

Research on Coral Firm-Based Networked Innovationon in Industrial Cluster

【作者】 高映红

【导师】 刘国新;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 核心企业是指那些在产业集群中具有一定生产规模和市场地位,拥有较强技术创新能力,产品和技术在行业中处于领先地位,且具有一定的集群根植性,对集群中其他企业及整个集群的发展具有重要影响的企业。核心企业对其他企业及集群的影响尤其表现在技术创新方面。所谓基于核心企业的集群网络式创新是指产业集群中的核心企业与上下游企业、同行企业、以及相关组织在交互作用与协同的创新过程中,通过彼此的交流与沟通,建立起能够促进创新的正式和非正式的网络关系,以促进知识和其它资源的共享,实现创新目标。基于核心企业的集群网络式创新具有层次性,分为创新核心层、辅助层和支持层,各层次相互作用相互联系,构成一个完整的创新体系。基于核心企业的集群创新网络的形成及发展受多种因素的影响,主要包括社会接近性、集群产业结构、企业战略、集群资源环境等等。利用改进的无标度模型模拟了基于核心企业的集群创新网络。根据核心企业的特点和集群创新网络的演化规律,引入适应度和度两个参数来构造联结概率,同时加入了模体增长。根据该模型所得到的网络具有无标度性和小世界性。模拟结果证明:有核心企业存在的集群创新网络是非均质的,核心企业的网络中心度较高,对整个集群的技术创新和知识扩散影响深远。创新网络具有一定的集聚效应,有利于培育信任关系和促进隐性知识扩散,但企业容易导致锁定风险。核心企业和小世界效应的存在使知识扩散速度更快。当其它企业联系很少时,网络的无标度特性很强,具有明显的鲁棒性和脆弱性,显示出核心企业的作用尤为突出;而当企业联系加强时,核心企业的影响会弱化。网络能力和吸收能力是核心企业的重要能力,在集群网络式创新和知识扩散中发挥重要作用。核心企业的网络能力能帮助其选择、识别网络机会,规划与运行创新网络,通过建立社会关系资本获取创新资源,实现创新目标。核心企业知识吸收能力强,技术创新水平高,并且由于其较强的网络能力,在内能够领导和管理一个创新网络,对外能够建立各种合作关系和协作网络,而且自身也处于网络关系中的信息和知识交汇的中心位置,通过较强的知识吸收能力将内外部知识吸收、消化,并向创新网络中的企业扩散,促进新的技术成果和知识的生成,从而使集群竞争能力提高。集群创新网络治理机制能保证创新网络的有序运作、对合作伙伴的行为起到制约与调节作用的正式与非正式的规范与准则的总和。创新网络的治理机制的研究应遵循权变的观点,考虑到创新网络的实际特点。信任是创新网络治理的核心机制。信任的形成与效用的发挥是一个动态过程。信任可以通过一定的方法和途径主动培育。核心企业的网络权力对创新网络的治理有重要作用。网络权力包括:奖赏(reward)、强制(coercion)、法定(legitimate)、专家(expert)、参照(referent)五种。基于核心企业网络权力治理下的创新网络体现出的是核心企业的战略意图,核心企业主导着技术创新方向,宏观文化和价值观等受核心企业的影响比较大,知识传递效率较高。但网络权力治理存在风险。

【Abstract】 Coral firms are firms with a certain level of local embeddedness, with strong market position and innovation ability, and who has a distinct competitive advantage above other companies. Coral firms affect other members and the whole cluster deeply, especially in technology innovation.It has been a challenge around world how to improve the innovation ability of industrial cluster through networked innovations. Research on cluster innovation network often ignores heterogeneity of firms, which is proved to have very important impact on the development of network.In a cluster, actors on all levels connect and interact with each other during innovation, and develop into a special network. A coral firm is often dominant in technology development. Coral firm-based innovation means that actors including coral firm itself, suppliers, customers, other organizations, and even rivals interact and cooperate to form normal/business and social network to promote the sharing of knowledge and other resources to achieve innovation objectives. Core enterprise-based innovation are hierarchical systems that can be divided into core layer, auxiliary layer and supporting layer.Scale-free model is used to simulate innovation network according to the growth law of enterprise networks. Connection probability is decided by fitness and degree, plus mode growth. The network formed are scale-free with a small world effect. Conclusion:The network is heterogeneous with high centrality of coral firms who thus have far-reaching impact on innovation and knowledge diffusion of the whole network. Clustering effect of the network is conducive to trust and tacit knowledge transfer, but with a risk of lock-in. The existence of coral firms and small world can make knowledge diffusion faster. With fewer connection between other members, the scale-free network is robust and fragile, showing particuliarly important role of hubs(coral firms). When more linkages strengthened, the impact of coral firms will be weakenedNetwork capacity is necessary for coral firms in their choosing, identifying networking opportunities, planning and managing Innovation networks, and getting social capital for innovation. Networking ability, together with knowledge absorption capacity help coral firms to catch, assimilate and transfer knowledge from internal and exteranl sources to benefit itself and other members. The objective of governance of innovation network is to constraint and coordinate the behavior of members to ensure the orderly operation of innovation network. Governance mechanisms are formal and informal norms and criteria combined to adjust and restrict the behavior of members to ensure orderly operation of a innovation network. Trust is the central mechanism of network governance. Trust is dynamic, and can be cultivate deliberately.Network power includes reward, coercion, legitimate, expert and referent, which have different effects in network governance. Network controlled by netwok power is subject to strategic intention of coral firms. Core firms dominate the direction of technological innovation and knowledge transferring efficiency is higher. But governance by power can also cause risks.


