

A Study on Wuhan Modern City Planning History

【作者】 董菲

【导师】 李百浩;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 历史城市与建筑修复工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1949-2009年是中国现代社会相对独立的时间单元,新的意识形态和与之相适应的社会制度在创建、摸索中逐步成熟,并被融入国际化的潮流中。武汉现代城市规划作为一个城市案例、一类专项制度、一种地域文化的体现,在思想、理论、技术、体系等方面均呈现了比较独特的形态。论文的第一章为绪论部分,主要对本文研究对象和范围进行界定,并在介绍国内外研究状况、选题意义、研究方法的基础上,阐明本研究的目的是力图全面考察1949-2009年武汉现代城市规划的历史地位。第二章在回顾武汉乃至中国近现代城市规划历史轨迹基础上,对其进行分代、分期、分段的划分,并重点界定1949-2009年的分段内容和城市规划的类型;第三、四、五章从武汉城市规划发展的历史背景与城市化发展进程等角度着手,分三个时期详细考察武汉城市规划从近代规划的自发延续开始,不同历史时期引入的规划理论和实践摸索,直至目前融入全球化进程的发展历程,同时对三个历史时期进行阶段划分和规划活动分析,总结各阶段的主要特征。第六章从城市规划体系建构的角度,重点对其子系统城市规划管理体系和城市规划编制体系的相互关系进行历史考察,从国家及地方的行政建构、法律规范颁布、技术编制磨合等方面来综合讨论武汉现代城市规划行政、技术、法制体系的演变特征,也体现了武汉城市规划在中国现代社会中的范型特征和借鉴意义。第七章对现代社会60年间武汉城市规划历史特征进行全面总结,并探讨了后续研究方向。

【Abstract】 The period between the year of 1949 to 2009 is a stage that the new ideology and social system was explored and matured gradually. It was eventually involved in the trend of international. As an urban case study, a special systems, a local culture, the urban planning of Wuhan City shows a relatively unique form in the aspects of thought, theory, technology, system and so on so forth.The first chapter of the paper mainly defines the objective and scope of the study. Based on the study of existing situation, significance of the topic and research methods, it illustrates that the purpose of the study is to have a comprehensive study for the modern city planning of Wuhan in the history between 1949 and 2009. The second chapter gives sub-phases and sub-division in reviewing the city of Wuhan as well as the historical development. Additionally, it defines the content and the types of urban planning in the period. From the view of the historical background and perspective of the development process of urbanization, the chapter three, four and five classifies the historical period into three stages and explores the theory and practice of urban planning in each stage. At the same time, it analyzes the planning activities and summarizes the main characteristics in different phases.From the view of establishing the urban planning system, the chapter six focuses on the relationship between urban planning drawing-up system and its sub-systems of urban planning management. It discusses the evolution characteristics of administrative system, technical system and legal system by analyzing the establishment of administrative system, the promulgation of legal norms, and the development of technology in national and local levels. The case of Wuhan urban planning is producing as successful sample which could be applied in the other places of modern China.The chapter seven conducts a comprehensive summary of the historical features the historical characteristics of the social development in the recent 60 years. It also discusses the future research directions.


