

Intercultural Research on the Portray of Female Images in Chinese and American Newspapers

【作者】 吴越民

【导师】 李岩;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 传播学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在媒介领域中,比起其他的媒体,报纸等新闻媒体由于它所具有的真实性和严肃性特征,已成为当今社会主要的获取信息的渠道,成为某种权威的象征。目前,国内外女性主义媒介文化研究均呈活跃繁荣之势,并得到学界广泛关注。这些研究主要从社会性别视角出发,从分析性别权力结构入手,对大众传媒在社会性别特征建构方面发挥的作用进行评估与判断。然而,传媒在社会文化体系中并非独立的存在,它既是社会文化的载体,同时也造就社会文化,它与不同社会的政治、经济、文化、历史等各方面因素均有千丝万缕的联系。本研究的主要创新之处在于把“性别视角”和“跨文化研究”的方法结合起来对中美报纸新闻报道中女性形象的塑造进行对比分析,探讨中美两国女性文化的异同,以及女性地位与性别传播的关系,说明社会性别不平等产生的原因,真正揭示不同社会文化下性别歧视的内在机制。性别和传播的跨文化研究有助于我们在全球化语境下,结合广阔的社会文化语境,分析和研究传播领域中的性别话语呈现,把它与国内外政治、经济、文化发展的关系,包括女性问题产生的历史与现实的背景联系起来进行理论上的深入研讨。本研究选取了《人民日报》、《新民晚报》和《纽约时报》三家报纸,对其中新闻报道中的女性人物报道和女性形象塑造(政治新闻中的女性参政形象,社会新闻中的女性形象,专题报道中的女性形象,时尚消费报道和娱乐新闻中的女性形象)采用量化研究和质化研究相结合的方法进行对比分析,包括分析两国主导报纸中有关女性人物报道的现状,与男性相比较报道的比例、在被报道事件中的作用等,并用性别视角考察这些指标所反映的媒介现实中女性的比例是否合理和平衡、是否存在和强化角色陈规定型等现象。本研究采用跨文化比较的方法,以性别和社会性别作为中心角度,致力于挖掘女性在不同的文化和社会中处于从属地位的根源,探讨性别和传播之间的相互关联,探讨处在传播生产的边缘位置上的女性,以建立以女性自觉意识、以女性为主体的知识体系。通过对中美报纸新闻报道中女性形象塑造的比较和分析,结论认为随着女性对社会主流文化的参与,她们的身影和话语逐渐参与到了社会生活的各个方面,中美报纸新闻报道都对女性在“公共领域”里的形象进行了多层面的积极呈现。然而,在不同的文化、历史、政治、经济以及社会背景中,对于具体的新闻陈述,包括报道的对象、事件、态度以及意识形态导向,其实也都隐含着性别观念的不同意识,因此中美两国报纸新闻在女性形象的塑造上也存在着差异。在跨文化的视野中比较中美报纸中女性形象塑造的共同性和差异性,有助于我们从新的视角阐释大众传媒中的社会性别。

【Abstract】 In the field of media, compared with other media, some news media such as newspaper have become the major channel for the modern society to obtain information and certain authoritative symbol due to their confinement of the content and special features of truth and seriousness. Presently, feminist media cultural researches have entered a prosperous stage and have attracted extensive attention both at home and abroad. These researches analyze the structure of gender power so as to evaluate and judge the roles mass media play in the construction of gender from the perspective gender. However, Media does not exist independently in social and cultural system. It is the carrier of social culture and meanwhile constructs social culture. It is intimately related with various aspects of society, such as politics, economy, culture and history.The creativity of our research lies in its combination of "gender perspective" and the methodology of "intercultural research" to analyze the construction of female images in newspaper news reporting in order to explore the similarities and differences of Chinese and American women’s culture and social positions as well as their relationship with gender and communication. Meanwhile, it analyzes women’s survival environments in media and the distribution of rights and resources in the whole social system from the macro social structure so as to expound the causes for the gender inequality and disclose the real intrinsic mechanism of gender prejudice in diverse social and cultural contexts. The intercultural research of gender and media is helpful for us to analyze and do research on the representation of gender discourse in the field of communication in global scope in combination with the broad social-cultural context. In this way, we can compare the similarities and differences of Chinese and western gender and media research so as to probe deeply into the research theoretically by integrating it with the political, economic and cultural development, as well as the historical and realistic backgrounds related to feminine problems. The comparison of construction of female images in Chinese and American newspaper news reporting is conducive to expound gender problems in mass meedia from a new perspective.This research selects three newspapers such as People’s Daily, Xin Min Evening News, The New York Times to contrastively analyze the reporting of female characters and the construction of female images (the portray of female images including the female images in political news reports, the female images in social news reports, the female images in the female character features in news reports, the female images in fashion and recreational news reports in Chinese and American newspapers)in news reports by way of quantitative and qualitative research. The research includes the analysis of the current state of the reporting of female characters in the dominant newspapers of the two countries, the proportion of reports compared with that of male, the functions women perform in the events being reported. It also analyzes these data from the perspective of gender to see whether they reflect the real proportion of women in media with fairness and balance and whether there exist the phenomena of strengthening role stereotypes. This research focuses on the sex and gender by way of intercultural comparison to dig into the roots of female’s subordinate position in diverse cultures and societies. It also explores the co-relation between gender and communication, analyzing women in marginal positions in the process of media production so as to build up the knowledge system based on women’s self-awareness and feminist subject.Through the comparison and analysis of the portray of female images in Chinese and American newspapers, the dissertation draws the conclusion that with more and more women participating in the mainstream social culture, their appearance and discourse exist in every aspect of social life. Both Chinese and American newspapers present positive portray of female images in public spheres. However, in newspaper reporting, there exist different ideologies of gender regarding specific news statements including the objects, events, attitudes and ideological direction in the reports, so there exist diversities in the portray of female images in Chinese and American newspaper reporting in different cultural, historical, political, economical and social background. The comparison of the similarities and diversities of the portray of female images in Chinese and American newspaper reporting is conducive to our exposition of gender in mass media from a new perspective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】C913.68;G212
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】3815
  • 攻读期成果

