

The Research of SanShang Ye Family and Its Literature

【作者】 阮娟

【导师】 陈庆元;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 三山叶氏家族是清代及近代福州著名的科举世家、文学世家、藏书世家及艺术世家。该家族于清乾隆年间兴起,经叶观国、叶申蔼、叶申万、叶申芗、叶大焯、叶大庄等,奠定了名宦世家的地位,绵延至近代近两百年。本文以该家族为研究对象,并主要从文学角度研究该家族的诗学、词学成就及其对闽中文化的影响。叶氏家族的核心人物为叶观国。叶氏家族的文化传统由观国奠定,经后代发扬,形成了相对稳定的内在家族传统。一是鲜明的家族意识和修谱的传统,二是勤勉谨慎的人生态度,三是嗜书好读的家风与著述的传统。叶氏家族在“申”字辈及“大”字辈时出现两度辉煌,该家族的兴衰沿革伴随着中国近代化的社会进程。他们与清代及近代其他著名家族及名人关系密切,通过交游与联姻、参与文化活动等推动了福州文化的发展。作为文学世家,诗学上,叶观国、叶大庄、叶在琦均为福建著名诗人。叶观国有《绿筠书屋诗钞》十八卷,是乾隆年间写作风土杂咏诗的代表诗人。他宗宋的诗学倾向影响后人,使叶氏诗学与近代闽派同光体产生重要关联。词学上,叶申芗与叶大庄同列“清词百家”。叶申芗是近代闽中词学的第一人,他不仅以家学渊源影响叶庆熙与叶大庄,还注重对外交流,影响了谢章铤等其他闽中词人。叶申芗以个人之力编辑词选,辑录乡邦文献,究心声律,形成比较完整的词学体系,提高了闽人治词的信心,对近代闽中词学产生了重要的影响。

【Abstract】 SanShang Ye family was famous as Imperial and literature family in the Qing dynasty. They were also outstanding in the collection of books and art achievement. The Representative of Ye family were YeGuanGuo、YeShenXiang、YeShenAi、YeDaZhuang、YeDaChuo、YeZaiQi and so on. This article research the Rise and Fall of the family and its literature achievements.The External factors that caused Ye family developed was Socio-economic prosperity and the rich cultural atmosphere in FuZhou. Ye GuanGuo was the central figure in SanShang Ye family.He was the first people who entered Hanlin Gallery and wrote Genealogy in Ye family. His diligent and careful Character, his love about reading and writing had profound effect on later generation. Ye family had close relation in the well-known celebrities in Fuzhou. They were important figures in the culture activities and promote Fuzhou cultural development.As a literary family, YeGuanGuo、YeDaZhuang、YeZaiQi were famous poet in Fujian. YeGuanGuo was good at writing endemic poetics.his support to Song poetic influenced YeDaZhuang and YeZaiQi. YeShenXiang and YeDaZhuang was well-known in Ci. YeShenXiang was the most important people in the history of Fujian Ci in the Qing dynasty. He paid the most attention to Ci,exchanged the other poet in the nationwide,sorted out works about Fujian Ci.His Complete system had profound effect on Fujian Ci history.

【关键词】 三山叶氏家族文学叶观国叶申芗
【Key words】 SanShang Ye familyfamily literatureYeGuanGuoYeShenXiang

