

Research on the Construction and Development Mode of New Urban District

【作者】 梁宏志

【导师】 卢哲安; 王乾坤;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文综合运用经济学、城市经营论、规划管理论、和谐发展观等理论与方法,对城市新区建设开发进行了全面、系统的研究。研究工作主要包括两个方面:理论部分主要包括城市新区建设开发模式的理论基础与依据、形成的机理与方式、主要类型与构建途径、实施的路径与评价方法;实证部分以佛山市东平新城建设开发为例,论证了理论部分提出的相关结论并提出了该新区建设开发的新模式。具体而言,本文主要包括如下七个部分:第一部分为导言。提出了城市新区建设开发模式研究的背景、目的与意义,系统归纳总结了城市新区以及规划研究、城市新区建设开发、城市新区发展模式的国内外研究现状,给出了本文研究的内容、方法与技术路线;第二部分为城市新区的基本概念与开发借鉴分析。给出了城市新区的定义,揭示了城市新区的三者结合的综合区域、与母城保持一定距离及规模性、较高的环境和质量水平等特征,论述了城市新区产生的内因及外因分别为城市空间发展的自身要求、国家经济的快速发展与产业布局的需要、城市化进程、协调区域发展的需要、市场利益的驱动、政府的推动,通过与国内外典型城市新区开发的比较,认为做好综合的新城规划、明确建设目标与功能定位,制定并完善相关配套的法律和政策,保证持续、充足的资金来源和渠道,成立新城建设专门的开发及管理机构,注重政府与市场的互动发展可以作为我国城市新区开发的经验借鉴;第三部分为城市新区开发建设模式的理论基础。给出了城市新区建设开发模式的定义与内涵,比较分析了国内外典型新区开发模式的特征及优缺点,论述了基于区域经济学、生态经济学、产业经济学、城市经营论的城市新区建设开发模式的内涵与表征;第四部分为城市新区建设开发模式的形成机理。剖析了城市新区建设开发模式形成的链群机理、和谐机理、演化机理,认为城市空间结构演化具有圈层蔓延、连片扩展、分片组团、轴线带状、飞地跨跃五种空间形态的演化方式;第五部分为城市新区建设开发的模式选择。论述了城市新区的三种形成模式,探讨了政府主导、市场主导、政府—市场协作等三种城市新区建设开发模式的内涵与特点,分别从选择依据、选择方法、目标模式的确立出发,阐述了城市新区建设开发模式的选择机理,提出了政府主导下的政治、经济、社会、生态四维和谐建设开发的全新模式;第六部分为城市新区建设开发模式的实施与保障措施。分别从组织架构、实施思路、战略重点论述了城市新区建设开发模式实施的方案设计,探讨了政府-市场-利益相关者“三元要素支撑体系”、政府引导-产业发展-文化培育-生态保护“四环结构支撑体系”、城市规划管理技术与政策制度“二维工具支撑体系”。第七部分为案例分析。从区域协调发展、城市经营管理、生态经济理念等角度揭示了佛山东平新城建设开发模式选择的基本思路,总结了东平新城政府主导下的政治、经济、社会、生态四维和谐建设开发模式的内涵,从政府主导、产业发展、文化内涵、生态保护等角度论述了政治、经济、社会、生态四维和谐建设开发模式实施的要点。

【Abstract】 This dissertation took the comprehensive and systematic research on the construction and development of new urban district, comprehensive using theories and methods of economics, urban management theory and the harmonious development. Research work mainly includes two aspects:theoretical part which mainly includes theoretical basis and reference, the formation mechanism and method, main types and construct way, the path of implementation and evaluation method of new urban district’s construction-development modes; empirical part which took Dongping new urban district’s construction and development in Foshan city for example, demonstrated conclusions proposed in theoretical part, and proposed modes of this new urban district’s construction and development. Specifically, this dissertation mainly included these seven parts:The first part is introduction. In this part, we proposed background, purpose and meaning of research on new urban district’s construction-development modes; systematically summarized current research at home and abroad of new urban district and planning, construction and development of new urban district, modes of new urban district’s development; provided the dissertation’s content, method and the technical route.The second part is basic concept and development reference analysis of new urban district. In this part, we provided new urban district’s definition; revealed new urban district’s features of comprehensive regional, keeping a distance to the mother city and large-scale, high quality level and the environment; discussed internal and external causes, which respectively were requirements of urban spatial development, requirements of national economy’s rapid development and industrial layout, requirements of urbanization and regional development’s coordination, driven by the market interest and government’s promotion, of new urban district’s production; by comparing with typical urban district development of home and abroad, we got development of domestic new urban district’s experiences and references:do well integrated new urban district’s planning, clear construction goals and functional positioning, develop and implement relevant laws and policies, ensure sustained, adequate funds and channels, establish special development and management agencies for new urban district’s construction, and notice interactive development of government and the market.The third part is theoretical basis of new urban district’s construction-development modes. This part provided definition and connotation of new urban district’s construction-development modes; comparative analyzed features, advantages and disadvantages of typical urban district development at home and abroad; discussed connotation and characterization of new urban district’s construction-development modes based on regional economics, ecological economics, industrial economics and urban management theory.The fourth part is the formation mechanism of new urban district’s construction-development modes. This part analyzed formation’s chain mechanism, harmonious mechanism and evolution mechanism of new urban district’s construction-development modes; proposed that urban spatial structure evolution had five evolution modes of space form such as circle-shape spread, syn- tablets expansion, piece-wise group, axis ribbon and enclaves span.The fifth part is selection of new urban district’s construction-development modes. In this part, we discussed three forming patterns of new urban district; and also discussed connotation and characteristics of three new urban district’s construction-development modes which were the government leading, market-based, government and market interaction; described selection mechanism of new urban district’s construction-development modes from the establishment of selection, selection methods and target mode; proposed a new mode of political, economic, social and ecological thinking construct and develop harmoniously under the guidance of the government.The sixth part is implementation and evaluation of new urban district’s construction-development modes. This part discussed the design of implementation of new urban district’s construction-development modes; also discussed "ternary elements supporting system" of the government-market-stakeholders, "four loops structural support system" of the government guidance-industrial development culture-ecological protection and "two-dimensional tools support system" of urban planning-management technology and policy system.The final part is case analysis. We revealed the basic idea of construction-development modes’selection of Dongping new urban district in Foshan city from regional harmonious development, urban management and ecological-economic reasons, etc; summarized four-dimensional harmonious connotation of four-dimensional harmonious construction-development modes of Political, economic, social and ecological benefits under the Dongping government’s guidance; discussed the key of four-dimensional harmonious construction-development modes Implementing from angles of government leading, industrial development, cultural connotation and ecological protection.

  • 【分类号】TU984.18
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】2468
  • 攻读期成果

