

The Research on the Impact of Leisure Agricultural Tourism on the Residents in Rural Community

【作者】 戴美琪

【导师】 吴楚材; 游碧竹;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 生态学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 随着休闲农业旅游活动的不断升温,休闲农业旅游开发已引起学术界、业内人士的广泛关注。但是,关于休闲农业旅游对农村社区居民的旅游影响却还未得到充分的重视,缺乏深入的研究。不论是从旅游可持续发展的角度,还是我国社会主义新农村建设的角度,本课题都是值得重视的,有深入研究的必要。从已有的旅游影响研究来看,多注重旅游对社区的宏观方面的影响研究,而忽视了旅游对社区居民的微观影响的研究。从研究的主题来看,这个课题缺乏详细的实证调查来深入分析旅游影响的具体内容以及相关关系。本研究通过对黄兴镇休闲农业旅游区的实证分析,运用因子分析、相关分析、比较分析、逐步回归分析、方差分析等统计学方法,以休闲农业旅游对社区居民的影响为主要研究内容,以休闲农业旅游社区居民旅游影响感知的定量测量为技术手段,通过因子分析的方法,归纳了休闲农业旅游对社区居民产生的三大旅游影响的具体内容,比较了样本整体与个体、不同旅游发展水平下的社区居民旅游影响感知的差异,探讨了休闲农业旅游社区居民旅游影响感知、旅游发展态度和满意度的关系,得到如下的研究结论:(1)通过对统计数据进行因子分析发现:休闲农业旅游对社区居民的旅游经济影响主要集中在“收入水平与收入用途影响”、“收入方式与就业形势影响”、“就业观念与劳动特征影响”、“生活成本与经营意识影响”等方面;旅游社会文化影响主要集中在“生活质量、社区归属与对外交际影响”、“文化素质与社区交往影响”、“社会风气与治安水平影响”和“社区利益关系影响”等方面;旅游生态影响主要集中在“社区生态环境影响”和“社区生态保护和生态意识影响”等方面。通过对休闲农业旅游社区调查整体样本和子样本的因子分析比较发现:处于同一社区的不同子社区居民的旅游经济、社会文化和生态影响感知的因子分析与社区整体的因子分析具有一定的一致性。(2)休闲农业旅游的开发和发展促进了社会主义新农村建设。本研究通过对社区居民的旅游影响感知分析发现:休闲农业旅游的开发促使社区居民改善住房条件、美化周围环境,增强了社区居民的教育意识和社区团结精神,提高了社区居民的文明程度,增加了社区居民的环保责任感。这些都为新农村建设作好了实质性的铺垫。(3)社区居民对旅游影响的具体内容的感知强度上存在差异。社区居民对旅游经济影响中收入影响的感知比就业影响感知要强烈;对旅游社会文化影响中社区文化影响和社会关系影响的感知程度相差不大;对旅游生态影响中的“社区生态保护和生态意识影响”感知强度高,而对“社区生态环境影响”感知强度较低。(4)某些社会人口特征对某些旅游影响感知产生影响。在社会人口特征中,年龄因素对社区居民的旅游经济影响感知、旅游社会文化影响的感知没有显著影响;性别、受教育程度和家庭年收入水平等因素对社区居民的旅游经济影响、旅游社会文化影响的感知有显著影响;在旅游生态影响感知中,性别、年龄等因素与社区居民的旅游生态影响的感知不存在显著相关性:受教育程度和家庭年收入水平对社区居民的旅游生态影响的感知都有显著影响。(5)单因子协方差分析发现:旅游发展水平与社区居民的旅游经济、社会文化和生态影响感知之间都存在显著相关性。通过对不同旅游发展水平社区居民的旅游影响感知因子分析比较发现:同一休闲农业旅游社区的不同下属社区居民的旅游经济影响因子的感知强度会有差别。旅游发展水平越高的社区居民对旅游经济、社会文化和生态影响感知敏感性越高。(6)通过对休闲农业旅游社区所选取的大气、水和声环境的实际受影响程度的采样、监测,并将评价结果与社区居民感知进行了比较,结果显示:①黄兴镇的大气环境受到轻微的污染,社区的水环境受到了中度的污染,声环境受到了严重的污染;②通常,社区居民并不能准确评价生态环境因子受到影响的强度。社区居民对大气环境影响的感知强度要高于实际影响强度;而对水环境和声环境影响的感知强度要大大低于实际影响强度。(7)对社区居民旅游发展态度和满意度进行了统计,并对旅游影响感知与社区居民旅游发展态度和满意度之间的关系进行了分析,得出如下结论:①从整体样本的描述统计来看,黄兴镇的居民对本社区旅游发展普遍持支持态度,对本社区现阶段的旅游开发总体上感到满意。从子样本的描述统计比较来看,处于旅游开发初级阶段的旅游社区,社区旅游发展水平越高,社区居民对旅游发展越支持,旅游发展满意度越高;②皮尔逊积差相关分析表明:“旅游经济、旅游社会文化、旅游生态正面影响”感知与旅游发展的支持态度和旅游发展满意度呈显著的正相关关系;“旅游经济负面影响”感知与旅游发展的支持态度呈显著的正相关关系,与旅游发展满意度呈显著的微弱正相关关系;旅游社会文化负面影响和旅游生态负面影响感知与社区居民的旅游发展满意度之间并没有显著的统计学意义,也即社区居民的旅游满意度与旅游社会文化负面影响和旅游生态负面影响感知没有关系;③通过对旅游影响因素各自变量与社区居民旅游发展态度和满意度因变量之间逐步回归分析后,得到了旅游经济正面影响和旅游生态正面影响感知两个自变量与社区居民旅游发展(支持)态度和满意度的两个回归模型:Y态度=1.012+1.894 X1+0.399 X4Y满意度=1.985+1.905 X1+0.989 X4

