

The Research on the Interactive Design of City Public Art under the Background of Digital Age

【作者】 王峰

【导师】 过伟敏;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 产品系统设计与理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 城市,是人类社会文明过程中不断的物质化、文化化和群体生存管理的制度化的一种结构与形式的存在。公共艺术是现代城市文化和城市生活理想与激情的集中反映,以其特有的方式塑造着、记忆着和守望着城市,诠释着一座城市文化精神的定位和地方特色。当代社会,数字化成为一种新的生存方式,被用来描述上世纪九十年代中期以来的新时代特征:权力分散、全球化、追求和谐、赋予权利。数字技术向人类生活各个领域全面推进,改变了人们的生活方式。尤其在艺术领域,数字艺术的异军突起,在艺术殿堂开始占有一席之地,城市公共艺术也开始走向数字化。在数字化城市公共艺术中,交互性逐渐变成重要特性。传统的艺术中作品与观者之间是单一和被动的互动,而交互式艺术鼓励审美客体的参与,作品形态的转变由参与者决定,使接触作品变成富于乐趣的体验过程。本选题即以“数字化的城市公共艺术交互系统”为研究目标,对基于数字化手段表现的公共艺术案例的理论与方法进行系统研究,寻求数字化影响下的城市公共艺术的交互性特征,探索城市公共艺术未来新的发展趋势与创作手法,为城市公共艺术的发展提供理论借鉴和实践指导。首先阐述了当代公共艺术的源流与发展,从艺术史的角度对公共艺术的历史渊源、在历史中与城市的关系进行了推演。指出了走向数字化是公共艺术在当代发展的必然结果。对公共艺术概念进行了详细界定,区别了“公共艺术”与“公有空间艺术”的区别,诠释了公共艺术在当代中国的“新概念”。并分别以欧洲、美国、亚洲和中国城市为例,通过对一些流行案例的分析,阐释了各国公共艺术发展的特色与差异、发展与创新。在第二部分,文章描绘了数字化艺术的发展轨迹。上世纪60年代以来,数字化艺术从诞生之日起就与电子计算机的发展密不可分。从上世纪60年代到现在的50年间,以十年为一个阶段,勾画出一条数字化艺术从肇兴、发展到崛起、繁荣的道路。数字化时代,技术是推动时代前进的动力。本文论述了实现数字化的技术路线,并认为数字化艺术创作具有以下四个基本特征:技术性、艺术性、互动性和虚拟性,其中“交互性”已经成为当下数字艺术发展的主流,通过交互式设计、网络艺术传播和经验改变着我们的创作灵感和艺术体验。文中详细阐释了数字化背景下城市公共艺术交互的特性。数字化艺术具有普遍的交叉性,这就影响到我们对城市公共艺术的设计理念。文章引用了接受美学的理论,从设计者、赞助者和接受者三个方面揭示了互动性思维在城市公共艺术中的作用,随后,文章从本体论出发,对交互性本身进行了内涵层次的研究。交互性包括四个层次,基于人类行为、界面、社会网络和虚拟场景的系统体验。这四部分的内在逻辑是并列关系。文章进而指出,在数字化城市公共艺术中交互性作为关系媒体连接了四对范畴:从机械到电子、从视觉到触觉、从艺术家到读者、从现实到虚拟,这四个范畴分别代表了“交互”所带来的四种不同的显著变化。这一章是对交互性特性的理论分析。在之后的一章中,通过若干案例分析了城市公共艺术中交互性的实现过程。首先是交互关系的建立,用户体验和用户反馈是构成交互关系的基本要素。其次是交互的通道,文章将交互的系统分为输入系统、输出系统、通信和编程四个部分。并以一则完整的德国交互式公共艺术项目为例,讲述了交互系统的建立过程。这一章主要是从技术层面对交互系统的实现进行的研究。在下一部分,文章开始转向具体案例,用以描绘城市公共艺术中交互性设计的应用。城市公共艺术交互系统的构成要素由城市公共空间、城市艺术作品、城市公共艺术主体三者构成,三者之间编织成为一张立体多面的复杂交互网络。文章以不同的案例为基础,阐述机械式、体验式、创作式和虚拟式是城市公共艺术的四种不同的交互方式;而互动性、体验性、科技性、虚拟性和社会性是交互性作品的五点设计原则;造型要素、感官要素、情感要素和功能要素是城市公共艺术的交互性特征的四种设计要素。这一章主要是从实际案例分析,对城市公共艺术交互系统本体进行了分析并对交互式作品的创作者提出了设计的要求和指针。在最后一部分,文章为读者描绘了交互性城市公共艺术的未来发展趋向。交互性城市公共艺术是技术和艺术的融合体,艺术家、设计师和科技工作者的合作,使得数字交互作为一种新型的公众参与艺术成为可能。与此同时,新的艺术载体和媒介开始出现,如材料的变革,声音,光线,水,雾气等载体的组合,甚至借助计算机和网络,出现虚拟的神秘、虚幻的“超艺术载体”,超越了实际存在的物质,而是一种非物质的存在形式。文章向读者展开了一个未来可能出现的幻想的世界,在未知世界的变化中,艺术家的角色更加综合,观众开始区分层次,并提出了城市公共艺术的价值取向——用来服务国家或者社会的价值信仰,这需要是艺术家、社会与民众共同的努力。

