

Translation, Biography, Intercourse: Studies on Arthur Waley’s Sinological Strategies

【作者】 冀爱莲

【导师】 孙绍振; 葛桂录;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 作为国外学术研究的重要组成部分,汉学是从他者视域出发对中国文化进行的一种研究。“他者”不仅表现在研究者持有的异域文化视角,而且表现在其采用的研究策略上。和欧洲其他国家汉学发展的轨迹相似,英国汉学也经历了传教士汉学向学院派汉学的转型的发展过程。传统汉学遵从维多利亚时期的文学传统,采用归化的译介策略,学院派汉学则以科学的学术研究为旨归,注重异域文化因素的原生态表现,以异化见长。作为英国汉学转型期的代表,阿瑟·韦利(Arthur Waley,1889-1966)是以传统汉学的颠覆者形象荣膺英国文坛的。初涉翻译,他便摒弃传统汉学韵律体译诗的传统,采用散体翻译法,语言带有明显的汉语痕迹。译文的选择也以中国古代文化典籍为重。《诗经》、《楚辞》,以及唐前诗赋的翻译,都表现出他对中国道家哲学、佛教思想及民间巫术的倚重。此外,韦利还采用西方的叙事策略,为中国诗人李白、白居易、袁枚作传,打破了传统汉学以译介为主的单一研究模式。对传统译介手法的扬弃,使韦利成为游离于当时主流汉学之外的一个边缘者。其犹太民族身份与性格的怪异加剧了他与英国传统汉学间的距离。为此他埋身于中日文学典籍的译介中,企图从中寻找心灵的皈依之所,尤其是中国古代文化虚静、隐逸的道家生活观对其影响至深,他甚至摹仿中国文人弃官归隐的方式生活。在他心里,古代中国是令人心驰神往的心灵圣殿。为了进一步把脉中国文化之精髓,他利用一切机会结交中国学人。丁文江、徐志摩、胡适、萧乾等都是其私交甚密的挚友。通过上述策略,韦利努力摆脱传统汉学研究者的欧洲中心主义偏见,藉此寻求中英之间的平等对话。但其固有的文化身份使他与英国传统文化间始终保持着千丝万缕的联系。他虽然采用散体翻译的直译法,带有明显的异化倾向,但他注重译文的通畅,以此满足英国大众的阅读习惯,又表现出鲜明的归化意识。在其传记创作中,他沿用史传文学编年式叙事的模式来建构作品,但他以西方价值观为评判标准,对李白、白居易、袁枚存在诸多误读。本文拟从英国汉学的转型入手,结合具体的文本对韦利采用的翻译、叙事、交游三大策略做一详细的研究,进而揭示他既游离于主流汉学之外、又难以摆脱英国文化影响的矛盾与悖论。

【Abstract】 Sinology, an important component of foreign academic studies, is a branch of learning investigating Chinese culture from the perspective of "the other", which is embodied not only in the visual angle of foreign culture, but in the adopted research strategies. Resembling other European countries, British sinology also transformed from the missionary stage to scholastic sinology. The missionary sinology abides by the Victorian literary tradition with adoption of domestication strategy, while the scholastic sinology focuses on the scientificalness of its academic studies. Arthur Waley, being a representative figure in the transitional period between these two stages, was known in British literary arena as a subverter of traditional sinology. When first engaged in translation, he at once introduced unmetrical approach though blemished with obvious signs of the Chinese, in stead of the metrical one conventional in traditional sinological poetry translation. And Arthur Waley set great emphasis on chinese antique culture while translating, virtually every translation from The Book of Songs, Nine Song to Pre-Tang poetry was laden by the concerns and discussions about Chinese philosophy and folklores. Furthermore, by utilizing the narrative strategy of the West, Arthur Waley wrote biographies for Chinese poets like Li Po, Po Chu-i and Yuan Mei, which results to subvert the single translation-oriented model of traditional sinology.Such being the case, Arthur Waley dissociated from the mainstream of thus British sinology and acted as a marginal role to whom, the distance from the British traditional sinologists was extended further for his Jewish identity and peculiarly uncommunicative character. Nonetheless Arthur Waley endeavored to seek the compatibility between the Jewish and sinology by devotion to the examination and translation of Japanese and Chinese literature, even to the extent of trying to live the secluded Chinese literati style of life. It was safely said in his mind, the ancient China was the most fascinated of holy palaces. To capture the essence of Chinese culture, Arthur Waley intercoursed sincerely with Chinese scholars, and Ding Wenjiang, Hsu Chih-mo, Hu Shih and Hsiao Ch’ien became his best foreign friends. Using the above three strategies, Arthur Waley strove to rid of the European prejudices of traditional sinologists for the purpose of seeking a kind of equal dialogue between China and British, but his British identity bred in the bone still led him to maintain the inextricable interrelation with his traditional culture. Though his unmetrical approach of literal translation with apparent foreignization, he kept a close eye on the smoothness to meet the demands of British readers’habits, which was coincident with a distinctive domestication. His biography-writing, framed by the western chronological narrative mode of historical biographies, remarked its biographers with the western values, which unavoidably resulted in many misinterpretations of Li PO, Po Chu-i and Yuan Mei. The thesis, penetrating from the transformation of British sinology, plans to investigate closely the three research strategies adopted by Arthur Waley in his sinological studies through careful textual analyses。I will disclose Arthur Waley’s contradiction and paradox furthermore, which rendered him on the one hand dissociated from British sinological mainstream while inextricable from British cultural impact on the other hand.

【关键词】 阿瑟·韦利汉学研究翻译传记交游
【Key words】 Arthur Waleysinological studytranslationbiographyintercourse

