

Studies of Ci Poetry of Song Dynasty from the Viewpoint of Urban Culture

【作者】 梅国宏

【导师】 刘乃昌; 王培元;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《都市文化视域中的宋词研究》立足于宋代都市文化视野,主要运用社会文化学的相关理论来构建文章的理论骨架,以文化阐释为主要的叙述方式,探求宋词与宋代都市生活的相互关系,力图挖掘宋词繁盛之文化背景,揭示宋词的文化意蕴。本文由绪论和五章组成。绪论部分首先对宋词进行文化定位,指出宋词是都市文学,它生成于都市文化语境之中,它的大部分文本也形象鲜明地表征着都市文化,其次对都市文化这一概念进行界定,指出都市文化的内涵绝不限于都市商业功能、政治功能或与二者有着千丝万缕的社会风俗的一端,而是在更为深厚层次上政治文化、商业文化和社会风俗文化的交融。第一章以汴京为例,阐述了宋代在商品经济浪潮的推动之下,城市格局发生了较大的变化,公共娱乐空间得到了巨大的拓展。这种历史转型期的城市空间结构变化的意义,绝非止于坊墙拆除抑或是宵禁制度被废除,也非广大市民能够自由出入于形形色色的都市娱乐场所,最为关键的是城市格局与商业经济互为因果的发展所带来的社会风俗的变化,以及因这种变化而产生的士人心态和社会思潮的深刻变化。第二章选取了宋代都市生活中较为典型的园池园囿、茶肆酒楼、勾栏瓦肆等士庶涉足较多的游乐场所,探析这些游乐场所与宋词中的园池词、酒词、茶词等等词学现象的关系。第三章主要论述宋人的都市消遣与狂欢,从全民参与的岁时节序、城郊纵赏到以个体为中心的祝寿庆贺,宋代的这一社会风俗孕育了词体文学,词人笔下大量的节序词、游赏词、寿词生动地表征和诠释着宋人特有的社会风俗。第四章主要论述词人与歌妓之关系。宋代词人的世俗欢娱中,与之发生关系最多的,莫过于歌妓。因此,本章意在揭示歌妓对整个宋代的宴乐风俗和词人心态的影响,尤其是对词体的形成、发展、传播及社会功能、审美特质建构所起到的作用。第五章探讨宋词与市民生活的关系,指出宋代市民阶层的生活风尚产生了许多新的变化,在此基础上形成了市民审美文化,进而指出,都市民间俗词就是市民人生情欲得以宣泄的载体,而文人词也难以避免地受到市民审美文化的浸染,成为文人士大夫抒写俗世情怀的文体。

【Abstract】 In the first chapter of my thesis,I take Bianjing (today Kaifeng in Henan) for example, expound that there existed a relatively large change in the pattern of urban and an enormous proliferation in the recreational space fuelled by the tide of commodity economy of the Song Dynasty.The importance of the changes in urban spatial structure in that transitional historical period was not only the end of curfews and trade embargo in uptown, or the broad citizen could go in and out various places of place of entertainmentplace of entertainment freely, but the changes of local social custom arised from the development of the pattern of urban and commercial economy which were mutually causalities,and the convert of the scholars’mind and the Social thoughts that based on these changes.In the second chapter I selecte some typical garden ponds, cafes,boite,theatre and many other recreational places in urbanism of Song Dynasty and analyse the relationship that these places with Ci of garden,wine tea and other Ci phenomenons.The third chapter mainly expounds the people’s recreation and carnival in urban of Song Dynasty.From custom that the whole city participate in to the outing to the suburb and glee feast,this social custom cultivated Ci Poetry. Ci Poetries about season,tourism and birthday explained the Song people’s own social custom racily. The forth chapter mainly expounds the relationship between poets and geishas, the geishas gave the poets the most happyness in the poets’ entertainment,so this chapter aims at revealing the impact the geishas made upon mindset of the poets and the custom of conviviality in Song Dynasty,especially upon the formation, development, disseminate,social function and structure of aesthetics features of Ci Poetry. Chapter Five discusses the relationship between Ci Poetry and citizens, shows that citizen’s living fashion produced many new changes,and aesthetic culture was formed on the basis of these changes, and then points out that urban folk custom is the carrier of the citizen’s life emotion, and scholars peom also can not avoid the influence of the aesthetic culture and become literary carrier of sentiments of literati and officialdom

【关键词】 宋词都市都市文化风俗
【Key words】 Ci Poetry of Song Dynastyurbanurban cultureCustom
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

