

Research of Anhui’s Undertaking the Transfer of Industries in the Yangtze River Delta from the Perspective of Leap-forward Development Strategy

【作者】 方劲松

【导师】 荣兆梓;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 承接长三角产业转移有助于安徽填补投资缺口、做大产业规模、加快产业升级和技术进步,对于安徽经济发展总体上是十分有益的,但指望由此对安徽的跨越式发展起到一蹴而就的作用是不现实的。转移产业大多处于价值链低端的加工制造环节和产业生命周期的成熟期阶段,盲目而不加选择地大规模地承接不仅会加大承接地资源环境承载压力,进而形成挤出效应,抑制承接地新兴产业的发展,同时也会在未来因其步入衰退阶段,而给承接地带来产业系统性退出的巨大风险。因此,有必要结合长三角产业升级与转移的背景和安徽当前经济发展的现实,对安徽承接长三角产业转移的各种利弊进行全面深入的研究,并以此为基础,制定系统和科学的承接策略。根据这一目的,本研究基于安徽实现跨越式发展的视角,运用区域经济学、发展经济学和产业经济学的相关理论及思想方法,从理论和实践两个层面系统地分析了长三角产业转移与(安徽)承接的发生机制、比较优势、绩效与风险,进而,根据对安徽内部地区间差异、发展潜力和发展定位的考察,和对安徽跨越式发展性质、任务和实现途径的探讨,提出安徽承接长三角产业转移过程中的承接产业选择、承接方式选择、空间布局选择等决策建议。本文主要内容包括七个部分:第一章节主要介绍当前安徽承接长三角产业转移的现实背景,并就此提出本研究的主题。进而,回顾与评述现有的相关的研究成果,说明本研究的逻辑框架、技术路线和章节安排,以及本研究的主要创新点。第二章节系统回顾本研究所涉及的、与区域分工合作以及地区间产业转移相关的理论基础,详细介绍区域分工理论、工业区位理论和产业转移理论的提出背景、主要内容及其存在的局限。第三章节主要讨论长三角区域分工协作关系的演进历程和现状,分析长三角区域经济发展的态势、主要困境以及与产业转移的关系;第四章主要介绍安徽与长三角地区的经济渊源以及参与长三角区域分工的历史进程,讨论安徽承接长三角产业梯度转移的基本条件,分析安徽承接长三角产业梯度转移的比较优势。第五章主要介绍安徽经济发展现状、与周边省份的差距以及相对滞后的主要原因,分析承接长三角产业转移对安徽经济发展的影响,并考察了安徽承接长三角产业转移的经济绩效。第六章主要分析承接长三角产业转移的利弊,讨论产业转移类型和承接方式与承接地区内部差异之间的关系,探讨安徽实现跨越式发展的性质和途径,说明承接长三角产业转移在安徽跨越式发展中的作用,进而在综合评价安徽各地经济发展潜力的基础上,系统阐述安徽承接长三角产业转移的策略。第七章对本研究的主要结论进行归纳与总结,并说明这一研究的理论与政策含义,以及当前研究存在的主要问题与局限,进而对未来的进一步研究前景进行了展望。本研究的主要结论如下:(1)长期高速发展和经济融合为长三角地区积聚了巨大的经济实力,促成其区域内部区域一体化进程加快和多层次分工协作关系的形成,但其资源供给紧张、环境污染严重、产业结构趋同、工业成本上升、竞争压力加剧等困局也开始凸显。实现内部产业升级的同时,加快向外产业转移,是长三角区域经济发展和分工协作关系演进的必然结果。(2)安徽与长三角地区的“中心—外围”关系显著,产业结构关系互补性较强,众多产业之间存在显著的梯度差异。而且,相对于其它周边省份而言,安徽在承接长三角产业转移上具有得天独厚的地理区位、完整的工业体系、有效的产业支撑体系,综合优势十分显著。(3)安徽承接长三角产业转移的态势良好,大规模产业转移已经开始,投资规模不断扩大,长三角产业转移也带动了国际资本向安徽转移的步伐。实证研究也表明承接长三角产业转移与安徽经济增长之间存在一个均衡稳定的协整关系,对安徽GDP增长有巨大的拉动作用,但承接长三角产业转移目前对安徽的技术进步效应不明显。(4)安徽承接长三角产业转移应当分为三个层次,不同层次的地区应当有不同的承接目的、承接方式和产业选择,尤其是皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区,应该建设成安徽经济发展的增长极、工业化和城市化的脊梁、以及全国重要的先进制造业基地和现代服务业基地。此外,要处理好皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区与合芜蚌自主创新综合配套改革试验区之间的关系,使安徽的两个战略支撑点相互补充、互为犄角,协力推动安徽经济的全面快速发展。