【Abstract】 City is a sort of structure and existence of materialization and culture formation during the process of human civilization, and institutionalization of the group survival management. Public art is a concentrating reflection of both modern city culture and city life’s vision and passion. It is the public art that shapes, memorizes and keeps watch on the city with its unique way and annotates the orientation of the city’s culture spirit and local features. Contemporary society, digitalization has become a new way of life which is used for describing the characteristics of new age since the mid-nineties of last century:decentralization, globalization, the pursuit of harmony, and empowerment. Digital technology comprehensively pushes forward in all areas of human life and changes people’s way of life. Especially in the arts, the sudden emergence of digital art begins to possess an important status in the art palace, and the city public art has started to digital. In the digital city public art, interaction gradually becomes an important character. In traditional art, works and audience is a single and passive interaction. However, the interactive art encourages the participation of aesthetic objects; works of morphological changes are determined by the participant to turn the access to work into the experience process with full offun.The topic focuses on the "interaction system of digital city public art" as the research objectives, which systematically studies on the theory and methods of public art case based on the performance of digital public art. It seeks the interactive features of digital city public art under the influence of digital technology, exploring new development trends and creation methods of city public art in the future. Therefore, it provides theoretical reference and practical guide of for the development of city public art.To begin with, the paper expounds the origin and development of modern public art and deduces the history of public art and the relationship among different cities in history from the perspective of art history. It points out that the direction of digitalization is an inevitable result of public art in contemporary development. Subsequently, the paper prescribes the concept of public art in detail, distinguished "public art" and "public space art" and annotates the "new concept" of public art in contemporary China. And then, the examples of cities in Europe, the US, Asia and China were taken to explain the features and differences, developments and innovations of public art among them by analyzing some popular cases.In the second part, the paper describes the developing track of digital art. Since the 60s of last century, digital art from the date of the birth has a very close relationship with the development of computer. From the 1960s to the present, a stage in decades, a road of appearance and developing to flourishing of digital is sketched out. Technology is the driving force to promote the advance of the times in digital age. The paper discusses the technological line of realizing digitization and considers that the creation of digital art has the following four basic features:technicality, artistry, interaction and virtualization. Among them, the "interaction" has become a mainstream of digital art development nowadays and it changes our inspiration of creation and art experience though interactive design, network art communication and expenenceIn the paper, it explains in detail interaction features of city public art under the digital background. Digital art has universal cross-resistance, which affects our design conception in city public art. Then, it quotes the accepted theory of aesthetics and reveals the function of interactive thinking in city public art from three aspects:designers, sponsors and recipients. Add to this, it starts from the ontology and carries out on the interactive content research. Interaction includes four levels:based on human behavior, interface, social network and system experience of virtual environment. The four parts are on the same logic lever. It further indicates that it is the interaction as connection media that links four pairs of categories, from mechanical to electronic, from the visual to tactile, from the artists to readers, from reality to virtual. The four categories represent the different prominence changes brought by "interaction". The chapter is a theoretical analysis of interactive features.In next chapter, it analyzes the implementation process of interaction in city public art through a number of cases. The first is the establishment of interactive relation. The basic elements of interaction are consisted by the experience and feedback of the users. Followed by the interaction of the channel, the paper sets interaction system into four parts:input system, output system, communication and programming. In addition, it presents the process of building interactive system by giving an example of a complete interactive city public art in Germany. This chapter analyzes on the implementation of interactive system from technical aspects.In the following part, the paper begins to use specific case to describe the application of interactive city public art. Interactive system in city public art is formed by three elements:city public space, city artwork, and the main city public art. These three elements formed a multi-faceted, complicated interactive network. The paper based on different cases, expounding four different interactive forms of city public art:mechanical, experiential, creative and virtual types. The interactive, experience, technology, virtual and social work is a five-point design principle in interactive works. In the end of the chapter, there are four design elements of interactive city public art:formative element, sensory element, emotional element and functional element. This chapter analyzes interactive system in city public art from the actual case study and proposes the design rules and requirements for the creator of the interactive works.Lastly, the article describes a development tendency of interactive city public art in the future for readers. Interactive city public art is a blend of technology and art. The cooperation of artists, designers and scientists makes it possible for digital interaction to participate art as a new public. In the meantime, new artistic carriers and media begin to appear, such as the reformation of materials, the combination of sound, light, water, mist and other carriers. Even virtual mysteries and illusory "supra-arts carrier" come forth by virtue of computer and network, which beyond the substance of the physical presence but is a non-material form of existence. It offers readers an illusion of a possible future world. In the changes of the unknown world, the role of artists will become more integrated and the audience began to differentiate the levels. What’s more, it proposes the value orientation of city public art-to serves the country or social values which need common effort of artists, community and the public.

【关键词】 数字化城市公共艺术交互
【Key words】 digitalcity public artinteraction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

