

The Study on Political Factors of Yan-an Lu Yi Music Education

【作者】 王丽虹

【导师】 叶松荣;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 鲁艺音乐教育既是波澜壮阔的中国革命史中的一个篇章,也是中国音乐教育史上的一个重要阶段,开创了中国现代革命音乐教育的先河。鲁艺音乐教育的创办是中日民族矛盾、国共政党矛盾、社会阶级矛盾、音乐发展需要等诸多因素综合作用的结果;在政治因素的融入和影响下,鲁艺音乐教育顺应了历史发展的潮流,顺应了中国抗战的实际,顺应了人民群众对音乐的渴求,因而取得了巨大的成功;融入在鲁艺音乐教育中的政治因素体现了中国共产党的政治主张,代表着中国社会发展方向和广大人民群众的根本利益,一经与音乐教育结合,就产生了革命的、大众的音乐;鲁艺音乐教育一经与政治因素融合,其政治功能、社会功能就得到大幅提升,为中华民族的历史使命和时代主题作出了应有的贡献。通过对鲁艺音乐教育中的政治因素具体入微的分析可以发现,政治因素的融入主要体现在鲁艺音乐系的创立过程、办学方针、人才培养、教育学制与内容安排以及音乐作品等诸多方面。政治因素对鲁艺音乐教育的融入,实现了中国革命音乐教育空前的繁荣。主要表现在:音乐社会功能的提升、音乐审美范畴的表现、音乐教育模式的创新、音乐创作题材的丰富。上升为民族的、科学的、大众的音乐文化之后,鲁艺音乐教育开创了中国革命音乐教育的先河,奠定了此后中国音乐事业的基础。然而,政治与音乐教育虽然同属于意识形态,但毕竟有着各自不同的特性和内在规律,混淆二者的界限则不仅会对政治本身产生消极影响,也会导致音乐纯美属性的淡化、音乐人文功能的弱化、音乐艺术品格的俗化,从而影响音乐教育事业的健康发展。二十一世纪是激烈变革的世纪,是“知识授予型”向“知识创造型”转换的重要变革时期。值得我们对音乐教育深刻反思的问题是:音乐教育如何为中华民族自立自强于变幻无常、竞争激烈的世界作出贡献?这是关系到中华民族的繁荣昌盛,关系到音乐教育发展进步的重大现实问题。通过对鲁艺音乐教育中政治因素的研究,有助于我们在推进音乐教育事业的进程中把握自主与使命、当前与长远、普及与提高、个性与共性这几对矛盾关系,从而正确处理音乐教育与政治的关系,慎选音乐教育的发展路径,谋划音乐教育的人才培养战略,推进音乐教育的学科拓展提升,在新的起点上实现我国音乐教育新的繁荣。

【Abstract】 Lu Yi music education is a chapter in the magnificent Chinese revolution history, as well as an important historical stage in the music history of Chinese revolution, for which has created a precedent for music education in Chinese modern history.The foundation of Lu Yi music education based on many factors such as China-Japanese ethnic conflicts, contradictions Communist political parties, social and class contradictions, needs of music development. With the integration of political factors and under its’influence, Lu Yi music education conformed to the historical development of tide, complied with the actual war hundreds of millions of soldiers and civilians, and complied with the people’s thirst for music. Therefore, it achieved a great success. For the political factors reflects the CCP’s political views, representing the direction of China’s social development and the fundamental interests of the broad masses,once combined with music education there would be a music of the revolution, of the mass. And also once combined with political factors, the political and social function of music education would be greatly enhanced, making its due contribution for the history mission of the Chinese nation and theme of the times. By analyzing the political factors of Lu Yi music education in-depth, We may find the integration of political factors mainly embodies in the process of creating the Music Department of Lu Yi, school policy, personnel training, education system and contents of arrangements as well as music and many other aspects.The integration of political factors has made the unprecedented prosperity of the Chinese revolution music education, such as the enhance of the music social function, the performance of the music aesthetic aspects, the innovation of the music education model, the enrichment of the music themes. After becoming the national, scientific and popular music culture, Lu Yi music education created a precedent of China’s revolution music education, laying the foundation for Chinese music.Nevertheless, though both belonging to the field of ideology, politics and music education have their own distinctive characteristics and inherent laws. Confusing their boundaries would produce the negative impact on politics itself, desalinate music aesthetic, weaken the music humanities function, secularize music art character, thus affecting the health development of the cause of music education.With intense transformations Twenty-first century is during an important transforming period when the "knowledge granted" is converted to the "knowledge-creation". The question worth our deep reflection is how the music education makes contributions to Chinese nation who is self-independent in the changeable and competitive world? It is an important actual issue which concerns the prosperity of Chinese nation and development of the music education. Studying the political factors in Lu Yi music education would be helpful for us to grasp several groups of contradictions in advancing the cause of music education, such as autonomy and selection, the current and long-term, the popularization and improvement, the individuality and universality. Therefore, we can correctly handle the relationship between music education and politics, carefully choose the developing path for music education, plan the personnel training, promote scientific extension of music education, and achieve the prosperity of our country’s music education in the new starting point.

【关键词】 延安鲁艺音乐教育政治因素
【Key words】 Yan-an Lu YiMusic EducationPolitical factors