【Abstract】 As the Leisure Agricultural Tourism (LAT) activities become more and more popular, the exploitation and development of LAT itself is consequently attracting the attention of many academic researchers as well as the professionals in tourism. However, the impact of LAT on residents in the rural communities, which calls for a deep study, has been ignored to some extent. Therefore, it is a worthwhile subject for researchers to study either from the perspective of the sustainable development of tourism or from that of the socialistic construction of the new countryside. Moreover, previous researches on tourism focused more on its macro-impact on communities than its micro-impact on residents in those communities. In the mean time, researches on the impact of LAT lack detailed demonstrative investigations to dig into the concrete contents of the impact of tourism and the correlation between them.This dissertation conducted a demonstrative analysis on LAT in Huangxing Town and it mainly dwells on the impact of LAT on the residents there. It uses the statistical methods such as Factor Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Comparison Analysis, Regression Analysis, ANOVA Analysis, etc. and the quantitative measurement of the residents’perception of the LAT impact on them as its technical means. Through careful researches, this dissertation sums up the detailed contents of the three major impacts of LAT on the residents. It also compares the different perceptions toward the impact of tourism between the individual sample and the whole sample, as well as samples in different developmental levels. Meanwhile, it holds a discussion of the relationship among the residents’perception of the tourism impact, the residents’attitude toward it and the satisfaction degree of tourism development. This dissertation draws the following conclusions after it discusses the relationship among finally got the following conclusion:(1)By means of Factor Analysis on the collected data, we find that:the economic impacts of LAT on residents in the rural communities are mainly these such as the impact of income level and income spending, the impact of income source and employment situation, the impact of employment concept and labor characteristic and that of living costs and management consciousness, ect. The social and cultural impacts of LAT are mainly these such as the impact of life quality, community attachment and social communication, the impact of cultural quality and social communication, the impact of social conduct and public security level, and that of the profit relations in a community, etc. And the ecological impacts of LAT are mainly these such as the impact of community’s eco-environment and that of environmental protection and environmental awareness, etc. After comparing the samples in whole with the individual samples by means of Factor Analysis, we find that the factor analysis of the overall samples and that of the individual ones are consistent to some extent.(2)The exploitation and development of LAT promotes the socialistic construction of the new countryside. The analysis of the residents’perception of LAT demonstrates that the development of LAT provides the residents an opportunity to improve their housing conditions and beautify the surroundings as well. It also enhances their educational consciousness and solidarity spirit, raises their civilization level and increases their sense of environmental protection. All of these lay a solid foundation for the cause of the new countryside construction.(3)Residents present a perceptional difference in the specific aspects of the impact of LAT. They are more aware of the impact of income than that of employment in the aspect of the economic impact of LAT. Although there is no obvious perceptional difference between the impact of community culture and social relationship in the aspect of social and cultural impact of LAT, there is one in the aspect of eco-tourism between the impact of environmental protection and consciousness and that of community environment, with the stronger perception of the former and a weaker one of the latter.