

The Growth-puzzledom and Its Countermeasures of the PE Teachers in the Village Middle Schools in Northwestern China

【作者】 江广和

【导师】 陈俊钦;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本研究采用文献法、调查法、数理统计法、个案研究法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对西北农村中学体育教师成长困境及其成长困境的调适策略进行理论探讨和实证研究,并运用个案研究予以进一步的论证。在研究过程中,应用社会学、教育学等学科相关理论知识,并结合教师成长与发展的相关理论,推导出包括物质环境、制度环境、思想观念环境及家庭环境因素四个维度的影响教师成长的工作环境理论模型。根据这一理论模型及结合对西北农村中学体育教师的访谈和开放式问卷调查结果,编制出具有较好信、效度的西北农村中学体育教师《面临不良的工作环境调查问卷》及《面临的工作环境对成长不利影响感知调查问卷》,并运用这两份问卷对西北农村中学体育教师的成长困境进行调查,结果不仅得出西北农村中学体育教师面临不良工作环境的维度与理论模型相吻合,并得出了西北农村中学体育教师的成长困境,其中最大困境为思想观念环境、其次是教学训练所需物质环境及业务提高所需物质环境,相对最小的困境为政策制度环境。同时,从调查结果中还反映出不良的工作环境并未全部对西北农村中学体育教师的成长造成较大的不利影响。在上述研究结果的基础上,以教师工作满意度量表及教师工作投入量表作为心态研究指标,对西北农村背景下的中学体育教师进行调查研究,力图进一步证实上述研究结果及解释上述研究的现象。调查结果发现,西北农村背景下的中学体育教师总体工作满意度较低,在各个维度的满意度上除教学满意度较高外,其余维度满意度较低,这一结果进一步论证了西北农村中学体育教师面临的不良工作环境面较广且较深的调查结果;而工作投入的调查结果总体较好,工作投入较大,这一结果在一定程度上可以作为诠释不良工作环境并未全部对其成长造成较大不利影响的依据。同时,为了更加准确、全面地提出成长困境的调适策略,并对西北农村中学体育教师面临的工作环境对成长不利影响感知调查结果进行了人口学统计变量上的差异性检验。综合前面研究结论及结合差异性检验结果,提出成长困境调适策略理论,并对相关专家进行问卷调查,运用帕雷托分析法,最终形成西北农村中学体育教师成长困境调适的十项策略。本研究还对两个具有典型意义的体育教师进行了深入的个案研究。研究结果不仅进一步证实了西北农村中学体育教师所面临的成长困境,论证了调适策略提出及分析的合理性,并且认为在他们的工作过程中,虽然面临较大困境,但在他们自己能动的调适下,不仅换来了更好的外部工作环境,并在积极的主观因素与良好的客观环境相互作用下,最终消除困境及得到了成长。

【Abstract】 This research adopted such methods as document, investigation, mathematical statistics,special case study and logical analysis and so on,then theoretically discussed and empirically studied the growth dilemma and its countermeature of the PE teachers in the village middle school in northwestern china.Meanwhile,special case was also researched so as to further support the standpoints.During the research, applying the related theoretical knowledge of subjects, sociology and education,for example,the author used the involved theories regarding the growth and development of physical education teachers, and then derived a theoretical model of the working environment for the physical teachers in the village middle school in northwestern china,which was influenced by physical environment, institutional environment, ideological environment and family environment.According to this theoretical model, combining with the interview and open-ended questionnaires to the physical teachers in the village middle school in northwestern china, the author drawed up two questionnaires with good credibility and validity—one was about the attitudes towards the poor working environment; the other refered to the teachers’ perception when the working envirionment adversely affected their growth. Then,on the basis of the above two questionnaires, the author surveyed the growth plight of the PE teachers in the village middle school in north-western china. Just as expected, the results illustrated the dimensionalities that the PE teachers were faced up with negative working environment,were consistent with the theoretical model.What’s more, in the light of the results,we knowed that the biggest dilemma for teachers’ growth lied in ideological environment, and the physical environment that teaching,training and professional work improvement needed was in the second place.And by contrast,the relatively small plight is the policy and institutional environment. In the meantime, the investigation results also showed some negative working environment hadn’t brought great disadvantageous effects to the teachers’ growth.Based on the above research results, the researcher took teacher’s job satisfaction scale and teacher’s work engagement scale for the mental research indicators, and then investigated the PE teachers in the village middle school in northwestern china.what the researcher aimed at is to try to further verify the above mentioned research results and to explain the research phenomenon. By means of the research results, we could know the PE teachers in the village middle school in northwestern china had a lower overall job satisfaction.The other dimensions satisfactions were low,while the teaching satisfaction is relatively high.This result also further demonstrated the investigation result that the scope of negative working environment for the PE teachers was broad and deep.And the work engagement investigaion result showed good as a whole, the work involvement was great,what,to some degree,could be basis to explain some negative working environment hadn’t brought great disadvantageous effects to their growth.At the same time, in order to exactly and all-around bring forward the countermeasures for the growth plight,the author analysed the the teachers’perception questionnaire and then tested demographic differences on the statistical variables. Summing up the above research conclusion and the differences test results, the researcher raised growth plight adjustment strategy theory,surveyed relevant experts, applied Pareto Analysis,and finally formed 10 strategies about the growth plight adjustment of the PE teachers in the village middle school in northwestern china.This research also deeply analysed 2 PE teachers of typical significance. And the research results didn’t only demonstrate the growth plight that the PE teachers in village middle school in northwestern china faced,proofed the rationality about the raise and analysis of the adjustment strategy, but also believed that during their work,despite the big plight that they confronted,if they could actively adjust,they can obtain better external work environment,then with the interaction between positive subjective factors and good objective environment,the plight would ultimately be cleared up and the teachers came to grow.


