

A Study on Energy Security of China under the Background of Economic Globalization

【作者】 姜星莉

【导师】 周茂荣;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 世界经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 能源是整个世界发展和经济增长的最基本的驱动力,是人类赖以生存的基础。进入21世纪,随着国际能源价格的节节攀升,能源安全问题日益成为世界各国密切关注的焦点。与此同时,经济全球化成为当今世界经济的最显著的特征,经济全球化的特点也无一例外的深入到能源领域,并带来一系列新的能源问题。本论文从经济全球化的角度,通过对当今世界能源状况和能源安全格局的研究,结合中国的能源安全状况,分析经济全球化给中国能源安全带来的挑战,借鉴美国、欧盟、日本、俄罗斯等主要国家(集团)的能源安全战略经验,为我国制定切实可行的能源安全战略提供参考。研究这一问题,能够提高中国能源安全理论研究水平,同时对我国更好的参与经济全球化,保障能源经济安全,保持经济持续稳定健康的发展,实现党的十七大提出的到2020年实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,具有十分重要的意义。全文共六章,各章主要内容如下:第一章为导论,主要是论文的研究目的和意义,并简要概述了国内外学者关于能源安全的研究现状和文献综述,并介绍了研究方法和创新点及不足。第二章首先从能源、能源安全、经济全球化的相关概念和理论入手,分析了能源安全的内涵、影响能源安全的因素以及经济全球化与能源和能源安全的影响和相互关系,讨论了经济全球化在能源领域的表现以及带来的一系列问题,指出在经济全球化背景下能源安全中的矛盾冲突也更加激烈。第三章首先在世界能源供需状况和安全状况进行了深入的分析的基础上,分析了中国能源安全面临种种问题。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,也是一个能源生产和消费大国。自上个世纪90年代以来,中国经济以年均近10%的速度持续高速发展,带动了能源消费量的急剧上升。然而中国能源安全面临种种问题,如:能源资源储备状况堪忧,开发利用难度大,供需矛盾突出,消费结构不合理,清洁能源比例较低,利用效率不高,能源利用与环境保护之间的矛盾尖锐等。而经济全球化给中国能源安全带来更严峻的挑战:对外依赖性在不断增加,全球竞争更加激烈,能源价格日益趋高,能源产业的国际竞争力受到严峻挑战,加入世贸组织后跨国公司对中国能源市场的争夺等等。如何确保中国能源安全是摆在我们面前的一个非常重要和紧迫的问题。第四章对美国、欧盟、日本、俄罗斯等主要能源国家(集团)的能源安全战略进行了分析,美国制定的能源长期和短期的目标、能源多元化,欧盟的清洁能源利用,日本的节能技术,俄罗斯的能源外交等战略尤其值得中国借鉴。第五章和第六章从中国能源安全战略的发展过程和整体目标入手,分别从内外两个方面提出了在经济全球化背景下中国如何利用全球化特点和趋势,学习其他国家的先进经验,实施能源安全战略选择的建议。对内的能源安全战略包括:制定科学的可持续发展的能源战略,实施能源多元化发展战略,大力实施能源节约战略,重视环境保护战略等。对外能源安全战略包括:能源供给多元化战略,与能源大国的竞争合作战略,与国际能源组织、区域经济一体化组织的能源合作,能源企业“走出去”战略、能源运输安全战略等。本文的创新点包括:1、深入分析经济全球化的特点在能源领域的表现,国际能源贸易成为世界贸易的重要组成部分,能源市场不断多元化,跨国能源公司不断并购和大发展,国际资本开始向能源领域大规模聚集,区域能源一体化也在不断加强等等,同时指出经济全球化在能源领域带来的新问题,包括:能源危机、能源竞争、能源合作、能源科技、能源与环境等等。2、比较全面深入的分析了经济全球化给中国能源安全带来更严峻的挑战:中国油气的对外依赖性在不断增加,面对一个全球能源竞争更加激烈的全球化市场,日益趋高的能源价格成为中国经济增长的巨大压力,中国能源产业的国际竞争力受到严峻挑战,加入世贸组织后跨国公司抢滩中国能源市场等等,并试图对中国能源安全战略提出相应的对策建议。3、通过对美国、欧盟、日本、俄罗斯等国家(集团)的能源安全状况的分析和对内对外能源安全战略的研究,提出中国的能源安全战略应该从适应经济全球化的角度,根据中国的国情制定符合科学发展的长期和短期目标,实施能源多元化战略,重视对核能、可再生能源等清洁能源的利用,大力推广节能技术,利用国际国内两个市场加强国际能源合作、鼓励能源企业“走出去”,确保能源运输安全等。

