

The Intellectual’s Writing Involved in the Public Sphere

【作者】 钟希明

【导师】 袁勇麟;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 龙应台的成名作《野火集》是台湾最具影响力的经典作品之一,出版二十年后仍持续影响中国大陆,如今龙应台的文章常常在两岸三地乃至世界华文报刊同时刊登。从《野火集》到2008年台湾大选在两岸三地乃至华文世界同时刊发的《台湾未来,一块三毛?——四大问就教于“总统”候选人》,二十几年过去了,龙应台始终坚守着“为天地立心,为生民立命”的知识分子本色,怀抱强烈的社会责任感和对公共事务的关怀,以独立的批判精神介入公共场域写作,引发了一次次遒劲的思想风暴,屡屡创造出版神话与惊人的轰动效应。龙应台创作中的一系列文学事件已经构成了一个独特的“文化现象”,在欧洲、中国两岸三地文化圈中,龙应台的文章已经成为一个罕见的档案。因此,本文以此为考察对象进行具体的分析和探讨。本文主要利用哈贝马斯的“公共场域”理论与萨义德的“知识分子论”等文化研究的理论资源,从“介入公共场域的知识分子写作”这一视角切入对“龙应台文化现象”进行研究,并分别从作家身位、文学实践、读者反应、文学生产等方面展开分析和讨论。龙应台是一个持有自由主义思想认同的公共知识分子,其精神姿态主要承袭了中国知识分子“国家兴亡、匹夫有责”的精神传统,而其思想认同则与西方自由主义思想息息相关。龙应台的文学创作可以说是其自由主义理念的实践方式,她总是关怀公共事务、直面当下语境并介入公共场域,站在自由主义的立场发声。其题材始终聚焦社会现实敏感问题与尖锐的矛盾冲突,并以其泼辣、犀利的笔锋,或剖析、或揭露与批判,直刺读者人心,从而掀起了一场又一场的思想风暴。龙应台的文学创作因其轰动效应与批评奇观形成一个独特的文化现象,“野火现象”、“新加坡风波”、“上海男人事件”以及21世纪初关于文化大讨论的“野火再燃”等构成龙应台思想风暴的几场论争,呈现出了读者思想的多元复杂与社会深层的精神焦虑,同时也预示着一个华文公共论坛的形成。在今天的传媒语境中,传媒功能已经构成了文学活动的第五要素,媒介的策划与传播在龙应台文化轰动效应中也起到了推波助澜的作用。本文主要采用内部研究与外部研究相结合的方法:内部研究即文本研究,主要考察作者的题材聚焦与文本诗学;外部研究则包括社会语境、文学生产、媒介传播以及读者反应等方面。其次是文化研究与文本细读相结合:以“文化诗学”研究的方法,通过史学与诗学相结合,文化理论与文本细读相结合,从世界、作家、作品、读者、传媒五个维度的互动关系来考察龙应台的文化现象。

【Abstract】 As one of Taiwan’s most influential classic works, "Wildfire", the fame-establishing masterpiece of Long Yingtai, has been still affecting China’s mainland since its first publication twenty years ago, and nowadays Long Yingtai’s articles are often published in Chinese newspapers and magazines simultaneously on China’s mainland, in Hong Kong and Macau and in Taiwan, as well as in some other regions across the world. It’s more than twenty years from the publication of "Wildfire " to that of "Taiwan’s Future,1.3 Dollars?---Four Questions for Presidential Candidates", which was published during the 2008 Taiwan presidential election, and Long Yingtai has always adhere to the intellectual quality of " For the sake of the Nature and the Humans". With a strong sense of social responsibility, concern for public affairs and an independent critical spirit, her writing gets involved in the public sphere and triggers strong ideological storms time and again, creating constant publication myths and amazing effects. Aseries of literary events relating to his writing have constituted a unique "cultural phenomenon", and her articles have become rare archives within the cultural circle in Europe, on China’s mainland, in Hong Kong and Macau and in Taiwan. Therefore, this paper takes the phenomenon as a study object for the specific analysis and discussion.With the use of Habermas’s theory of "Public Sphere" and Said’s "Representations of the Intellectual and some other theoretical resources of cultural studies, this paper studies Long Yingtai’s cultural phenomenon from the perspective of the intellectual’s writing involved in the public sphere and conducts analysis and discussion respectively from the aspects of author identity, literary practice, reader response and literary production.Being a public intellectual with liberal thoughts, Long Yingtai mainly inherits the Chinese intellectuals’ spiritual tradition of" Every citizen is responsible for the fate of the nation." as his spiritual gesture, and his ideological identity is closely linked with the Western liberal thought. Her creative writing may be the way of the practice for her (?)beral ideas, and she has been always caring for public affairs, directly facing (?) immediate context, getting involved in the public sphere and voicing from the position of the liberty. Focusing on the sensitive issues and sharp contradictory conflicts of social reality and with its pungent and sharp stroke, her subjects analyse or expose and criticize, which touches the hearts of the readers and gives rise to one ideological storm after another. Due to the sensational effects and critical wonders, Long Yingtai’s creative writing has formed a unique cultural phenomenon, with "Wildfire Phenomenon", "Singapore Disturbance", "Shanghai Men Event" and "Wild Fire Recurring" regarding the great cultural debate at the beginning of the 21st century constituting several debates of Long Yingtai’s ideological storms, showing the diverse and complex thinking of the readers and the spiritual anxiety of the society and indicating the the formation of a Chinese public forum as well. In today’s media context, the media functions have become the fifth element of literary activities, and the media planning and dissemination has also played a role in fueling Long Yingtai’s cultural sensational effects.This paper mainly adopts a combination of internal studies and external studies, that is, internal studies (text study) explore the subject focus and text poetry, while external studies include the social context, literary production, media dissemination, as well as reader response. Besides, cultural studies are combined with text reading in details, namely, by way of the "Cultural Poetics" studies and by combining history with poetry and cultural theory with text reading in details, this paper explores Long Yingtai’s cultural phenomenon from the interaction of such five dimensions as the world, the author, works, readers and the media.