(4)Certain social population characteristics will exert different influences on the specific perceptions of tourism impact. Among all the social population characteristics, the factor of Age has no evident influence on residents’perception of the economic impact of tourism as well as on that of the social and cultural impact, while the factors of Gender, Education, Family Revenue have evident influence on these two kinds of perceptions. For the perception of the impact of ecological tourism, the factors of Gender and Age do not have obvious influence on it, while the factors of Education and Family Revenue do.(5)Single-Factor Analysis of Covariance proves that the development levels of tourism show the evident relativity with the residents’perception of economic impact of tourism, the social-cultural impact and the ecological impact. The Factor Analysis of the perceptions of community residents from different development levels shows there exists a perceptional difference in residents in the smaller subordinate groups of one LAT community. The higher the development level of the group is, the more sensitive the residents there are to the impacts of tourism economy, social culture and social ecology.(6)By sampling and monitoring the actual influenced degree of the three ecological factors—atmosphere, water and noise environment, and by comparing the evaluation results with the residents’perception of them, this dissertation find out that:①The tourism development in Huangxing Town causes a slight pollution on the atmosphere, a moderate pollution on the water and a serious pollution on the noise environment;②sually, the residents cannot evaluate the intensity of the eco-environmental factors being affected. Residents’perceptional intensity of the atmosphere being affected is higher than that of the actual one, while that of the water and noise environment being affected is much lower than the actual one.(7)This dissertation investigates the community residents’ attitude and satisfaction toward tourism development and makes a statistical analysis of their relationship, which contributes to the following conclusions:①From the descriptive statistic of the samples in whole, it is clear that residents in Huangxing Town support the development of tourism and are satisfied with the overall tourism development. From that of the individual samples, for residents in a community which is in an early stage of tourism development, it is obvious that the higher the developmental level of the community tourism is, the more supportive the residents are for the support this development, the more satisfied the residents are.②Pearson Correlation Analysis shows that the impacts of the positive perception of tourism economy, tourism culture and ecological tourism have an evidently positive correlation with the supportive attitude and satisfaction toward tourism development. In the mean time, this analysis shows the perception of the negative impact of tourism economy has an evidently positive correlation with the supportive attitude toward tourism development(correlation coeffience:0.338, P≤0.000), while it has an evidently slighter positive correlation with the satisfaction on tourism development(correlation coeffience:0.181, P≤0.000). According to the analysis, there is no evident statistic significance between the satisfaction degree of tourism development and the perception of the negative social, cultural and ecological impacts of tourism.③By the Regression Analysis of the independent variances affecting tourism and the dependent variances affecting residents’attitude and satisfaction toward tourism development, this dissertation deduces two regression models as follows, representing the relations between the two independent variances—perception of positive impact of tourism economy(X1) and perception of positive impact of tourism ecology (X4), and the two dependent variances—community residents’ supportive attitude (Y(attiude))and community residents’satisfaction degree (Y(satisfaction degree)): Y(attitude)=1.012+1.894 X1+0.399 X4, Y(satisfaction degree)=1.985+1.905 X1+0.989 X4.

  • 【分类号】F592;D422.6
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】3091
  • 攻读期成果