【Abstract】 Energy is the essential driving force of world development and economic growth, and also the basis of human life. In 21st century, energy security has been becoming the focus all around the world as the price is higher and higher. Meanwhile, economic globalization has been the most obvious trait of recent world economy, which necessarily process into the energy field and brings into a string of new energy problem. Based on the study on the present global energy issue and energy security structure, and combined with Chinese energy security situation, this dissertation analyses the challenge globalization cause to China energy field, so as to provide references for China to draw up practical energy security strategy. For researching this phenomenon, it can help to improve the safety theory research ability on one hand. On the other, it is also of great important for us to participate into economic globalization, ensure the energy’s economy and security, sustain the continuously steady and healthy growth, and then as a result to fulfill the target of building a well-off society in an all-round way in 2020 which was proposed in the 17th Congress.This dissertation consists of six chapters, which contents are as follows:As the Chapter One, it introduces us the purpose and significance. Besides, it briefly summarizes the research status on energy security and reviews some literatures. What’s more, it also introduces the researching methods, innovations and disadvantages.Chapter Two begins with the definitions and relevant theories of energy, energy security, and economic globalization, then analyzes the connotation and restricting factors of energy security and its relationship with globalization and energy. Besides, it also discusses the influences of globalization to energy field and the relevant problems it leads to. At last, it makes a conclusion that the conflicts in energy security with the background of economic globalization.Chapter Three mainly analyses the problems of China’s energy security. China is the biggest developing country all around the world, and also it is one of the energy production and consumption superpowers. Since 1990s, Chinese economy increases rapidly at a rate of 10%, which drives the sharp rise of energy consumption. However, there are many problems of China’s energy security, for instance, little energy reserve, difficult exploitation, large supply and demand contradiction, unreasonable consumption structure, low clean energy rate, poor efficiency, sharp contradiction between energy usage and environmental protection and so on so forth. On the other hand, economic globalization brings in fiercer challenge for us since the external dependence is deeper, global competition is more fierce, energy price is higher, and the invasion of transnational corporations to Chinese energy market is severer following the China’s entrance into WTO. Therefore, how to ensure Chinese energy security has been becoming a quite important and urgent issue.In Chapter Four, it analyses the US, EU, Japan, Russia’ energy security strategy, China should learn the implement energy pluralistic strategy from the US, utilize clean energy strategy of EU, the energy thrifty strategy of Japan, and energy diplomacy strategy of Russia.Chapter Five and Six point out the following suggestions from the point of the developmental process and overwhelming target of Chinese energy security strategy: China should carry out the policy of energy security strategy, by making use of the traits and tendencies of globalization from both inside and outside, and learning from other countries’advanced experience, based on the developmental process and total target of Chinese energy security strategy. Domestic energy security strategy include the following issues:formulate scientific sustainable developmental energy strategy, implement energy pluralistic strategy, vigorously carry out the energy thrifty strategy, and value environmental protection strategy. On the other hand, external energy security strategy consists of pluralistic energy supply strategy, competition and cooperation strategy with the other energy superpowers, cooperation strategy with the International Energy Agency and regional economic integration organizations, energy enterprises "Going Out" strategy, energy transportation safety strategy and so on so forth.The innovations of this dissertation are as following: 1. Deeply analyses the influence to the energy of economic globalization, the fact that international energy trade has been one of the important elements of world trade, the situation of energy market’s pluralism, the phenomenon of multinational corporations’ mergence and rapid development, international capital began to aggregate to energy field immensely, regional energy’s integration and so on so forth. Based on the above analyses, this paper then points out the new problems of economical globalization to energy field, such as energy crisis, energy competition energy cooperation, energy technology, energy and environment.2. Comprehensively analyses the severer challenge of economic globalization to China, for example, china petroleum’s increasingly dependence on foreign countries, the great pressure of higher and higher energy price to Chinese economy growth, the severer challenge of other superpower to Chinese energy, the snatch of china’s energy market share. Accordingly, this paper aims to propose some relative suggestions to Chinese energy safety strategy from the point of accommodating economic globalization.3. Compared the energy security strategy of the US, EU, Japan, Russia, China should carry out the policy of energy security strategy, by making use of the traits and tendencies of globalization and learning from other countries’advanced experience. Chinese energy security strategy include the following issues:formulate scientific sustainable developmental energy strategy, implement energy pluralistic strategy, vigorously carry out the energy thrifty strategy, and value environmental protection strategy, pluralistic energy supply strategy, competition and cooperation strategy with the other energy superpowers, cooperation strategy with the International Energy Agency and regional economic integration organizations, energy enterprises "Going Out" strategy, energy transportation safety strategy and so on so forth.

【关键词】 经济全球化能源安全石油战略
【Key words】 economic globalizationenergy securitypetroleumstrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】F426.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】3017

