

The Researching of the Culture about Emperor Yao in Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty

【作者】 潘苇杭

【导师】 郭丹;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 尧是华夏民族心目中伟大的君主,最具道德高度的圣人,礼乐文化的继承者、创新者与传播者。尧文化辐射哲学、文学、历史、绘画、音乐、医学、体育、天文、农学、民俗学等诸多领域,具有丰富的维度与巨大的研究价值。本文广泛筛查、整合文献,力求在辨伪存真与相互比较的基础上,从行政、军事、经济、礼教、德性、肖像、服饰、饮食、居住、銮仪、敛葬等十二个方面较为全面地呈现出尧文化的上古形态,并探讨其成因及影响。

【Abstract】 Yao is a great monarch and saint in morality in the Chinese history, and he is the successor, innovator and disseminator of ceremonial music. Yao culture contains a lot of fields, such as philosophy, literature, history, drawing, music, medical science, sports, astronomy, agriculture science and folklore, with rich research dimensions and enormous research value. Based on the sifting, distinguishing, comparison and integration of literature, this article strives to keep the truth which presents the antiquity form of Yao culture comprehensively by administrative Initiatives, military action, economic activities, propriety and behavior, virtue, portraits, apparel, diet, living conditions, imperial carriage, funeral, Chinese chess games and medical science, and explores its origin and the influence from the following aspects.

【关键词】 尧文化先秦两汉
【Key words】 Yao culturePre-Qin and Han Dynasties