【Abstract】 For the overall economic development of Anhui, it is very useful to undertake the transfer of industries in the Yangtze River Delta. It will help fill the investment gap, expand the industrial scale, and accelerate the industrial upgrading and the technological improvement. It, however, is unrealistic to expect the overnight effect in one move on the leap-forward development of Anhui. Most of the transfer industries lie in the manufacturing sector, the bottom of the value chain, and in the mature stage of industry life cycle. If the transfer is undertaken blindly and indiscriminately on a large scale, it will increase the pressure on the undertaker in its resources and environment, thus resulting in the crowding-out effect, and inhibiting the development of new industries of the undertaker. Also it may bring the great risk of the systemic withdrawal to the industry of the undertaker, for it will come into its recession in the future. Therefore, a thorough research is necessary by combining the background of industrial upgrading and transfer in the Yangtze River Delta, and the reality of current economic development of Anhui. The research will focus on the various advantages and disadvantages of industrial transfer. On this basis, a comprehensive, systematic and scientific undertaking strategy will be made. According to the aim, the research is from the perspective of achieving leap-forward development strategy of Anhui. It employs some relevant theories and ideas such as regional economics, development economics and industrial economics and analyses systematically the mechanism, the comparative advantage, performance and risk of the industrial undertaking and transfer in the Yangtze River Delta(Anhui) both in theory and in practice. Furthermore, based on the investigation of the internal regional difference in Anhui, of the development potential, and of the development orientation, and on the probe into the nature, the task, and the approaches of the leap-forward development strategy of Anhui, it offers some advice for policy decision in industry selection, mode selection, layout selection of the undertaking during the process of the industrial transfer of Anhui. This article consists of seven parts:Chapter I introduces the current situation of the industrial transfer of Anhui, and from this, puts forth the topic of this research. Furthermore, it reviews and comments on the existing relevant research achievements, explaining the logical framework, technical line, chapter arrangement, and the main innovations of the research. Chapter II reviews systematically the relevant theoretical basis involved with the research, of the regional division of labor and of the industry transfer between regions, and introduces in detail the regional division theory of labor, industrial location theory and the background of proposing the theory of the industry transfer, its main contents, and limitations.ChapterⅢfocuses on the evolution and the current situation of the regional cooperative relationship in the division of labor in the Yangtze River Delta, and analyses the trend of the regional economic development of the area, its main difficulties and its relationship with the industry transfer; ChapterⅣintroduces mainly the economic connections of Anhui with the Yangtze River Delta and its history of participation in the regional division of the Yangtze River Delta. The section discusses the basic requirements of Anhui undertaking the gradient industry transfer of the Yangtze River Delta, and analyses the comparative advantages of this undertaking. Chapter V concentrates on the current status of the economic development in Anhui, the gap with the neighboring provinces, and the main reasons of the relative lagging. It analyses the impact of the undertaking on Anhui’s economical development, and studies the economic performance in this undertaking.Chapter VI analyses mainly the advantages and disadvantages of the undertaking, and discusses the types of industry transfer, and the relationship between the undertaking mode and the differences among the undertaking regions. It explores the nature and the ways of achieving the leap-forward development of Anhui, states the role of undertaking the industry transfer of the Yangtze River Delta in the strategy of Anhui’s leap-forward development, and then, based on the overall evaluation of the economic development potential of different areas in Anhui, clarifies systematically the tactics of Anhui undertaking the industry transfer. Chapter VII summarizes the main conclusions of this research, and sets forth the theory and policy implications of the research, the major problems and limitations, and then opens a prospect for the further study in the future. The main conclusions of this research are as follows:(1) Long rapid development and the economic integration has accumulated enormous economic power for the region of the Yangtze River Delta, spurring the quickening of the regional integration process and the forming of the diverse collaboration-division relationship, but many difficulties are beginning to show, such as the tight supply of resources, serious environmental pollution, the convergence of industry structure, rising industry costs, increasing competitive pressure, and so on. During the regional economic development of the Yangtze River Delta and the evolution of the collaboration-division relationship, an inevitable result is achieving the internal industry upgrading with accelerating the outward transfer of industries. (2) The "center-outer" relationship between Anhui and the region of the Yangtze River Delta is apparent, with a strong complementary feature in the industrial structure. A significant gradient difference exists among many industries. Moreover, compared to other neighboring provinces, in undertaking the industry transfer of the Yangtze River Delta, Anhui enjoys remarkable overall advantages:a unique and unparalleled geographical location, a complete industry system, and an effective industrial support system. (3) Anhui’s undertaking the industry transfer of the Yangtze River Delta has been in good shape:large-scale industry transfer has already started, with the expanding of the investment scale. The industry transfer also spurs on the flowing of international capital into Anhui. Positive studies also show that there is a long stable balanced relationship between undertaking the industry transfer of the Yangtze River Delta and the economic growth of Anhui, promoting greatly the growth of GDP in Anhui. At present, however, the undertaking has no remarkable effect on the technological progress in Anhui. (4) Anhui’s undertaking the industry transfer of the Yangtze River Delta should be divided into three levels, and different levels of the region should have different undertaking purpose, methods and industries choice. In particular, industrial transfer demonstration region of the city-cluster along the Yangtze River in Anhui should be built into the growth pole of Anhui’s economic development, the backbone of industrialization and urbanization, and the country’s major base of advanced manufacturing and modern service industry. In addition, it is very important to properly handle relationship between the industrial transfer demonstration region of the city-cluster along the Yangtze River in Anhui and Hefei-Wuhu-Bengbu comprehensive innovation experimental zone, making the two strategics supplement each other, and promoting Anhui’s economic development rapidly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

