对模型进行的实证分析表明:无处不在能显著正向影响移动广告的交互性;用户控制指令能显著正向影响移动广告的交互性;感知交互性能显著正向影响用户的移动广告态度。(3)应用技术接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model,简称TAM)和计划行为理论(Theory of Planed Behavior,简称TPB)为基础的理论和方法,结合我国当前移动广告发展的实际,构建了移动广告用户使用动机模型,主要分析了创新性、移动性、兼容性和便利性对感知有用性和感知易用性的影响;感知有用性和感知易用性对态度的影响;感知有用性、态度、感知的行为控制和主观规范对用户使用动机的影响。根据回收的298份有效问卷的数据用spss和lisrel结构方程软件对模型进行的实证分析表明创新性、兼容性对用户感知的有用性和易用性有显著的正向影响。便利性对感知的有用性有显著的正向影响,感知的易用性对感知的有用性有显著正向影响,感知的有用性对用户态度和使用动机都有很显著的正向影响。最后,通过对研究结果的深入讨论,得出了移动运营商和移动广告商为提高用户使用移动广告的市场份额采取的具体措施。后续研究将以此为基础,进一步提高研究的理论与应用价值,并拟对移动广告采纳中和采纳后的行为进行研究从而更深刻地揭示移动广告的用户使用行为。

【Abstract】 Mobile Internet advertising is the next growth after the Internet advertising, It publishes ads through mobile devices such as mobile phone and PDA, can provide real-time personalized advertising focusing target groups in a special area. Therefore, the mobile service operators, advertisers and mobile terminal equipment manufacturers are concerning about the mobile advertising development. The rapid development and application of wireless communication technology promotes the traditional advertising to the development direction of mobile advertising. With 3G (3rd-generation) era,3G (The Third Generation) mobile communications and multimedia communication of voice combined with a massive mass media information terminals. The rapid spread of mobile Internet and the popularity of traditional advertising has changed the user’s information needs and the adoption habits. The users drive mobile phone as a communication platform, where ringtones, MMS, SMS, mobile gaming and other services may be a mass media advertising media. By providing brand ring tones, ring tones products, promotions, ring tones, mobile games and other mobile ad placement, which will rapidly enhance customer loyalty and advertising reach, and provide users with personalized service,and meet customer needs with the maximum level.First, we theoretically analyzed and summarized the collected data, using structural equation model, also validated the traditional theoretical model, then built the theoretical model about consumer attitudes to mobile advertising. Studies found that the entertainment, information and interaction about mobile advertising have important positive effects on consumer attitudes, moreover, the interaction is the most important factor, we also proposed the corresponding suggestions.Second, we studied the impact factors of the mobile advertising interaction, proposed two guidelines on the interactive mobile advertising design. Providing a rich response modes in mobile advertising will let users feel easily to control and select the advertising. Then we proposed the hypothesis on the mobile advertising interactive effects research and constructed the effects model for mobile advertising interaction. The empirical analysis on the model through SPSS and LISREL shows that:Everywhere can significantly positively effect on the interaction of mobile advertising; User control commands could positively affect the interaction of mobile advertising; Interaction perceived can positively effect on the user’s attitude towards mobile ad. significantly.Third, proposed the research hypothesis on the motivation about users using mobile advertising, constructed and validated the model about the users intention on mobile advertising based on TAM and TPB. The results show that:the innovation, compatibility have a significant impact on the user-perceived usefulness and ease of use, Convenience and perceived ease of use have a great influence on the perceived usefulness, Perceived usefulness has a significant impact on user’s attitude and motivation. Then we proposed corresponding strategies for mobile service operators, advertisers and mobile terminal equipment manufacturers.Last, based on the results of this paper, we proposed the development strategy of mobile advertising in China. Some specific measures for increasing the market share of mobile advertising are brought out. And as a basis for future research, this paper will further enhance the value of the theory and application, and studies the adoption of mobile advertising and its adoption actions so as to more deeply reveals the user behavior of mobile advertising.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F713.8;F626
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】934
  • 攻读期成果

